Nekromanti [Promotion] Crowdfunding Best of Fenix


7 Nov 2003

Nu samlar vi det bästa materialet ur speltidningen Fenix i tre samlingsvolymer, som vi släpper på engelska. Det är ett galet roligt projekt, men inte helt gratis… Så vi bestämde oss för att köra en crowdfunding på Indiegogo för samlingen. Du kan stödja Best of Fenix här:

Vi har varit sugna på att ge ut en samlingsvolym sedan Fenix fyllde historiska 50 nummer. Under de två år som gått sedan dess har vi pratat med diverse skribenter och illustratörer om de skulle vilja vara med. Många har hjälpt oss komma ett steg närmare projektet genom att göra sina egna grovöversättningar, vilket vi uppskattat väldigt mycket. När vi nu fullbordat ett decennium som speltidning kändes det som om det var dags. Det är vårt sätt att fira en livskraftig svensk spelhobby, och inte minst att visa upp våra skribenter och illustratörer för en internationell publik.

Samtidigt var valet att gå internationellt inte helt lätt. Dels har vi lagt mycket tid på att tänka igenom vad som skall vara med, och vad som blir för internt. Det är till exempel med sorg i hjärtat som vi insett att spelmaterial som är gjort direkt för spel som bara finns på svenska nog inte är en helt klok strategi i sammanhanget. Det materialet har därför ställts åt sidan. Inte för att det inte är bra nog, utan för att det riskerar att få hela projektet att kännas för internt.

Vi har dessutom plockat bort intervjuer, recensioner och förhandstittar. En del av detta material har varit väldigt bra, uppskattat och ibland omdebatterat. Samtidigt känns det som en typ av material som känns mer aktuellt ju färskare det är.

Kvar blir spelmaterial, rena spel, kampanjer och kampanjmiljöer av olika slag. Samt inte minst Birger Barbaren. För har man turen att ha en rolig husserie så skall den givetvis översättas!

De tre volymerna får lite olika övergripande känsla, men det bakomliggande tänket går igen genom alla produkter. Något större material (t. ex. Krak de Drak och Leviatan), något fristående sällsskapsspel (som Moralens Axelmakter), några sidor seriestrippar samt en massa artiklar däremellan. Blir intresset stort nog har vi dessutom laddat upp med en massa nya delmål, där nya artiklar kan läggas till allt eftersom.

Det går inte att visa alla artiklar som ingår ens en bråkdel av vad de är värda, men varje dag kommer vi att uppmärksamma någon artikel lite extra.

Vi har också tagit hjälp med språkkollen av två gamers med engelska som modersmål: Pete Nash och Jessica Augustsson. Pete är rollspelskonstruktör och en av personerna bakom RuneQuest 6. Jessica arbetar som professionell översättare. Crowdfundingen pågår nu, men för att få texterna så bra som möjligt räknar vi inte med att böckerna kommer ut förrän i slutet på året. Vi räknar inte med att ha med något unikt material i samlingsutgåvorna som inte funnits tidigare, utan själva poängen är att visa upp materialet ur tidningen men på engelska istället så att fler kan ta del av det. Alla artiklar kommer däremot att formges på nytt i Fenix nya grafiska profil för att ge ett enhetligt intryck.

Hoppas att ni precis som vi tycker att Best of Fenix är ett roligt projekt värt att stödja. Med er hjälp kan det bli verklighet. Och vi sade väl att frakt inom Sverige är inkluderat i våra stödnivåer?

/Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

The Red Planet – Christoffer Krämer outlines the Native Americans successful conspiracy to conquer and terraform the planet Mars during the upcoming 150 years – and how to put that campaign setting into play.

The Red Planet is a campaign setting briefly covering parts of the next hundred and fifty years' development. At the center you will find an advanced and successful Native American conspiracy to conquer and terraform Mars. The article covers the events leading up to the space colonization, the different groups involved, the settings that make up the battlefield in the conflict that flares up, key people who are driving the development and some campaign ideas.

