Nekromanti Subsurian RPG


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge

jeg har startet å leke meg med et sci-fi rollespill. Det skrives på engelsk, og det er meningen at engelsk skal være spillspråket. Tenkte jeg skulle poste utdrag av det her, etterhvert som det blir klart.

Tar gjerne imot kommentarer på de enkelte delene. Er de bra? Dårlige? Føler du at noe mangler? All ros og ris er velkommen!

Her er innledningen:

<font size="7"> Subsurian RPG</font size>

<font size="3">A futuristic roleplaying game
by Tomas HV Mørkrid
</font size>

This is a roleplaying game set to a future frighteningly close to us. It takes place some thirty years after the great Holycaust, in a sociocommercial empire including most inhabited star systems of the galaxy known as Milk.

The greatest empire in known space has been created witin your lifetime. You are now the proud electoral customer (ECU) of the Cosmocreative Union. With your ECU-status follows the right to buy newelection-combat and –lotteries, and the automatic consideration for participation in sociopolitical slogan-shows. You may also be hired for commercial use. Your rhetorical standing is on the verge of electoral consultant (ECO).

Some of your family members have not the fortune you possess, and suffers under the ban of being electoral clients (ECL). This is something of a problem for such an ambitious individual as yourself. Your egotrainer has stated that without the elevation of these members of your family to ECU-status, you will not be allowed to represent.

You will have to smoke them out in the burbs hanging on the fringes of the Subsurian Cities, the worst places to be, burbs outside the realms of sloganism. Luckily, you have a small hope for help, some of your sociostat-friends have the same electoral potential, and the same family-problem to deal with, so you have hired a virtual sociogame tonight, spending a strong credibility on it, hoping to buy mutualism in your cause.

The game start at evening, 1.spaceday, in the month of february, year 54 a.H. This year is the 20’th anniversary for the beatification of the Interstellar Sociopolitical Practice (ISP). The festivities will be of a magnitude not formerly experienced in Milk.


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
The Cosmocreative Union (CCU)

The Cosmocreative Union (CCU)</font size>
Every individual within the Union have two defining traits: the credibility and the electoral status. The credibility defines your power to purchase. The electoral status defines your personal and social rights.

The credibility standing of electorals within the union varies a great deal. Normally the credibility of high status electorals are way beyond the credibility of clients, but this is not always so. Some clients are ”billysuckers”, making themselves a strong credibility on shady businesses within the sloganless burbs, trading in anything from status to billifications.

<font size="3">The creative union of individuals</font size>
The creative union of individuals is the basis of sociocommerce. The individuals are expected to ”Go for gold!” (an old and well known winning-slogan). The ruling council expect every individual to invest his credibility to potentiate his own goals, as well as the goals of the Union. ”Live to potentiate!” was the winning slogan of last newelection.

The status of individuals are divided into four niveaus. The electoral client, the electoral customer, the electoral consultant, and the electoral representative. The client is at the paralytic bottom. The representative is at the decisive top.

The electoral client (ECL) live a paralytic life. He is regarded a parasite on the creative union of individuals. He is paralysed in regards to participation in sociocommerce. The client has a few personal rights, within the confines of his residence, but is left with no social rights. He is not permitted to participate in newelections, neither combat, nor lotteries. The client may not win. He may purchase within the confines of his burb, but his purchase is restricted to the primary fields of infotainment (viewer–mode) and body-chemicals (cosmetics and nutritions).

The electoral customer (ECU) live a commercial life. Being the bulk of electorals in the Union the customers are highly sought after by the cities and commerce of the galaxy. They have the right to buy newelections, and may win credibility with the rise of their representatives. The customers may also participate in sociopolitical slogan-shows, winning the right to bid for consultant-status. The customer may also administrate burbian operations, but only under the franchise of higher level corporations, of course.

The electoral consultant (ECO) live a highly sophisticated sociocommercial life. Being the peak-electorals in the Union, and eligible for representation, the consultants are employed by both cities and commerce throughout the galaxy. They share rights with the customers, but also enjoy the right to become representatives by newelection. The consultants may host sociopolitical slogan-shows, virtual sociogames and venture-adventures. He may administrate corporations on the planetary level, and have the right to franchise. And the consultant has the right to act as champion in combat-resolution, for any representative buying his services.

The electoral representative (ERECT) live a decisive life. The representatives fill the ranks within city councils, commercial councils, and The Great Cosmocreative Council of the Union. The representative have been newelected, and by that act he has earned the decisive rights within the Union. He enjoys great personal and social freedom throughout the galaxy. He share rights with the consultants, but also enjoy the right to degrade any one electoral beneath himself. He may institute and direct galactic networks, making his mind felt through the star systems through his ingenious programming. He has the power to invent new slogan-shows, virtual sociogames and venture-adventures, and may propose legislation for combat-resolution within the various councils he has representation in. He may administrate cosmocorporations, have the right to franchise on any level, and may choose to virtuate himself the moment his credibility allows it. The representative is erect among the creative union of individuals.

