WRNUs kreativitetskalender 2020


Lättkränkt cancelkultur-kommunist
28 Dec 2002
December! Julkalendrarnas tid är kommen. Och givetvis ska vi öppna luckor tillsammans även i år, tänker jag.
  • Tillsammans strävar vi efter att öppna en lucka per dag fram till julafton.
  • Det finns ingen gräns för hur många luckor som kan öppnas på samma dag. Det kan finnas flera luckor med samma siffra.
  • Man "öppnar en lucka" genom att posta ett inlägg.
  • I inlägget ska följande finnas med:
    • En kort beskrivning av vad som finns på utsidan av luckan, förutom siffran.
    • Valfritt: ett julrim relaterat till innehållet.
    • Ett innehåll, lagt inom spoilertaggar för maximal luck-känsla.
  • Innehållet ska vara något man skapat till något rollspel. Eller det kan ju vara ett rollspel också, om man hunnit bygga ett. Det kan vara en husregel man just kom på, en SLP som kan slängas in någonstans, det kan vara ett vapen med stats, en ny klass till D&D, en ny bakgrund till Rotsystem, en mini-dungeon, en häftig organisation, ett äventyrsfrö, en inspirerande mening eller nästan vad som helst som faller under kategorin "skapande" och "rollspel".
  • Skulle vi som kollektiv missa en dag så gör det inte jättemycket, men om man är den förste som postar något nästföljande dag så är det helt OK att numrera sitt inlägg retroaktivt.
Så… Från och med i morgon (eller tekniskt sett 00:01 i natt) är det alltså fritt fram!


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
Den första i en samling,
av världar, långt bort i rum och tid
tjugofyra platser med drama och handling
ger oss Star Wars-julefrid!

Bryx is a somewhat isolated planet in the Bryx sector of the Mid rim, not far from the prison camp world of Wobani. The Empire had to fight long and hard to gain control over Bryx, as the local governor, Carigan, refused to surrender. He was a great strategist and put up a stubborn defense, and even after his eventual defeat, Bryx was plagued by several heavily armed insurgent groups. They hid among the population in order to launch surprise attacks against the Imperial presence, not seldom resorting to terror tactics. The imperial factories on Bryx thus had to keep security particularly tight. Several KX-series Enforcer droids were assigned to the factories to keep the workers, both droids and humans, in line, and discourage any terrorist threats to the production schedule.

Bryx is tidally locked to its host star, the red dwarf Mimos. The habitable twilight zone between the planet's sunlit, scorched side and its dark, frozen side is completely covered in a dense, ancient cityscape of tall domes, once resplendent, now derelict, and factories spewing out clouds of black smoke. Torrential rains often fall over the megacity, as clouds from the dark side of the planet evaporate in the blistering heat of the sunlit side. Bryx city was once, long ago, a celebrated place of culture and repose, known for its twilight beauty, but various companies gradually dismantled its civil rights and traditions in order to make labor cheaper, and eventually succeded in turning the city to the wretched, industrial hellhole that it is today. The inhabitants are chiefly humans, though they need to use breathing filters if they hope for a moderately long life. There's also noteworthy populations of Gands, Toghnats, Umbarans and Pykes, the latter of which are seldom deterred by horrible conditions as long as they get to be in charge. One occasionally encounters Twi'lek entertainers in more or less miserable conditions, as well as Whiphid indentured workers tasked with making sure that industrial waste in the cold sea near the night side gets buried under its perpetual ice sheet. No one truly wants to come to Bryx anymore, and the Empire has resorted to forced immigration in order to fill up gaps in the workforce.

The shadows lie deep and dark in Bryx' eternal twilight, and unless they are chased away by artificial lights, they do so forever. Strange and twisted things seem to lurk in such shadows, and an eerie feeling may come to Force sensitive beings. Those in the eternal shadows of Bryx are always considered to have at least two levels of concealment. In urban encounters, a character may spend 1 advantage to find a shadow to hide in.