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Krak de Drak – Christoffer Krämer’s campaign combines the crusader kingdom of Outremer with an awakening powerful dragon and the role of religion in any setting inspired by the Middle Ages.

The crusader kingdom in 12th century B.C. is an amazingly dramatic place - ripe with opportunity for anyone that wants to play an exciting role playing game. You could not make up a place more filled with political, economic and religious strife, and inhabited by more colorful characters loving, hating, scheming, fighting and backstabbing each other all day long – even if you tried. There is basically nothing lacking in this campaign setting. It. Is. Perfect. So naturally I did what any world builder and game master would do: I added a dragon!

With an added dragon the crusader kingdom becomes something more. Part historical drama and part fantasy extravaganza. The Christians see the dragon as the great beast- Satan – and its coming is a portent of the end of days. The whole world changes and Europe is swept with religious fervor. The mightiest of mighty –Fredrik Barbarossa and Richard Lion heart - set out to slay the beast and the Muslim world, under its leader Salah ad-Din, watch and try to decide on a course of their own.

Epic adventure awaits!

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Smiles of a Summer Night – A horror scenario by Åsa Roos, set in present day Stockholm, Sweden during the Summer. The Mediterranean Museum is launching a new exhibition, including a mislabeled artefact... The opening of the Egyptian exhibition was a great success. The party went on long after midnight and it was almost two in the morning when the tired, but very happy curator, set the alarms and closed the doors.

It is the height of summer. The light is almost perpetual, day and night, but in the balmy summer night, a chill is slowly creeping into the city. Something happened during the opening of the exhibition, something was set free. Now it’s making the entire city it’s hunting ground.

Smile of a Summer Night is an adventure seed to any horror role-playing game with a present day setting. It was written with Call of Cthulu in mind, but it will fit most horror themed games. The adventure revolves around an exhibition at the Mediterranean Museum in Stockholm, where a shipment of Old Kingdom statues have just arrived, and with them, something sinister.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Roma Umbrarum – X-Files meets Gladiator in this horrifying fantasy campaign set in the city of Rome during the reign of the infamous Emperor Nero. Anders Blixt wrote this article for the second issue of Fenix. Rome of the Classical Era occupies a particular place in the modern popular culture, being the location for numerous movies, novels and adventures. But so far this Rome has found little use among role-players enjoying fantastic campaigns. Attempts to “transport” old-style RPG fantasy to the Classical world usually ends up in Xenaverse, an environment inspired by Homer’s Odyssey with dangerous wilderness quests, monsters, gods, witches and heroes in the lands of the eastern Mediterranean. Jason’s adventures on the ship Argo and the TV series about Xena and Gabrielle provide launching points for the gamemaster.
The Roman Empire, on the other hand, is a well-ordered urban environment with modern features like bureaucracy, gangsters and bustling streets. GURPS Imperial Rome provides a solid foundation for historical campaigns, but its fantasy suggestions are bland and of little use.
I have therefore come to think that fantasy inspired by The X Files – with darkness, conspiracies and demons raging inside people – is more appropriate. The insight has given birth to the game world of this article: Roma Umbrarum (“Rome of Shadows”), a horrifying campaign in the city of Rome in 63 AD, i.e. during the reign of the infamous Emperor Nero.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Once Upon a Time in the North – This setting by Kenneth Hite is a Western moved a century into the future and restaged in the far North. Can be played like anything from a classical western (northern) to pulp, cyberpunk or horror. Nobody expected it to happen so fast. And they definitely hadn’t expected it to come from the Sun. The New Carrington Event washed over Earth in 2045, the largest solar storm ever observed. Computers crashed, satellites fried, economies choked and tottered. Then came the Jenkins Event, and the Troedsen Event, and then they just started naming them like hurricanes, and then they stopped naming them because the Storm Wars had started and they had other, bigger worries. Chinese and American radiant weapons didn’t broil the atmosphere -- the sun storms were already doing that -- but they broiled a few cities in a few countries before the Party collapsed in Xian and the generals took over in Denver. In the twenty years after the Peace, even the sun storms settled into a new normal of ominous omnipresence, of aurora borealis visible in Miami and Cairo. Technology settled into its new normal of everything triple-hardened and land-linked in fullerene cables, of air travel only in emergencies, of solar foil on car hoods and rooftops and rechargeable coils in everything from blasters to locomotives.
In episode 77 of the always great podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff they discuss nerdtrooping the Western, using this article as an example on how to do it. You find the podcast at:

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

The Many Faces of Horror – Pete Nash on three main methods of supporting horror tropes using the core rules of RuneQuest 6. In addition he introduces the horrifying monsters The Vengeful Ones, to be inserted into any fantasy or sci-fi-setting. “In the centre was Phobos (Fear) worked in adamant, unspeakable, staring backwards with eyes that glowed with fire. His mouth was full of teeth in a white row, fearful and daunting, and upon his grim brow hovered frightful Eris (Strife) who arrays the throng of men… Upon the shield Proioxis (Pursuit) and Palioxis (Flight) were wrought, and Homados (Tumult), and Phobos (Panic), and Androktasie (Slaughter).”
A description of the shield of Heracles, Hesiod
One of the most useful tools for a Game Master to entertain players is the application of fear. Despite being used as the descriptive word for its own genre of entertainment, horror (the god Phrike to the ancient Greeks) has many disparate forms, something realised by polytheistic civilisations that had separate deities for each nuance of the emotion. Technically horror is more than just the simplistic shock and revulsion which has spawned an entire generation of low budget movies. It also includes the slow realisation of impending doom, emotional consequences of a misjudged actions and understanding that we ourselves can be the worst sort of monster.
Although a Sword & Sorcery system at its heart, introducing horror into a RuneQuest campaign is easy, no matter what the genre or setting. There are three main methods of supporting horror tropes using the core rules, in addition to the usual skills a Game Master should develop in setting an atmosphere.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

AI: Automatic Intelligence – Johan Salomonsson and Johan Englund combines I, Robot and Das Kapital in this steampunk setting full of inspiration and scenario seeds.
Can you hear that ticking sound? The ticking of countless calculators embedded in every machine imaginable. Steam-powered cranes and lifts, hydraulic printing presses, pneumatic valves and capsule pipelines, automatic orchestras; they're all controlled by calculators. Steam may be the power behind the industrial revolution, but it's the calculators that really have changed the world and the mindset of people. And with the calculators come the automatons, the new automatic, mechanical workers who can perform everything that human workers are able to and then some. Everything but take their own initiative of course. Or? What happens when the automatons become self-aware, when they acquire a free will and start making demands? And above all, what happens when they outwit us?
It all begins when Charles Babbage invents the analytical engine, powered by steam. Although clunky in the beginning, with time it becomes smaller, so small as to fit in the head of an automaton. Lady Ada Lovelace invents the programming language that controls the automatons and makes them tick. And tick they do, more so than anyone ever expected.
In this article we take a look at the birth of the automaton, right down to how they evolve and the offshoots no one foresaw, to what could happen when they truly evolve. We cover automaton strikes for better working conditions and equal rights, as well as megalomaniac super calculators claiming total world domination by any means necessary. The steampunk era will never be the same after the automatic intelligences have hit it.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

City of the Golden Vampires – Kenneth Hite on one possible truth behind the lie and legend of El Dorado, with four possible stories to stage in that setting, each set in its own era.