More stuff is coming!
Comments are welcomed!


Sinister eater
27 Jun 2001
Re: The Cosmocreative Union (CCU)

Jag gillar verkligen känslan. Du har fångat språket, stilen, stämningen perfekt.

Enda egentliga haken jag ser är att en sådan värld kan vara lite svårspelad, jag ser inte riktigt var spelarna bäst kommer in och hur samhället passar för dem. Det kommer antagligen efterhand som du fyller på.

Jag tror att man bäst spelar det här med en hög TV-apparater i rummet, alla satta på att loopa olika reklaminslag (Naturligtvis bara menlös image-reklam, ingen rolig reklam. Enbart "se hur många tjejer och kompisar du får om du dricker Coca Cola"-grejen.).


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
Core of the Union

<font size="7">Core of the Union</font size>
The Union is ruled by legislation, corporations, and cities. Much of the most important legislations has been blessed, and is considered ”unchangeable” for eternity. The corporations are mighty, dynamic, and the commercial-inventive fuel of the Union. The cities are considered the sociopatterned core of the Union, with their conservative city-councils, their many customer-burbs, and their well-maintained virtual networks.

The Cosmocreative Citycouncil (CCCC) - the state-ruling assembly of city- and commerce-representatives (newelected in various ways, mostly by virtual election combat). Established under the great galactic war, as an alliance between cities banned by the United Nations. In the later stages of the war most megacities and corporations were memebers of CCCC.

The Interstellar Sociopolitical Practice (ISP) - a rule of conduct, or political code, serving as guidance on the cencorship of sociopolitical and commercial slogans. The legislative basis for the activities of the Pococo and other such censor-corporations. The ISP is the most important legislation within the Union. The third version of the ISP was voted "holy and unchangeable" by a unified CCCC in the year 34 a.H. (after Holycaust).

Rim-legislation – a set of legal rules governing the coexistence and dealings with the aliens of Milk, and the independent Rimstates. Last year this legislation was central in a combat-resolution on the alien ”Mindality”, and it’s application for credibility and electoral status within The Creative Union of Individuals. Credibility was granted, but electoral status was denied, all in accordance with Rim-leg.

The Terraban – a ban on any intergalactic commerce originating in or aiming at the planet Terra. The ban was instituted as part of the Holycaust, and are still in effect. It has left the terrans with nothing but their own planet to raise resources from, and has led to widespread anarchy on the planet. No megacorps are present on the planet Terra any more.

Languages of the Galaxy</font size>
The Union has a mutual language; Inglish, mostly building on the old inglish spoken on Terra. Inglish was voted galactic language for the space industry back on Terra, in the early days of space travel. Terra still got a mixture of old languages, with exotic names like ”ispanol” and ”chin”. There’s supposed to be lots more of them too, but none of them really matters. They are only spoken in the backburbs of Terra. More important than this exotica is the cosmoslang, practised by cyberyouths throughout the universe.

Cosmoslang – a language or code practised by cyberyouths throughout the universe. It’s a mixture of inglish, pidgin and Micro C-3.1 programming-code. Nonsensical to outsiders, but very popular amongst the proyouth, it is believed to be an invention by MicroCo Computers. MicroCo certainly supports the cybercommunity, by virtuaworlds and sponsorships, and have supported the newelection of several high profile proyouths into their executive council.

Nics and names</font size>
Nics - humans in Milk use ”nics” in daily communications, to define their egoality, give themselves flavour, and to help communication with other egoes. The nic is chosen by each ego itself (or by parents), and may be altered at will. Examples of popular nics: Bubble Ghost, Gauda, JoStone, Jiggler, Wolfred, Abra Kadabra. For electorals in the showbiz nics are very important. Some of the greater stars maintain shownics and private nics at the same time, to potentiate the great abilities of their characters.

Names - in relation to official commerce and cities, through the modulation of the coded entrance practise (Cep), each ego is identified with a ”name”. An egos name is given at birth, by the Union, and never changed. The name is unique and secret (due to "The Anonymity-act" instituted in year 13 a.H.). It is your most important tool in dealings with authorities, and may be used by said authorities to access both the genemap and the sociocommercial profile of your character. To know or use the name of other egoes is illegal. To change your own name is illegal. This is due to the strong legislation on and regulation of identities. The Union must have the ability to certify the identity of it's citizens.

Central concepts of the Union</font size>
The Union span most of known space. It has a leading role in intergalactic history and politics. It is important to know the central concepts of the Union. Here follows a number of paragraphs on Union history and life.

