Nekromanti [Kickstarter] The Dungeon of the Day


3 Aug 2010
Jag planerar att köra en Kickstarter nu om ett litet tag. Tacksam för feedback...

The Dungeon of the Day (TDotD)

Goal: $500

About this project
I think the world needs more dungeons! I will create and publish one nice looking dungeon every day – seven days a week! How long will I do this? As long as YOU decide! The more support I get on the Kickstarter the longer I will post maps – we start at 101 maps!

The maps will be posted on the ”The Dungeon of the Day” Blog. All visitors of the blog can download the maps in low resolution. Backers will recieve higher quality maps in print resolution. Higher tier supporters will even get high resolution battle maps!

Battle maps
If you are a “Dungeon Architect” supporter or higher yu will also receive high resolution battle maps. These battle maps are suitable for printing and use with your miniatures.

Stretch goals
We will extent the map making blog marathon to 202 days meaning every backer gets 202 maps in total!

How the funds will be used
I will use the money to pay for the Adobe creative Cloud programs (Photoshop , Illustrator and InDesign). I also pay for the web site and I need to update my computer pretty soon to handle the bigger and cooler maps I’m making.

Final words
Please support ”The Dungeon of the Day” and make this epic quest come true! Ask yourself: ”Got dungeons?”

isks and challenges
I have been working s a professional graphic designer for over 20 years and have the skills and experience to fulfill this project. I have made RPG maps for almost that long as I can remember. Before even making the first of these dungeon maps I have spent many many hours developing an extremely effecient and time saving workflow. This means I can put my time creating exciting dungeons instead of battling technical difficulties.
Apart from some serious hardware problems (and simultaneous back-up failures) I don’t think anything could seriously hinder the project.

About Megaton Games
We are a small gaming company. The ower and project manager is Claes. He has played role-playing games for more than 30 years and has been working as a graphic designer for over 20 years. He has made RPG maps for almost that long as I can remember.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rewards

Pledge 8 kr or more
About $1 in USD
Tour support will help making this epic project come true – you and everyone else can see and use the low resolution maps. You will get project updates.
Estimated delivery: Mar 2015

Pledge 55 kr kr or more
About $7 in USD
Limited (20 left of 20)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing) At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Adventurer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 65 kr kr or more
About $8 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing) At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Adventurer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 120 kr or more
About $15 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the battle map of the main area in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). At least 101 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 145 kr or more
About $18 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the 4 attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). At least 404 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as a “Master Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 280 kr or more
About $35 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as a “Master Chief Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 680 kr or more
About $85 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the first 101 dungeon maps printed as a physical book. Full colour premium print. 128 pages with some extra goodies.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Sage” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: July 2015
Ships anywhere in the world.

Pledge 800 kr or more
About $100 in USD
Limited (5 left of 5)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get to design one of the dungeons as you please. Megaton Games can reject the design in some extreme cases and there is a size limitation. You will get every inch of your dungeon as battle maps in PDF format.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Designer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 1200 kr or more
About $150 in USD
Limited (5 left of 5)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get to design one of the dungeons as you please. Megaton Games can reject the design in some extreme cases and there is a size limitation. You will get every inch of your dungeon as battle maps in PDF format.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Master Designer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: July 2015
Ships anywhere in the world.


17 May 2000
Är det bara kartor, eller text också? Jag gissar att det är kartor men det är inte helt tydligt.

Tre solar

8 Mar 2014
Fyra saker
1. Dina två största konkurrenter kommer vara Dyson Logos och internetsidor som genererar dungeons och placerar ut monster med ett musklick. Utan att nämna dem vid namn bör du förklara varför de dungeons som du gör är bättre än deras.

2. Här spelar antalet en stor roll. Ingen människa behöver 100 dungeons. Som spelare vet man det, och man gissar att du också vet det, så man tänker "om han gör 100 dungeons kommer de vara väldigt lika varandra, vilket i princip gör att jag får fem som är värda att använda". Du måste därför övertyga mig om att det kommer vara god variation, till exempel genom att säga "unika kartor i fem olika miljöer: slott, fängelsehålor, dvärgstäder, grottor..." Du kan också fundera över om det inte är bättre att sikta på färre, men bättre, kartor.

3. Det känns opålitligt att en person som jobbat med grafisk design i 20 år inte har en arbetsdator eller vanliga program. Skriv att pengarna skall användas till något annat istället, typ backup eller bara att betala dina luncher när du gör kartorna.

4. Stretch-goal nivån är oproportionerligt hög. Du kan göra samma sak fast på ett mindre uppseendeväckande vis genom att säga "för varje extra $500 fortsätter jag fyra veckor till - vilket innebär 28 nya kartor för DIG!"