Urban worlds, Hellholes
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Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
En värld av kratrar och krevader
med fienden så nära, och ändå så långt bort
en plats för möjligheter och bravader
om ej ditt liv blir kort

600px-Rhommamool.jpgAn impoverished desert world originally settled by convicts from nearby Osarian, Rhommamool has since broken free of Osarian's yoke, but at a high cost. The planet is lacking in most resources, including water, and what little surplus its underdeveloped mines can produce is traded for basic supplies. To make matters worse, Rhommamool and Osarian are perpetually at war. Even the much more prosperous Osarian lack any fleet to speak of, but every few years, the two planets pass perilously close to each other. This is very dangerous when hostilities flare up, for both have vast batteries of gigantic turbolasers and missile turrets aimed into space, that then becomes capable of hitting the enemy world. Rhommamool's surface is littered with craters from Osarian bombardments, many of them lined with ruins of destroyed settlements, abandoned to the winds and the red sands. Most inhabited towns are built around muddy oases, and seem to exist solely to maintain a gargantuan cannon.

The capital of Rhommamool, Redhaven, is a wretched settlement of withering stone, with many arced doorways and domed buildings reminding spacers of old Corellian architecture. Crime is rampant, as some can't find any other way to get by, with theft, muggings and kidnappings in order to extort money or sell slaves being particularly common. Peace is maintained by an elected vigilante committee, among them the retired bounty hunter Barax Mosel, whose preferred mode of punishment seem to be to strap offenders to the muzzle of the city's largest cannon. The lack of drinking water makes the cantinas a very dissappointing experience, with only a limited selection of drinks available, and for very high prices. Despite this, the need for imports makes the spaceport relatively lively, with several mid-sized freighters arriving daily. Several missions and humanitarian organisations maintain a presence, as the sorry state of Rhommamool's inhabitants has become well-known on the prosperous core worlds. Ships such as the Freightful Fortune airdrops relief supplies in more remote areas of Rhommamool at an irregular schedule.

Frequent cold temperatures and high winds, thin atmosphere, pickpockets, muggings, kidnappings, planetwide desert with very little liquid water (a mortal threat), occasional interplanetary barrages from Osarian (extremely mortal threat).

Rhommamool's atmosphere is breathable, but thin enough that most species get 1 setback dice to any physical skill checks that requires endurance.

When Osarian is close, its giant silhouette lights up Rhommamool's night sky so much that any setback dice one would normally get for darkness can be ignored.

Desert worlds, Hellholes, Backwaters

The Freightful Fortune
An old yet trustworthy TL-1200 Transport, the Freightful Fortune nowadays mostly takes part in freelance relief efforts financed by various benefactors. Its crew are known for their jaded attitude and unfailing commitment to deliver supplies to where they are needed, even if they mostly do it by airdrop so they don't actually have to land amidst potentially aggressive, armed and desperate locals.

Except for two Gran, the six-person strong crew consists of members of more or less aquatic species, somehow making sure that the interior of the ship always has a humid feel and smells strongly of pickled fish and stir-fried kelp. Most of the crew are rugged old spacers, in particular the Herglic captain Kaulu and the Quarren astrogator Carinor, and have very relaxed routines - and fashion sense.


Lawful evil
30 Jan 2013
2. På luckans utsida syns jultomten flyga över natthimlen i en raketdriven släde.

Traditionell T100 - Ett procentbaserat regelsystem för rollspel
Jag hade helt glömt bort kreativitetskalendern. Sedan påminde @DanielSchenström mig om dess existens och jag fick ett infall att göra klart en speltestversion av ett procentbaserat regelsystem som jag knåpat med. Utöver traditionell BRP lånar det friskt ur mina andra regelsystem. Dessutom fick en bearbetad version av mentalistreglerna som jag skrev till Köpman i röd zon åka med. Jag har alltid tyckt att procentbaserade system passar bäst till spel i nutid eller framtid. Nu finns det ingen direkt spelvärld till detta regelsystem men jag har i alla fall har jag haft sådant som X-Files, The Abyss, Sphere och Ad Astra i tankarna. Det skulle kanske kunna bli nåt i framtiden. Nu är det som sagt bara regler för speltest men förhoppningsvis hyfsat funktionella i alla fall. Alla synpunkter mottas tacksamt.


