Mars to Stay: Speltestare sökas

Frederik J. Jensen

Thoughtful Dane
16 May 2014

Jag söker speltestare till speltest av Mars to Stay, ett berättarspel om att följa en nästen omöjlig dröm.

Vi spelar på engelska
Vi spelar over Zoom
Vi spelar 2-3 vardagskvällar 18:30-21:00 i januari-februari 2021 (exact datum Doodler vi).
Vi behöver 4 eller 5 spelare (inklusiv mig).

PM her eller mejla mig frederik at jensen dot net för intresseanmälan.

Mars to Stay
A story game about pursuing an almost impossible dream

You dream to go where no human has gone before and to do what no human has done before.
You pursue an almost impossible dream — to build humanity’s first colony on Mars.
You travel to Mars to stay.

You are smart, tough, and competent. You signed up for a 20-year contract with a private company to exploit resources available on Mars. The Mars environment is extremely hostile to human life. The next team arrives in two years. If something goes wrong, help is far away.

Announcement of Mars to Stay 2021 on Thoughtful Dane. (blog)