Nekromanti En annan post-apokalyptisk saga


26 Jun 2000
Med anledning av den fina feedbacken på min senaste inlägget tänkte jag att jag skulle låta er skjuta lite prick på mitt senaste alster som är ungefär i samma anda som tummetott-spelet, men något mörkare. En kort sammanfattning skulle kunna vara att det handlar om bortsprungna barn och frankensteinska monster, en sömnig amerikans förort, stulna drömmar och en elak trollkarl. Låter väl som ett mustigt hopkok? I alla fall, här har ni de fragment jag hittils har skrivit. Alla slags kommentarer uppskattas mycket. Som vanligt är det dock på engelsa, hoppas det går bra ändå:

The Land is a place without a past. To the people who live there, the Wizard with his army of constables and droons has always ruled them from his looming, dark tower in the hills.
Surrounding the Land is a circle of impenetrable wilderness: woods, moors and hills haunted by wolves, ghouls and trolls. Finally there are the snow-covered mountains at the horizon. There is no escaping the Lands.

To the south a vast sea stretches. From a jagged cliff on the shore of this sea a place called the factory rises like a giant, dark cube-shaped shadow. There is constantly smoke and fume coming from its chimneys, and the buzz of machinery and the screams of – what? – can be heard from somewhere behind the thick concrete walls. It is in the factory that the droons are born, or created.
But who would want to escape the Lands anyway? The Land is not such a bad place after all, and the Wizard is not such a bad ruler: the people live their mellow lives in pastel-painted villas in the sleepy town Suburbia or on the countryside in little cabins scattered about the cornfields, complete with porches, cats and wooden rocking-chairs. Most of the time the Wizard let the people go about their lives and petty business as they please. If one knew no better, the Lands would appear to be a pastiche of sunshine and happiness, really.
And still, there are those who feel that something is wrong, that there is something missing that used to be there, in a long-forgotten past. But what?
And sometimes, when the night is rainy and dark and the thick mist rolls in from the sea, the constables come knocking on doors and drag people outside and take off with them into the night-sky. The kidnapped dads, mothers and children never return. But none does anything about it – for some reason it is as if it is a surprise every time the constables come to town, and already the next morning the memory of the frightful night is gone. Or is there someone who rebels?

On an island a bit out into the sea a band of rebels hide, lead by the mysterious old man who calls himself Pan. But the rebels are a strange and motley group of people, and it seems an impossible task to overthrow the Wizard: Pan only recruits children, mostly runaways: grown ups have already been destroyed by the wizard, he says. Along with the children a few droons that have been discarded and thrown into the sea from the factory and appeared on the shores of the island have joined Pan. Together they try to do what little they can to free the people of the Land, because they know what it is that has happened to the people of Suburbia and the farmers of the countryside: they have no dreams, no imagination, no memories. The Wizard has stolen them to keep his own, dying mind alive. You see the Wizard is as old as the sea and the mountains and his real body is longs since dead and withered to dust and dirt. But with his magic he can create new bodies in the factory just like he can create droons and constables. The only thing he can not create is a new mind, and as they years have gone by he has slowly begun to go insane, senile and sad because he can no longer remember his own childhood, he can no longer come up with new things to dream of or hope for. Therefor he steals the memories and dreams of the people to feed on them, to try to once again become happy and hopeful. This is why the people can never remember that the constables have come many times before, this is why there is no past in the Land, this is why no one is truly, truly happy in the Land and it is why Pan only recruit children, because they still have their dreams left.

The constables

The constables are the secret police of the Wizard. They are shapeshifters who can take on any appearance they choose, though their true form is that of tall, pale faced men dressed in black cloaks and layers of leathery capes, scarves and robes that change into crow-wings when they take of into the night.
Constables are created in the factory just like droons, but to create constables the Wizard needs the flesh and minds of men. This is the reason for the night-time abductions that occur every now and then in Suburbia.