The week - monday, thuesday, wednesday, thorsday, friday, saturday and spaceday

Holycaust - the breakdown of democratic government on the planet earth and it's serving systems, at the end of the great galactic war. It ended terrarule and was followed by the galactic newelection of city and commerce-representatives to the ruling body of CCCC. The CCCC was given power to lead the peace talks with Terra, and instituted the Holycaust at the conclusion of these talks. The Holycaust consisted of three main rulings by the CCCC. Terra was given an intergalactic commercial ban, "sunday" was replaced with "spaceday", and all oldelected parlamentaries were nullified by electrocution. Modern spacetime is counted from the one spaceday the nullification were approved by CCCC (a.H. = after Holycaust).

Credibility (Cred) - is the only currency within the Union, instituted by the GCCC in 16 a.H., and replacing the multitude of currencies then used. Some of the old currencies are still in use within the Rimstates, but one by one they turn to cred, to facilitate bizniz-ventures within the Union. Credibility may be earned through work, through lottery, credgames and newelections, and by investing it in commercial ventures.

Street-credibility (Sred) - is a shady and unofficial currency, instituted and used by ”The Fellowship”, and different than normal credibility. Sred and cred is not interchangeable in any normal way, although it may arise situations where you may buy the one with the other.

Burbs – the lowest geo-administrative level of the Union. They come in five types;
- backburbs (waste, radiation and mutated life, non-administrated burbs)
- prodburbs (industry and productionfacilities)
- mineburbs (mining and terraforming)
- neighburbs (peoplecontainers and socioservices)
– bizburbs (administration, corporation and showbiz)

Cities – the strongest geo-administrative level. The Cosmocreative Union is a union of cities. Most of the cities within the Union include whole continents on the planets they are located, and spacious zones of control (ZOC) areound the planets. A lot of the cities within the Union are classed as megacities, including bizburbs on more than one planet. A selected few of them are referred to as citysystems, as they span several habitable sun-systems.

Corporations - the strongest commercial administrative level. The Cosmocreative Union is a union of cities and corporations. Most of the corporations within the Union cover whole sun-systems with their commerce, and several of them are spread through the galaxy. A handful of them are known as conglomerates, spanning all kinds of commerce throughout the galaxy.

Union – the idea that there is a greater issue, a bond between all humanity, a joint market of all commerce, a creative power greater than any individual or city. This is the highest administrative level. It is the Cosmocreative Union!


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
Re: The Cosmocreative Union (CCU)

Thank you for the nice compliments!

I do not know if this world will be difficult to use for the players. I'm toying with words, concepts and ideas in this project, letting it all become what it may.

My main idea for the characters is to let them be very middle class and mediocre humans, never tested in danger and drama, but about to find their special talents and mettle in the upcoming happenings. The character has no significant role in society when the game start. In response to the drama it will "reveal" weaknesses, and strenghts. The character development is in the hands of the player throughout the game. The player are free to strenghten whatever part of the character he chooses to, and to weaken him in any way, within the limits of the guidelines.

The way the game is played, and how the characters are used, will be posted in detail later on.


Sinister eater
27 Jun 2001

The CCCC was given power to lead the peace talks with Terra, and instituted the Holycaust at the conclusion of these talks. The Holycaust consisted of two main rulings by the CCCC. Terra was given an intergalactic commercial ban, "sunday" was replaced with "spaceday", and all oldelected parlamentaries were nullified by electrocution.
Jag får det till tre rulings:

1 Terra was given an intergalactic commercial ban
2 "sunday" was replaced with "spaceday"
3 all oldelected parlamentaries were nullified by electrocution

Är det spanska inkvisitationen som ligger bakom det? :gremgrin:


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
Oh, you nitpicker!!!

There's been a small correction to the point you made, and even a greater change to comething you did not say anything about; the "Nics and names" got it's own section.



18 May 2000

Egentligen hör väl det här hemma på Rollspelsmakareforumet, men sålänge ingen stör sig på det här så låter i alla fall JAG det vara. Dock (riktat till Tomas HV Mörkrid) så tror jag att du får mer respons och idéer ifall du väljer att flytta det dit. Men ifall du vill diskutera det där istället så säg till så flyttar jag detta istället för två trådar som handlar om samma saker på två olika forum.

/Seinet Wintermute - Känner sig snäll ikväll


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
Re: Egentligen...

Jeg mener det er helt greit å ha Subsurian her, siden det er et sci-fi rollespill. At det blir litt mindre debatt om det gjør meg ikke så mye. For min del er det en lek med ideer i en sjanger jeg vanligvis ikke bruker.

Håper det er greit at jeg fortsetter å poste det her, og eventuelt også tar noen debatter om det på spillskaper-forumet.