What can we do with the legend of El Dorado? Some possibilities insinuate themselves, a few suggestive themes. In 1598, a publisher named Nicholas Barnaud used depictions of Raleigh’s voyage into Guiana as illustrations in an alchemical text: the search for El Dorado mirroring the search for the Philosopher’s Stone, the Red Elixir, the Secret of Life. The final stage of alchemy is the rubedo, the reddening, as the stone passes through a bath to incarnate the Sun -- a perfect analogy of the Chibcha ritual of Lake Guatavita.

And what do we know about Chibcha rituals? They beheaded their enemies, and decorated their temples with such trophies. They staked slaves to the ground during the construction of new temples. They raided their enemies for young boys specially trained by Chibcha priests to “converse with the Sun.” Those young boys wound up also beheaded, their blood spattered around the temple interior -- and on more of those stakes. During droughts, the Chibcha yet again sacrificed a youth, coating the rocks of the sacred lake or mountain with blood. Combine rubedo, alchemical transformation, and blood rituals somehow contained by impalement and beheading: El Dorado is the City of the Golden Vampires. At its heart is the sacred lake (possibly a large stone basin) full of powerful alchemical blood, the true Red Elixir. Bathing in the lake turns base matter to gold -- and weak human flesh to undying vampire muscle and sinew.

Thus the truth, or at least one possible truth, behind the lie and legend of El Dorado. What does this portend for your players? How can you use it in a game? The City of the Golden Vampires can take any number of guises, play any number of parts, over the centuries of its existence. In this article, I provide four possible stories to stage in that setting, or rather four possible scrims to show the setting against, each in its own era. They are not necessarily all connected to each other; rather, consider them four possible futures of the City of the Golden Vampires.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

The Demons of Memory – Kenneth Hite on the demons affecting our memories and the hard to remember Nefastis Institute. Hite also shares his thoughts on how to use the material in different games and settings.

And there are secret stories that remain hidden in the shadows of the mind; they are like living organisms, they grow roots, and tentacles, they become covered with excrescences and parasites, and with time are transformed into the matter of nightmares. To exorcise the demons of memory, it is sometimes necessary to tell them as a story.
-Isabel Allende, The Stories of Eva Luna

Let me tell you a story. It's a story about a place where they keep demons. Demons who can do things to your memory. That's why it has to be just a story; if it were real, I couldn't remember it, and I surely couldn't tell you about it. Even as a story, I don't know if I remember all the details, or if what I think I remember is just a story that the Nefastis Institute told me. The Nefastis Institute – that's where they keep the demons.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Roma Umbrarum – X-Files meets Gladiator in this horrifying fantasy campaign set in the city of Rome during the reign of the infamous Emperor Nero. Anders Blixt wrote this article for the second issue of Fenix.

Rome of the Classical Era occupies a particular place in the modern popular culture, being the location for numerous movies, novels and adventures. But so far this Rome has found little use among role-players enjoying fantastic campaigns. Attempts to “transport” old-style RPG fantasy to the Classical world usually ends up in Xenaverse, an environment inspired by Homer’s Odyssey with dangerous wilderness quests, monsters, gods, witches and heroes in the lands of the eastern Mediterranean. Jason’s adventures on the ship Argo and the TV series about Xena and Gabrielle provide launching points for the gamemaster.

The Roman Empire, on the other hand, is a well-ordered urban environment with modern features like bureaucracy, gangsters and bustling streets. GURPS Imperial Rome provides a solid foundation for historical campaigns, but its fantasy suggestions are bland and of little use

I have therefore come to think that fantasy inspired by The X Files – with darkness, conspiracies and demons raging inside people – is more appropriate. The insight has given birth to the game world of this article: Roma Umbrarum (“Rome of Shadows”), a horrifying campaign in the city of Rome in 63 AD, i.e. during the reign of the infamous Emperor Nero.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
Every time we reach a full $5.000 in funding we will add a new article to a Bonus Anthology in pdf-format, only available to the funders of this campaign. The very first article in this anthology will be Diagoras Sector: An Interstellar War Zone by Kenneth Hite.