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
Svavel och syraregn härskar här,
bland taggar och tystnad.
Vad är det som ruvar, i Bnars biosfär -
monoliterna är väl inte bara prydnad?

En planet jag utsatte de stackars rollpersonerna för, starkt inspirerad av dokumentären "Into Eternity".

Bnar VIISulfur_planet.jpg
A mysterious, isolated planet in the Braxant Sector on the outskirts of the galaxy, Bnar VII is the site of the infamous Terminus prison. Except for the prison, the planet seem devoid of sapient life, though its sulfur-dominated biosphere is capable of supporting various strange animals. The barren, twisted landscape is dotted with utterly bizarre spikes and thorns of stone, several meters tall, that can hardly have been formed by any known natural process. The native animals, for some reason, seem to glow with a faint green light whenever they approach these stone structures.

Sulphuric acid rains, blistering heat, poisonous atmosphere (a mortal threat), vast amounts of ancient radioactive waste (a mortal threat).

  • Any physical check on Bnar VII gets a setback dice from the blistering heat.
  • Exposure to Bnar VII's atmosphere without breathing filters and a face mask gives an additional setback dice, plus damage over time. The deleterious effect is relatively slow; characters take 1 unsoakable wound per minute, and can halve this rate by controlling their breathing trough a Hard Discipline check. In combat or during physical extertion, threats can be spent by the game master to cause 1 such unsoakable wound per threat.
  • Indirect exposure to Bnar VII's ancient nuclear waste forces a Hard Resilience check (upgraded once) every encounter. Failure gives 3 strain + 1 additional strain per threat rolled. A despair instead causes wounds (unsoakable); at the game master's discretion, Rivals and Minions can lose consciousness outright. Direct exposure is a Daunting Resilience check upgraded twice. Failure gives 3 unsoakable wounds + 1 additional wound per threat rolled. A despair causes a critical injury with +30. A character struck with this must continue to make such Resilience checks regularly unless given successful treatment.

Hellholes, Ghost Worlds, Penal Worlds

The Terminus Prison
The Terminus is one of the galaxy's most feared prisons, dismally isolated on the eerie planet Bnar VII. The planet is thought to be uninhabited except for the prison and its population, and the hostile, sulfur-dominated biosphere makes any escape attempt pure suicide. Supply and prisoner transport ships (The Star Slammer and the Final Tally) arrive only rarely, and if the prison personnel keeps any smaller starship for emergencies, it's a well-guarded secret.

The Terminus prison was originally constructed centuries ago by the lords of Dubrillion, to house political prisoners and dangerously influential nobles who'd fallen prey to various intrigues. The facility was later bought and massively renovated and expanded by the enterprising Muuns of Muunilist, who intended to make money from it. These income opportunities never really materialized, Bnar VII was too remote and had this strange, foreboding air about it; sensible people left it alone. But lately, the Muun managed to wrest some income from leasing the prison to the Galactic Empire, finally making it break even...barely. The latest administrator, Mok Januun, thought long and hard about how to increase this income further, and then, accidentally discovered that there was a valuable mineral in the earth.

The prison itself lies in a valley in the southern hemipshere, framed by jagged peaks and littered with monolith-like stone formations, jutting out at odd angles. Here and there the landscape is marred by dikes, holes, muddy slopes and deep pits, all remnants of the prisoners' enforced digging for "braxantium", as the mineral has been dubbed. The Terminus takes the form of a central low cylinder, its insides forming a panopticon with guard tower in the middle and prison cells along the walls. This central building, "the A block", has a large annex forming the entrance and administrative quarters, and a series of squat towers connected to the A block via covered bridges. These towers contain, among other things, medbays, solitary confinement cells, and a water processing plant where Bnar VII's sulphur acid rivers are converted to potable water suitable for most species. There's also an underground hangar housing the various landspeeders used to get the prisoners out to the digging sites.