3 Aug 2010
Kanonförslag allihop! Tackar ödmjukast.

1. Jag hade nog tänkt på det mesta men allt kan nog göras bättre. Skall kolla Dyson Logos . Den stora fördelen med mina kartor är ju att det blir battle maps på "köpet" - framgår det?

2. Nej, ingen behöver 100 kartor. Jag skall förklara bättre hur de skall varieras. Skall även lägga in exempel på kartor. Samtidigt är nog antalet en liten "unique selling point".

3. Jag skall förklara detta bättre. Sanningen är att så stora kartor som jag jobbar med är enormt krävande (iallfall i Photoshop) och jag kommer snart att behöva en ny dator. Photoshop betalar man numera per månad vilket innebär en kostnad.

4. Bra förslag. lägg till en vecka eller månad åt gången.


3 Aug 2010
UPPDATERING! Bättre eller sämre?
The Dungeon of the Day (TDotD)

Goal: $500

About this project
I think the world needs more dungeons! I will create and publish one nice looking dungeon every day – seven days a week! How long will I do this? As long as YOU decide! The more support I get on the Kickstarter the longer I will post maps – I will start at 101 maps!

Before even making the first of these dungeon maps I have spent countless of hours during several years developing a unique and effecient workflow. This means I can put my time creating exciting dungeons instead of battling technical difficulties. I am using Adobe Illustrator to make the maps – with some aid of Photoshop and Adobe InDesign.

Variation of maps
I will make a variety of maps – many dungeon maps but also, castles, mines, houses, severs, dwarven cities. Most of the maps will be fully furnished with chairs, tables, rugs, torches etc. Each map will be fitted inte a regular 8.8 x 11 paper (roughly A4 size) so that you can easily print it. Some maps can to be connected to each other to form a larger map – while other maps will be smaller.

Dungeon maps and battle maps
The maps will be posted on the brand new ”The Dungeon of the Day” Blog. All visitors of the blog can download the maps in low resolution. Backers will recieve higher quality maps in print resolution. Higher tier supporters will even get high resolution battle maps - suitable for printing and use with your miniatures!

Stretch goals
We will extent the map making blog marathon for one month (28 days meaning every backer gets even MORE maps!

To be announced…

How the funds will be used
The programs I’m using (Photoshop , Illustrator and InDesign) cost money every month so I have to pay for them. I also pay for the web site and I need to update my computer pretty soon to handle the bigger and cooler maps I’m making. keftover money will go to stretch goals (I many really good ideas to realize!

Final words
Please support ”The Dungeon of the Day” and make this epic quest come true! Ask yourself: ”Got dungeons?”

isks and challenges
I have been working s a professional graphic designer for over 20 years and have the skills and experience to fulfill this project. I have made RPG maps for almost that long as I can remember.
Apart from some serious hardware problems (and simultaneous back-up failures) I don’t think anything could seriously hinder the project.

About Megaton Games
We are a small gaming company. The ower and project manager is Claes. He has played role-playing games for more than 30 years and has been working as a graphic designer for over 20 years. He has made RPG maps for almost that long as I can remember.

Pledge 8 kr or more
About $1 in USD
Tour support will help making this epic project come true – you and everyone else can see and use the low resolution maps. You will get project updates.
Estimated delivery: Mar 2015

Pledge 55 kr kr or more
About $7 in USD
Limited (20 left of 20)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing) At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Adventurer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 65 kr kr or more
About $8 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing) At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Adventurer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 120 kr or more
About $15 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the battle map of the main area in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). At least 101 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as an “Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 145 kr or more
About $18 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the 4 attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). At least 404 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as a “Master Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 280 kr or more
About $35 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also be listed as a “Master Chief Architect” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 680 kr or more
About $85 in USD
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the first 101 dungeon maps printed as a physical book. Full colour premium print. 128 pages with some extra goodies.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Sage” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: July 2015
Ships anywhere in the world.

Pledge 800 kr or more
About $100 in USD
Limited (5 left of 5)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get to design one of the dungeons as you please. Megaton Games can reject the design in some extreme cases and there is a size limitation. You will get every inch of your dungeon as battle maps in PDF format.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Designer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: Apr 2015

Pledge 1200 kr or more
About $150 in USD
Limited (5 left of 5)
You will get the dungeon maps as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing). At least 101 dungeon maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get the all attle maps of the main areas in each dungeon as high quality PDFs (suitable for printing and to use with miniatures). About 800 battle maps (see stretch goals)!
You will also get to design one of the dungeons as you please. Megaton Games can reject the design in some extreme cases and there is a size limitation. You will get every inch of your dungeon as battle maps in PDF format.
You will also be listed as a “Dungeon Master Designer” supporter on the Megaton web page.
Estimated delivery: July 2015
Ships anywhere in the world.