Diagoras Sector: An Interstellar War Zone – Kenneth Hite presents an interstellar war campaign full of classical inspiration and thoughts on how to construct the future we used to have, short-circuiting the Singularity.

“My science fiction (and this is true of both Military SF and Space Opera) almost always grows from historical events, more often than not from ancient history.”

-- David Drake, from the preface to In the Stormy Red Sky

It’s time for a good old-fashioned interstellar war. And as authors from Poul Anderson to H. Beam Piper to David Weber to David Drake have discovered, there’s no better way to build an old-fashioned interstellar war than with a big glass of old-fashioned. No, not bourbon and muddled fruit (although that helps, too), but with the actual old fashion of war. Take a historical naval-war setting, upgrade the wooden ships to starships and the iron men to, well, titanium men, and before you can say “draw force-swords for boarding” you open up an interstellar stage for anything from full-jet space opera to gritty tales of suffering and desperation.

The Diagoras Sector setting is just such a stage. You can use it all by itself with any rules set from the Warhammer 40K RPG to GURPS Transhuman Space to your favorite RPG iteration of Star Wars or Star Trek. To that end, specifics of ship combat, FTL engineering, and so forth remain abstract, although technology and society remain stubbornly comprehensible to early 21st-century humans. The Diagoras Sector might be the center of your campaign, or a sideshow just waiting for vagabond player characters to stumble into it. You can add it to the edge of the map in Fading Suns or Traveller, or build social conflict around it for Shock. The Bulldogs might fly through it, or heroic hoplites fight it out on Diagoras in their Heavy Gear. Take any of the assumptions in what follows as launch pads, not force domes: change jump lines to wormholes, Earth to Trantor, thorium to dilithium, or mecha to giant robotanks. The keys to the setting are astropolitical, not terminological or technological.
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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Immense, inhuman presences lurk in the darkness behind the gears and towers of your steampunk world. They plant their own dark insectile dreams in the brains and minds of engineers and explorers, seeking to weave their own threads of conspiracy into the fabric of humanity. We are their unknowing hosts, laboring to build the dizzying spires and impossible artifices they must have for their own species to propagate, to nurture its eggs inside our own dreams. They are Ichneumon, the Wasps in the Walls.

To say they are wasps is to reduce them to the facet perceptible by human senses and minds: they are hive minds or perhaps immense demigods distributed through angles we cannot conceive. But seeing their shape brings a buzzing and a terror and a sense of glittering eyes and quadruplet wings, of many legs stretching past vision, of an ontopositor extending its ultra-reality into our mere space-time. When these stingers touch a human, they coat his mind with a sticky conceptual venom – visions of a world wrapped in brass and steel and spun in metal filigree. Images of metallized ovals or dreadnoughts crossing the skies, drawing behind them gossamer after-images that bind and wrap the face of Heaven. Sketches of great growling grubs of bronze and gray gunmetal clanking across the Earth on treads or rails. Flashes of cocoons sunk into the Deep, torpedo-cities and teardrop nautiluses carrying their sight under the sea, below light. And they enable him – no, compel him -- to bring these visions out of their inhumanly faceted brains, and build them in our world.

And when our world has been suitably enmeshed in this alien web, the Ichneumon larvae can hatch. In a gout of flames and colors never seen on Earth, they devour their host world and pour back through the now-tattered dimensional veil. Behind them, a dead terrestrial carapace remains, drained of imagination and thought and reality and life.

This is Ichneumon, a parasite steampunk RPG. It infects your existing steampunk game, living behind its scenes and warping its stories. Characters touched by its mechanics do things and pursue aims seemingly alien to the game as it was. The longer it remains in your game, the more your game’s ecology reshapes itself around the invisible presences that might have built it in the first place.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
Fenix Fighters – The game developer Peter Hansson, most known for the card game Spank the Monkey, has created this boardgame for up to four players, each controlling a Fenix (Phoenix) ready for battle. Fenix Fighters will be included in the pdf and the books. In the Deluxe edition you will find a separate insert with the game props printed on thicker paper as well.