Nin geed gali jirey geed loo ma galo
Staff member
4 Dec 2010
Lucka 4:

Jag är inte ovanligt fin
Jag har ett sadistiskt grin
Mina öron är sedan länge väck
Jag dödar dig om du är fräck

Bruno Vulneraria är en muterad kanin som är bosatt i den cyberpunkiga megastaden Neapel. Han växte upp i slummen och har genom livet härdats till att bli en fullständigt samvetslös sociopat. Han har många liv på sitt samvete och har lurat, bedragit hotat, utpressat, manipulerat och mördat ett dussin personer för att få det han vill ha i livet. Bruno har en aggressiv framtoning och en våldsam läggning. Han har under hela sin uppväxt blivit hånad och trakasserad på grund av det faktum att han är en muterad kanin. Han har därför gjort allt som står i hans makt för att se brutal och farlig ut: Han har slitit bort sina långa öron, han har täckt överdelen av sitt ansikte med kosmetisk cybernetik och har därmed en stålpanna med vassa spikar och cybernetiska ögon med ett rött, hotfullt sken. Han har även opererat bort sina kanintänder och låtit inplantera vassa huggtänder istället. Om någon skulle påpeka att han är en kanin blir han alldeles vansinnig och går till besinningslöst anfall.



Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Lucka 4


Besvärjelse till Kopparhavets hjältar

Åkalla demonen Sator
(Ritual) 5T6; (Kontrollera) 3T6 Svårighet: Utmanande
Slag: (Ritual) Trolldom, Lärdom, Insikt, Viljestyrka; (Kontrollera) Motsatt Trolldom mot Viljestyrka
Du åkallar Sator, en skinande metalldemon av regnbågsskimmrande orikalk. Sator har särdraget Maktgalen. Om du inte lyckas kontrollera demonen försöker den slita med dig tillbaka till sin metalldimension - ett mostatt slag mot demonens Styrka (90). Se reglerna för att få för mycket Skuld.Sator är kvar under magikerns kontroll till nästa soluppgång eller solnedgång eller tills han återvänder till sin hemvärld.
Sator kan:
- Lämna en tacka av orikalk hos magikern, värd 1T100 s. Därefter försvinner Sator till sin hemvärld.
- Lära ut Taktik, Lärdom eller Lagkunskap. Därefter försvinner Sator till sin hemvärld.
- Smida om ett koppar- eller orikalkvapen med sina bara händer, vilket ökar dess kvalitet till God. Därefter försvinner Sator till sin hemvärld.


1 Feb 2006
På denna bild ser vi en glad skäggig man som tittar beundrande på sig själv i en spegel

Dessa kommer i många varianter
Men ses oftare på gubbar än det gör på tanter
Likt väl som det kan klia och vara till besvär
Så kan det se nice ut på den man håller kär

Kommer man våga ta på sig tomtemasken i år? Man kanske känner sig skakig och tror att den stora DM i himlen kanske ger en minus på räddningsslaget. Denna monsterbeskrivning skavde.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Lucka 6

Det sägs att om man säger hans namn tre gånger framför en kittel hortronsylt så kommer han från sin sötsliskiga smältugnsdimension och hämtar en. Sånt trams! Se själv - Kaotska, Kaotska, KaotskaAAARGGH!