7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
Corporations of the Union

<font size="7">Corporations of the Union</font size>
The Cosmocreative Union (CCU) span most of known space. It has a leading role in intergalactic commerce. To be an informed electoral citicen of the Union, it is important to know the strongest corporations within it, and to have a general idea of what is considered modern galactic commerce.

Virtual Election-combat (VIELCOM) - commercial computer system certified for newelection of representatives on burbian, urban (planet) and union (galactic) level. It is also much used in corporate newelections, mostly on franchise-level, by companies without own systems (most megacorps have their own internal systems for newelections). The flagship in a product-line developed and sold throughout the galaxy by the New Vielcom Cosmocorp. 57% of combat-newelected representatives of the GCCC came from Vielcom-applications last newelection.

The Political Cosmetics Corporation ("The Pococo") – a megacorp, market leader on internal observation of behaviour and arguments of representatives on all levels within the Union, with power to nullify any break on the Interstellar Sociopolitical Practice (ISP).

Rogue-sports Corporation (Rogue C) - a megacorp focusing on adrenalin-kicking sports, organizing urban and corporate events, and several professional leagues on Union level. The most popular leagues being Union Rogue Rugby (showreal), and The Pugilist Pandemonium (virtual).

Chemsolve Incorporated (Cheminc) - a megacorp heavily into produce of cosmetic and nurturing chemicals. Marketleader in the central parts of the Union, but struggling to get a grip on the more far-reaching markets. Their problems may stem from the ancient electoral representative on top of the corporation; the venerable mister Jerkhyde.

Statistical Universe (STUN) - a bank and ensurance conglomerate spanning the whole Union, and most of the Rimstates too. One of the most feared and influential megacorps ever to have surfaced on the unruly sea of modern commerce.

The Peoples Republic of Commerce (Pro Com) - one of the most elusive and original conglomerates ever created by commercially viable electorals. Pro Com is said to be organized in mutualistic and highly independent "cells", all loyal to the two fundamentals of Pro Com; The Infallible Chairman (Tic), and The Principle of Hundred Blossoms (The Principle). Their commerce is largely into chemproduce, and infotainment. In short time Pro Com have conquered second position in local newelections, with their new product New Procombat!

Corporations in the Subsurian Citystates</font size>
Play of Subsurian RPG starts in the partly autonome Subsurian Citystates. These five cities, the corporations located there, and the burbs located in the Rim outside the Subsurian realm, are the first elements of setting to be used by the players. The commercial ventures dominating these cities are franchises (branches of megacorps), corporations (small, regulated independents) and companies (small, irregular independents).

Comsock Enterprises – commercial enterprise very big on mutual-equipment in the Subsurian Cities. Active in the sponsor-market. Led by the electoral representative Evelin Love, former host-star of the famous ”Armageddon Game” on the Galaxy Primeframe Channel. The commercial representative of Comsock Enterprises is Thom Telefather, husband of mrs. Love, and director of the Comsock Department of Development (Coded). Comsock is an independent corporation.

The Mutual Show – a show on mutualism led by host-star and electoral consultant Joh Debri, on the Subsurian Virtuaworks Broadband (SubVib).The Mutual Show is a franchise of The Galactic Mutualism Showband.

The Subsurian Virtuaworks Broadband (SubVib) – a small commercial virtua-channel based in the subsurian city of Double Sphere. It’s an independent, highly irregular, and extremely popular company. They freely admit their graphics to be crap, their interface to be obsolete, and their sponsors to be raving mad, but still have a growing horde of players.

Lovers Guild – big on virtuasex in the Subsurian Cities. Under joint franchise of two megacorps in the Union; Cheminc and Rogue C. Led by the popular electoral representative Pornofey. One of the main attractions on the Subsurian Virtuaworks Broadband (SubVib), but also present on The Union Channel 11 (covering the Subsurian cities and surrounding galactic space (both Union and Rim).

Subsurian RPG – a tiny company based somewhere in the outburbs of Megalomega. It’s an independent company, mostly doing research for corporations in the citysystem, but also working on something they call Virtual Reinvention, aiming at the reinvention of virtual personalities. Virtual personalities is a closed market, due to the VirtuAct of 29 a.H., so their ”research” in the field has no commercial interest. The company is directed by two young electoral consumers (!) by the nics of Leopold V and Bungee Boy, under the formal authority of the electoral representative Dungmaster (representing the Megalomega citysystem in the CCCC).

More stuff is coming. I aim to post the whole game here, as I work it out. Hope you will enjoy it as it becomes playable.

Comments are welcomed! New ideas, new elements and developments are absolutely welcomed! Post anything you may find relevant in the various branches of the game: Let your fantasy blossom, write it down, post it, and it may be incorporated (!) in the game. It's all up to the users...


7 Feb 2003
Oslo, Norge
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