Once again Fenix presents a complete game developed by Gigantoskop – known for game titles such as Spank the Monkey, Primate Fear, Kablamo!, Big Badaboom and Genesis. The game mechanic is based on the classic rock-paper-scissor concepts – here beak-claw-wing – and with a twist added to the game mechanic. Fenix Fighters was originally developed for the 50[SUP]th[/SUP] issue of Fenix, which was a huge mile stone for the magazine – making Fenix the Swedish gaming magazine with the longest life span so far.

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
Werewolves of Dacia – Kenneth Hite’s campaign setting is a riff on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, warped through a classical sensibility with a hefty helping of werewolves.

In an earlier Age of the world, twin brothers were born, the heirs to a throne. A usurper buried their mother alive under the Earth and ordered them killed, but they had been stolen away by a kindly shepherd who left them in the forest to hide. There, they were suckled by the Wolf Goddess, Luperca, who adopted the boys as her own. When they grew to manhood, they slew the usurper and freed their people. They decided to build a city of their own in Tyrrhenia, where the River Tiber was narrow enough to cross and wide enough to travel on, on good ground ringed by seven hills. But during a quarrel over which hill to build on, one brother slew the other in a fit of rage.

If the murderer had prayed for forgiveness, and held games to honor his brother’s death, the story might have turned out differently. But he did no such thing, and claimed the city as his own, alone. The murdered brother sank into the Earth and cried out to his mother for revenge. His foster-mother, Luperca, heard his call, and came. Luperca wrapped him in a wolf skin and carried him to the gates of Avernus, the Underworld, ruled by Orcus the Devourer. She bought him passage through the Underworld, and brought him a thousand miles away to a land ringed by mountains, north of Thrace. She promised him not just a city of his own, but a whole country, and she gave him a new name: Zalmoxis, from the Thracian word meaning “animal skin.” He emerged from a cave and the people of that land worshipped him as a god and listened to his teachings. For 54 years, he taught them certain secret arts, and the ways of war, and to venerate the Wolf as their own mother. He called them “Daoi,” meaning “wolves,” and his country Dacia.

In episode no 74 of the brilliant podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff they discuss campaign setting creation through the lens of this particular article. You find the podcast at:

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff

Stöd Best of Fenix på Indiegogo

Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
Leviathan - Baroque Escapades in the Belly of the Beast – Leviathan is an rpg by Daniel Krauklis and the name of an interstellar ark starship floating through cosmos without anybody at the helm, populated by a race who no longer remembers its past.

This is a condensed version of a hobby project from 1999, written under the motto: “A grave farce.” Inspiration was drawn from all over: Paranoia, Judge Dredd, Warhammer 40K, Nemesis the Warlock, Orwell’s 1984, the Fallout series of video games, Moebius (the artist, but to some degree also the mathematician), HP Lovecraft, Dune, the Swedish welfare state, the Stalin terror, medieval scholasticism, retrofuturism, the generation ship novel, and other random sources. Leviathan can be pretty Pythonesque in atmosphere, but like humor in general, its many absurdities are probably best delivered with a straight face. And if laughter at times catches in the players’ throats, all the better. That said, it’s your game, play it as you like.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Myths & Legends – David Bergkvist on how to use myths, legends and fairytales, and basing adventures on specific myths. The article also includes two creatures from Norse mythology: Vittera and Näcken.

Myths and legends make up the bulk framework of most roleplaying game fantasy worlds. They provide hordes of mythological och strongly mythologically inspired creatures who populate these games - such as elves, dragons, trolls, gnomes, dwarves, centaurs, fauns, and so on. When we look at ancient religious mythology, we find even more stuff, borrowed into nearly all our favorite fantasy worlds. J.R.R. Tolkien and many of the other early writers who defined the genre were well versed in germanic, celtic and nordic mythology, and based large parts of their most successful works on this knowledge.