16 Oct 2010
Jag tycker det låter fint på pappret... men är osäker på om jag litar på påståendet om en högkvalitativ karta+battlemap om dagen i 101 dagar... inget illa menat, det är bara ett ganska saftigt påstående. Och det är just det påståendet du säljer, inte 101 snygga kartor, utan just en om dagen i 101 dagar...


3 Aug 2010
Hur skall jag skriva för att den som läser skall lita på att kommer att funka? Skall jag ta upp det i
isks and challenges?

Björn Wärmedal

Björning Wheel
29 Dec 2007
Ska det inte vara "Risks and challenges"?

Men ja, det tuffa här är utan tvekan att garantera att du kan producera så konsekvent under så lång tid. Det krävs otroligt lite för att en sån plan ska gå i stöpet totalt; stressigt på jobbet, svårt i en relation, ramla med cykeln, vinterkräksjukan, en kraschad hårddisk... Det är så många faktorer du själv inte kan rå över som potentiellt kan krossa tidsplanen ganska brutalt.

Min första spontana tanke när jag läste den här tråden var att det kanske är ett projekt som lämpar sig mer för Patreon än Kickstarter?


28 Apr 2012
Du lär ju rimligen ha minst hälften klara i förväg om du ska någon slags kvalite och variation


3 Aug 2010
Anchorman;n66525 said:
Du lär ju rimligen ha minst hälften klara i förväg om du ska någon slags kvalite och variation
Hmmm... rent teoretiskt kan jag ha alla klara och bara posta ett inlägg automatiskt varje dag... men det är kanske lite fusk :)


28 Apr 2012
Caligo;n66534 said:
Hmmm... rent teoretiskt kan jag ha alla klara och bara posta ett inlägg automatiskt varje dag... men det är kanske lite fusk :)

Din kickstarter lovar 101 kartor så nej det är inte fusk


11 Oct 2009
Vad kommer att medfölja i informationsväg med varje dungeon? Skrivna beskrivnignar av alla rum? Monster? Kommer det vara vinklat åt något särskilt spel? Eller kommer det bara vara en karta, rätt upp och ner, utan handling eller närmare beskrivningar?


3 Aug 2010
Rymdhamster;n66549 said:
Vad kommer att medfölja i informationsväg med varje dungeon? Skrivna beskrivningar av alla rum? Monster? Kommer det vara vinklat åt något särskilt spel? Eller kommer det bara vara en karta, rätt upp och ner, utan handling eller närmare beskrivningar?
Tanken är att det inte blir beskrivningar med varje rum. Däremot skall Skip Williams (DnD3.0/d20 etc) skriva ett kort äventyr/scenario för mig till en av kartorna - som ett stretch goal.
Sedan tänker jag mig att med detljerade kartor med möbler etc så blir rummen rätt detaljerade ändå.

Tre solar

8 Mar 2014
Jag tycker definitivt det är bättre.
Den största fördelen är att du antyder att kartorna kan pusslas ihop. Detta tror jag är jätteviktigt. Kartornas utformning och "battlemat" tanken signalerar new-school. Att man kan koppla ihop dem till en (eller flera) megadungeons blir det plötsligt attraktivt även för en OSR-krets (som, skulle jag gissa, i övrigt kommer vara mer kyligt inställda till kartornas digitala och "kantiga" känsla).


3 Aug 2010
Rymdhamster;n66549 said:
Vad kommer att medfölja i informationsväg med varje dungeon? Skrivna beskrivnignar av alla rum? Monster? Kommer det vara vinklat åt något särskilt spel? Eller kommer det bara vara en karta, rätt upp och ner, utan handling eller närmare beskrivningar?
Här kommer exempel. Allt ritat från scratch i Illustrator och hela kartan kan zoomas för att få en battle map.



Går ondskans ärenden
28 Dec 2002
Caligo;n66646 said:
Här kommer exempel. Allt ritat från scratch i Illustrator och hela kartan kan zoomas för att få en battle map.

Gör du allt i Illustrator eller gör du något efterarbete i Photoshop också?

Om du gör allt i Illustrator och vektoriserat så vore det ju en definitiv selling point om man kunde få kartorna i just vektorformat (pdf, eps?) tänker jag. För kvalitetsförlustfri inzoomning etc etc.