Besvärjelse till Kopparhavets hjältar

Åkalla demonen Kaotska
(Ritual) 7T6; (Kontrollera) 5T6 Svårighet: Svårt
Slag: (Ritual) Trolldom, Lärdom, Insikt, Viljestyrka; (Kontrollera) Motsatt Trolldom mot Viljestyrka
Du åkallar Kaotska - en klibbig och ångande dödsrikesdemon. Om du inte lyckas kontrollera demonen sliter den automatisk med dig till sin ugnsheta dödsdimension- Akaostk. Se reglerna för att få för mycket Skuld, och ta 5T6 i skada från brännskador. Kaotska är kvar under magikerns kontroll till jul, eller tills han återvänder till sin hemvärld.
Kaotska kan:
- angripa en motståndare i en angränsande zon med en förrödande kasta-ko-attack. Kasta ko 70. Skada 12T6.
- jaga och angripa en motståndare, först genom feberdrömmar, sedan sannsyner och till sist en dödlig attack. Räknas som kraftfull motståndare.
- laga en urläcker desserträtt av mjöl, mjölk och ostlöpe. Öppna alla slag för Utstrålning mot de som smakat delikatessen fem snäpp.
Därefter återvänder Kaotska till sin hemdimension med ett lätt pysande ljud.
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Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
Dags att ta igen missade luckor! Sorry!

4 (retroaktivt!)

En ecumenopolis där det bor
bland fallna skrapor och vägar
fula muppar, mången biljon;
Vulpter, där podracing hägrar


650px-Vulpter.jpgVulpter is a once-great planet in the Deep Core, home to the sturdy Vulptereen species. A runway greenhouse effect has left the whole world wreathed in thick, purple and more or less poisonous clouds, though the megalopolises on the surface has somehow been spared and, though heavily polluted, seem habitable even for baseline humans. But Vulpter's former industrial and commercial prowess has been diminishing for centuries if not millennia, and left much of the planet's cities half-abandoned, an almost post-apocalyptic landscape of withered concrete, collapsed bridges and towering skyscrapers of broken glass, eerily empty. Still, colossal starships roam the cloudy skies, reliably delivering consumables to the planet's population, and several major galactic companies still maintain a presence. Much of the planet's famous industries, especially droid and starship manufacturing, has in latter years moved to the famous Orbital Advertisement Ring, which is also the scene for bi-annual Pod racing events that draw crowds of connoiseurs from all over the galaxy.

Heavy pollution, collapsed ecosystem, toxic rain, collapsing ancient skyscrapers, muggings, marauding gangs, pod racing accidents.

In the holonet news
Charbi Port Security, the police force of the megalopolis of Charbi, was recently severely embarrased by a team of rogues in an unknown Ghtroc vessel, who managed to not only rescue several dangerous convicts from an Imperial convoy, but also defeat an Imperial Judge and his entourage. They then outran a whole fleet of the Port Security's recently acquired Pinook fighters, and there's now rumors among the higher-ups that that cheap batch of sub-par fighters might have been a really, really bad investement.

Urban worlds

Addon: Pinook Fighter
The Pinook fighter is a starfighter manufactured by Joraan Drive Systems.

Pinook Fighter.jpg
Compared to other starfighters in service during the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Pinook was underpowered, undergunned, poorly shielded, and inadequately armored. A worse than average craft all around, its only favorable quality was its better-than-average maneuverability, although it was still outperformed by a Z-95 Headhunter in this respect. In a one-on-one dogfight with a TIE/LN starfighter, only a lucky hit by the Pinook would prevent its quick annihilation.

Only marginally faster than the Y-wing, it had none of that craft's rugged durability. With a hull that was weaker than a TIE/IN interceptor's, and shields only half as powerful as an T-65 X-wing starfighter's, the Pinook was not a good match for modern starfighters.

Statblock (homebrew)
Silhouette: 3
Speed: 4
Handling: 0

Defense (F/P/S/A): 1/-/-/0

Armor: 2
Hull Threshold: 6
System Strain Threshold: 8

Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/Pinook
Manufacturer: Joraan Drive Systems
Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 1.5
Navicomputer: Yes
Sensor Range: Short
Crew: One pilot
Encumbrance Capacity: 3
Passenger Capacity: 0
Consumables: One week
Cost/Rarity: 50,000 credits/6
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapons: Twin light laser cannon (Fire Arc Front; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
5 (retro-kausalitet! yäy!)