The droons are the thugs and henchmen of the Wizard. They are created in the factory just like the constables, only they have never been men. Some say that they hatch from eggs, others say that they are animals that the Wizard has caught in the hills.
Droons can look in a multitude of ways (though they are not shapeshifters like the constables): some have features reminiscent of animals: apes, foxes, cats, bears, wolves, hounds and so on. Others look like they have been stitched together from old pieces of flesh and plastic. Many have hideous weapons replacing parts of their bodies: knives instead of fingers, swords, hooks or spiked clubs instead of arms. These half-human, half-animal, half-machine features of droons are usual.
The droons that work with creating other droons in the factory are sometimes displeased with their creations: perhaps the new droon misses and arm, perhaps it has the ability to feel love or awakens to its new life crying like a baby or has some other error that makes useless as a henchman in the Wizards army. These droons are flushed out into the sea though a drainpipe. Some of them float ashore on the island of Pan and join his rebellion, but most of them die and are eaten by the fishes of the sea.

The Wizard’s tower

In the hills to the north the Wizard’s tower stretches high into the sky. Crows and owls sit on the roof on the bricked old castle. Inside the castle the air is thick with the buzz of magic and machinery. Small rodent-like droons scurry around to do the Wizards bidding.
Some nights the Wizard can be seen flying on leathery wings to the factory that stands near the shore of the raging sea to the south.

The hills

To the east, west and north dense forests and pale hills surround the Land. Trolls inhabit the wilderness. Some say that the trolls are also Wizard’s creations and that they serve him, but even the constables fear them. Trolls do however have some similarities to droons, and perhaps they were the first, malfunctioned droons that the Wizard created long ago: they seem to be a race of half-men, half-animals. If they are men crossed with apes, bears, boars or wolves can not be determined though. They are huge and ugly and they have claws and sharp teeth, sometimes made out of metal. The trolls skulk around the hills and look for anything eatable.
The hills are also inhabited by numerous other beasts and fierce animals, including wolves and giant hounds that howl towards the moon at night.

The island of Pan

Somewhere beyond the shore lay the island of Pan, called Isle If. Its terrain is very different to that of the Lands: whereas the Lands are filled with cornfields and rivers, forests and hills, Isle If is thick with exotic jungle-vegetation. Monkeys and parrots constantly scream and croak in the deep, green sea of flowers and leaves.
On the shore of Isle If lay the fortress of Pan: it his really not a fortress though, but more like a giant treehouse. There is a harbor filled with little sailboats and rowing-boats which the rebels use to get ashore. Sometimes when the wind is strong the children fly in over the sea on kites.


Woolback is one of the oldest droons on Isle If. He floated ashore many years ago and he has helped Pan ever since. He looks like somewhat like a cross between giant bear or lion and a Chinese dragon. It is believed that he was supposed to be a terrible monster but that he was to kind and was therefor flushed out into the sea by the other droones. His body is slim and long and covered in yellow fur. He does not make a sound when he flies high in the sky, and often it is he who carries the lost children of Isle If over the sea to Suburbia.


Pan is an old man. He was the first to rebel against the Wizard. He never speaks of his past, but amongst the rebels there are numerous myths circulating: some will have you know that he is actually a constable, there very first who was washed ashore on Isle If, some say that he is a shipwrecked sailor from a far away land across the sea, others say that he is the Wizard’s father. Who really knows?

* * *

tja, det var hela rubbet och stubbet än så länge. Tack på förhand, och tack för feedbacken på förra inlägget: mycket inspirerande. righto then, rifle up!

love is love

17 May 2000
Jag vet inte... jag tror jag gillade Tummetottspelet (heter det så på svenska nu?) bättre.

Det blir nog svårt att spela folket i byarna som glömmer saker så fort, och vad kan egentligen rebellerna göra mot trollkarlen?

Iofs, du kanske skriver lite mer info senare...

//Purgie - gillade världen på det hela taget