As a game master playing contemporary fantasy roleplaying games, you will do well to pay some attention to these fairy tales, myths and legends from our real world, because if you get to know the origins of your typical fantasy elements, you will be able to dodge rote stereotypes and find new and interesting ways to use the familiar stuff.

This article presents a few of thoughts and tips about how to use myths, fairy tales and legends in your roleplaying games. I’ll talk about basing adventures on specific myths, and will also present two creatures from norse mythology that you may not have heard about.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
The Last Flight of KG 200 – Kenneth Hite’s horror storytelling game presents a desperate crew, flying out of the heart of darkness, into the heart of mystery. It might kill them all, or worse: reveal the truth they fly from. Somewhere in the night sky, Something is waiting. Waiting for the last flight of KG 200.

“I flew here and now belong to a special Kommando. Maybe this will be my last action. What it is about, I cannot tell you, we have been sworn again to secrecy. I can say only this to you; it will be the most dangerous action. My chances that I will return safely are extremely small.”

-- letter of Sergeant H.O. Hildebrandt, pilot in KG 200, written April 3, 1945

Kampfgeschwader 200 was a special unit of the Luftwaffe. Its pilots flew all sorts of aircraft on all sorts of missions, from long-range weather reconnaissance to suicide runs at Vistula River bridges. KG 200 captured and studied enemy aircraft -- and flew them deep into Allied territory. They dropped off saboteurs and spies in the Ukraine and Iraq, and may have flown tungsten and uranium to Japan in a great circle over the North.

Other rumors are even stranger: that KG 200 flew foo fighters or flying saucers. That they sought Asgard or the Hollow Earth. That they flew the Spear of Destiny to Argentina, or Greys to the Moon.

The truth vanished with the Third Reich. The legends can still be seen, if you take the controls and look to the skies.

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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003
Sodom & Gomorrah – Mastermind meets Battleship in this puzzling board game by Christoffer Krämer, where the player’s goal is to find the ten righteous in order to save the cities. Sodom & Gomorrah will be included in the pdf and the books. In the Deluxe edition you will find a separate insert with the game props printed on thicker paper as well.

And the Lord said, “Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which has come unto Me; and if not, I will know.” And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom; but Abraham stood yet before the Lord. And Abraham drew near and said, “Wilt Thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Perhaps there be fifty righteous within the city; wilt Thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from Thee to do in this manner — to slay the righteous with the wicked; and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from Thee! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?” And the Lord said, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” And Abraham answered and said, “Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, I, who am but dust and ashes. Perhaps there shall lack five of the fifty righteous; wilt Thou destroy all the city for lack of five?” And He said, “If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it.” And he spoke unto Him yet again and said, “Perhaps there shall be forty found there?” And He said, “I will not do it for forty’s sake.” And he said unto Him, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Perhaps there shall thirty be found there.” And He said, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.” And he said, “Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Perhaps there shall be twenty found there.” And He said, “I will not destroy it for twenty’s sake.” And he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Perhaps ten shall be found there.” And He said, “I will not destroy it for ten’s sake.” And the Lord went His way, as soon as He had finished communing with Abraham; and Abraham returned unto his place.

Genesis 18:20-33
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Anders & Tove


7 Nov 2003

Spell Singers to RuneQuest 6 – Pete Nash introduces a mercenary group of sword wielding, sorcery singers, which can be utilised as foes in established campaigns, or perhaps an organization that Player Characters can aspire to join.

In this article we present a mercenary group of sword wielding, sorcery singers, which can be utilised as foes in established campaigns, or perhaps an organisation that Player Characters can aspire to join. These spell singers have nothing to do with the series written by Alan Dean Foster, but since he is a great author anyway, I highly recommend almost all of his books. For those further interested in song-based magic I cautiously suggest the Spellsong Cycle by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

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Anders & Tove