Jag gillar när scifi är verklig
så Star Wars kanske inte är rätt.
Kanske är jag lite märklig
som envisas med planetologi, rätt och slätt.


The fifth out of sixteen planets in a crowded system around the star Rebak, Jarnollen is by far the most hospitable, despite a dangerous proximity to its volatile host star. The planet's 45° tilt produces dramatic seasons marked by rainstorms and thunder, resulting in most of the surface being humid jungles and swamps rather than lifeless deserts. Many remarkable lifeforms have evolved, adapted to deal with the blistering heat and frequent solar flares. The jungle is thick and dramatic, with dozens of meters tall trees, gigantic vines and enormous, oddly colored mushrooms.

While there are reports of strange ruins close to the south pole, Jarnollen isn't known to ever have been inhabited by sentient species, most of whom would find the conditions too harsh. The Empire have nevertheless established a small base near an equatorial mountain range, mainly as a communications relay, but also as a secret spaceport to project power over the Bright Jewel sector's more remote areas. Far from high-priority, the base seem to be staffed mainly by second-tier personnel like Imperial Navy troopers and newly examined pilots, and its fighter complement is a group of aged Alpha-3 Nimbus V-wings with hyperspace rings waiting in geostationary orbit. It has, however, a state-of-the-art energy shield to protect valuable communications equipment form the deleterious effect of the solar flares, and the soldiers have special visors to mitigate the extreme brightness of the sun.

Extreme heat (sometimes above 60°), strong and frequent solar flares, thunderstorms, poisonous mushroom spores, choking vines, Imperial Navy soldiers.

  • Any use of com links and other communications devices on Jarnollen always have a setback dice, due to the solar activity providing a scrambling effect.
  • Any combat, vigilance, perception, coordination or athletics check in daylight on Jarnollen gains a setback dice, unless one has special equipment or is in deep shadow.
  • At the start of every encounter, when exposed to sunlight, characters must make a difficult Resilience check, upgrade once (at the game master's discretion, it's instead a daunting check upgraded once). Any threat rolled gives strain. If a character fails the check, she suffers a setback dice on all checks for the rest of the encounter due to beginning heatstroke.
  • The game master may flip a destiny point to launch a solar flare. Characters exposed to a solar flare must make a difficult Resilience check, upgrade twice (at game master's discretion, it's instead a daunting check upgraded twice). Any threat rolled gives strain. Any failure gives wounds.
    • Droids too have to roll this, but it instead represents their electronics being scrambled or fried. Any two threats rolled gives wounds. On a failed check, the droid suffers a setback dice on all checks until repaired (normal difficulty upgrade once).

Jungle worlds


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis
6 (strax ikapp nu!)

Ibland kan man ångra sina val
och önska att man gjort mer av idéer.
För denna asteroid, ståtlig och sakral
är bättre än Star Wars klichéer.

Sava Primus

Sava Primus is a large asteroid in the outskirts of the Chandaar system. Facing the multicolored nebular cloud of the Cron Drift and the white-blue pulsar Anduur within it, Sava Primus has an exceptionally arresting view. The people of the old Kingdom of Cron considered Sava Primus sacred, and built a holy city on the asteroid, and filled it with temples to deities now forgotten. While the Cron Kingdom is long gone, the Holy City of Sava remains, and is an impressive sight indeed, a patchwork of gothic towers and domed structures built on the asteroid as well as within it. At certain intervalls, pulses of light from Anduur reaches Sava Primus and casts a magnificent glow over the city. But the light must have had a different hue in the past, before the Cron Drift came to be, and now it casts ominous shadows.

