PROMOTION Ludonarrative Dissidents Season 3 på Kickstarter


1 Oct 2020
För den som gillar att höra gamla rävar diskutera rollspel och rollspelsdesign så finns nu tredje säsongen av podden Ludonarrative Dissidents på Kickstarter!

Ludonarrative Dissidents is a podcast project from Greg Stolze, James Wallis, and Ross Payton to explore and analyze tabletop RPGs, with systems chosen by backers of this Kickstarter. What does each game do, how does it work, and why do people play it?

In season 2 we reviewed a lot of fascinating RPGs including Call of Cthulhu, Dread, Pendragon, Mork Borg and Eclipse Phase. We also focused some episodes on game mechanics like card-based games and initiative systems.

Some quotes from our listeners from Ludonarrative Dissidents Discord Server (Join now!):

  • The only place you can get good in-depth discussion on the whole gamut of TTRPGs. Whether it's fantasy or fanservice,Traveller or Tales from the Loop, I can trust LND to cover a wide spectrum of tabletop roleplaying with expertise and wit.
  • This just in: it’s possible to criticise RPGs and still love them for what they are. We need more seasons of this podcast!
  • Hearing industry professionals talk shop is amazing for cultivating one's own creative and game design skills.
  • LND has taught me the importance of never using the future conditional tense and aligning my columns.
For season 3 we’re expanding our reach to also look at other types of RPG books aside from the core rules, namely adventures and supplements. Our journey into tabletop RPGs has just begun!

Länk till kickstartern:


1 Oct 2020
Kan meddela att kickstarter har låst upp en hel del extramåk inklusive en vänlig själ som vill låta lyssnarna nominera ett spel, scenario eller supplement till ett avsnitt!

Slängde in både Heroes of Cerulea och Blood Feud som förslag, då jag tror det skulle vara fett att höra ett par av branschens silverrävar diskutera dem!