Time has not been to kind to the ancient temple city, and many of its systems have become dilapidated - the elevators are notoriously unreliable. The lower levels of the city, hewn into the asteroid itself, have long since become a hive of scum and villainy, and of the holy places themselves, many have been replaced by workshops, souvenir shops, or even large indoor markets. Pilgrims are often seen frequenting the gamling dens and strip clubs on the lower levels, and many shady dealings take place with the temple guards deliberately looking another way. But some of the oldest and grandest sanctums, such as the Hall of Pale Light, the Hall of Shadows and the Fane of the Neutron Fire are still sacred spaces full of tranquility and wonder.

Fane of the Neutron Fire
The largest temple hall of Sava, The Fane of the Neutron Fire celebrates the pale light of the neutron star Anduur, which the old Cronese people thought was the outer gate of the underworld. The ancient hall has walls of black stone covered in withered carvings, and a large pool of still, dark water. On a dais in the middle of the pool burns an eternal fire of a strange blue-white hue. Pilgrims walk out into the water by stepping on the leaves of water lotuses, and lights a candle on the eternal fire. The candle is then placed on a lotus leaf and left to float in the pool. The precise meaning of this ritual has been forgotten, but it is still observed by many visitors.

Several small stairwells leads away from this hall. One goes to the Hall of Shadows.

Asteroids, Temple Worlds, Force Vergences


Nybliven Stockholmshipster
18 May 2000
Malmö/Lund Metropolitan Axis

Cyberpunk med sniglar, onda och feta
bland smugglarmånens neon och förfall
- ni gör klokt i att vara diskreta!
För här kan er saga lätt bli all.

Nar Shaddaa

600px-Nar_Shaddaa.pngThe moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa has an unsavory reputation, often called "The Smugglers' Moon", "The Vertical City" or "The Cesspool of the Galaxy." It is an ecumenopolis, completely covered in layers upon layers of a decaying, filth-encrusted urban landscape. Its gargantuan skyscrapers and refueling spires are wreathed in clouds of smog, while crumbling stairwells and painfully slow elevators lead down through the layers into an increasingly lightless underworld. Neon signs and bright advertisements litter almost every street, though some of them seem to refer to products and places forgotten long ago. The Hutts, the masters of Nar Shaddaa, seem content to let chaos, corruption and vice reign supreme, while they profit from cutthroat business deals high up in the skyscrapers and simultaneously reap a good portion of the rewards from the myriad of shabby cantinas, hotels, nightclubs, brothels, contraband shops, gambling joints and drug dens that lies below. Security forces patrol only the most prestigious areas - everywhere else, the only security one can expect is the one that's personally paid for, by credits or by sworn allegiance to Hutt cartels. Almost nothing is illegal, and things that would be frowned upon elsewhere are barted in the open - contraband, exotic drugs, dangerous weapons, illicit cybernetics, slaves, bounties, and much stranger or sinister things. The almost complete lack of tariffs, regulations and oversight is what makes Nar Shaddaa a base of operation for smugglers from all over the galaxy, but also a haven for companies wishing to conduct questionable experiments or test unsafe products. Some would say that it is a testament to the callousness and the malice of the Hutts that they've let such a wretched place as Nar Shaddaa thrive in the galaxy. Others would just shake their head and say that Nar Shaddaa is precisely what the galaxy deserves.

Smog inhalation, falls from high platforms, speeder accidents, building collapses, kidnappings, spice overdoses, bad spice trips, veneral diseases, muggings, scams, press gangs, rapists, pickpockets, genetically engineered viruses, bar fights, gang shootouts, animal attacks (a mortal threat), psychotic killers (a mortal threat), techno-primitive cannibal gangs (a mortal threat), Hutt intrigues (a mortal threat).

The sheer chaos of Nar Shaddaa gives all checks to navigate the world a base of 1 setback die.

The slightly below average gravity gives any checks to jump, climb or run 1 boost die.

Urban worlds, Wretched Hives of Scum and Villainy