Förklä mina Genestealers


23 Oct 2012
Så jag håller fortfarande på att peta på min 40k kampanj som jag skrev pitchen för här: https://www.rollspel.nu/threads/40k-kampanj-pitch-behöver-feedback.82248/

Jag vill att en av grupperna man ska kunna få hjälp av/ha en obekväm allians med är en grupp folk på insidan av Malruptus som vill sammarbeta med de invaderande arméerna. Lite som hur maffian hjälpte de allierade när de invaderade Italien under andra världskriget. Planen jag har är att få det att verka som att de gör detta detta för att behandlas bättre när planeten faller. Men egentligen är de Genestealers som vill att det är så mycket inbördeskrig och kaos som möjligt så att de ska kunna infektera folk och så att deras Tyranid mästare ska ha det lättare när de dyker upp. Problemet är att om jag gör dem till de självklara sakerna, en fackförening eller en maffia, så kommer mina spelare omedelbart säga ”Genestealers!”. Så vad kan de istället vara för grupp på Malruptus som är bra för att vara onda infiltratörer med fingrarna i alla pajerna?


11 Oct 2009
Själva terror-delen är så klart bara en av kultens aspekter. De har även politiker (både som är för och emot terrordåden, politiskt sett), och andra grupper knutna till kulten. Inklusive typ fackföreningar, då en av deras större "rekryteringskanaler" är efter ett terrordåd när arbetslager skickas in för att röja upp.


23 Oct 2012
Det här är supersmart! För är de redan terrorister/frihetskämpar mot styret på planeten är chansen större att spelaena kommer lita på dem. Enemy of my enemy och allt det där.


Mest spelbar
19 Oct 2001
Primarch-dyrkande Cargo-kult som tror att en primarch kommer att återvända till planeten och ha med sig Standard Templace Constructs så att alla kommer att leva i överflöd.

Sen är det lite weird att om man tittar lite för mycket på deras ikoner så verkar Primarchen ha 4 armar. Alltså, det är lite osäkert men kanske.


11 Oct 2009
Sen är det lite weird att om man tittar lite för mycket på deras ikoner så verkar Primarchen ha 4 armar. Alltså, det är lite osäkert men kanske.
Skitcool idé! Tech marines har ju ofta en sån där extraarm på ryggsäcken, och techpriests har sine mechandrites, så det finns ju flera rimliga förklaringar till fyra armar som är helt okej enligt även inom den kejserliga doktrinen.


15 Jan 2012
En olaglig kejsarkult (både olaglig under ursprunglig och imperiell lag).
Någon form av registratur eller itterator-gäng.
En riddarorden som sedan den långa natten dyrkat en avart av kejsar-idealet i formen av en enhörning av svart glas.
Någon form av lokala genhäxor som håller på med forskning som blev laglig först efter att planeten blivit compliant.
En kejsartrogen grupp inom den lokala polisen.
En församling fd kättare som blivit omvända av imperiets retorik och propaganda.
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15 Jan 2012
Ett av distrikten har av tradition använts som karantänområde för de som infekterats av amöbor från haven. De drabbade blir sävliga, långsamma och känner inte smärta. Så en stadsdel av lyckliga zombies som inte märker att de brutit alla tår och att näsan ruttnat bort. Det gör dem dock inte korkade och de kan vara arbetssamma som grupp.
Jag tänker att det mot spelarna kamouflerar genestealers bakom något som snarare ser ut som en pestkult/kaosdyrkare.


15 Jan 2012
Lyckans Toppar kallas planetens rikaste område, byggt på en plattform ovan molnen och de ruttnande kvarteren därunder. De som bor här är rika bortom förstånd och kallas Änglar. Dekadensen har under årtusenden gått från vanlig 40K-adel till vansinniga nivåer (you know the drill). För några generationer sedan hände något riktigt galet horribelt och storskaligt som fick Änglarna att institutionalisera Änglavakten, ett elitgarde med uppgiften att hålla de egna uppdragsgivarna på en ”rimlig” nivå utan att inskränka deras njutning och frihet mer än nödvändigt. Änglavakten är ett pragmatiskt och kompetent gäng med intakt moralisk kompass trots vad de får utstå på daglig basis. Och genestealer-kultister.


15 Jan 2012
Malruptus har proto-knights! Sure de är inte lika coola som de på Mars eller Terra men en tidig avart av ett av kapitlen följde med till Malruprus där de fortlevt och sedermera återupptäckts under korstågen. Genestealer knights!!!
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22 Dec 2013
Kanske ett gäng-hus (likt de i Necromunda). Här är några jag skapade för ett utputtrat projekt på Bolter and Chainsword, kanske av inspiration:
House De la Poer
Controls the swamp archipelagos and the bounty of biomatter that can be found there, they also control a majority of the larger greenhouses in the hive. Trade in biochemicals (including poisons), the better kind of foodstuff (they control one of the few food-chains in the underhive where you are guaranteed not to be served bad food or being poisoned), and alcoholic drinks with taste (other than bad).
Names: French and “red neck”, mix and match.
Models: Use Orlocks, paint them in Crocodile Dundee-, Baju Billy-, Steve Irwin-ish colours. Maybe take a look at Victoria Miniatures’ Van Diemen’s World Devils, for possible kitbashes.

House Zadok
Traders in underwater repairers and undersea salvaging. On a waterworld that means plenty of work, even for those that never leave the underhive.
Names: Welsh and Thai, mix and match.
Models: Use genesteelers without the extra arms, maybe use Kharandon backpacks (and other parts if you want). Paint metal parts as copper (polished or tarnished is just as good) beside that do as you want with the colours. Idoneth Deepkin bits can be used for decorations or to help mark out leaders.

Aquaratio Guild
A hive spire is such a huge construckt that even if you live on waterworld there are large, labyrinth structures to transport water all over it to take care of those structures, and the water filtration systems, are the duty of the Aquaratio Guild. Something they do diligently in the upperhive, in the underhive they usually only send formen to oversee House Zadok doing that duty (or just give them letters of mission).
Zadok are closely allied to the Aquaratio Guild and under guilders supervision or decree do all of the guild's less skilled labour and patrole the important water ways in the underhive (even if the Guild's own enforcers patrole the most important ones). It's not unkown for the more mentaly gifted zadoks to be be taken into the guild, at least if discovered when young, and the guild's failors to live the rest of their (usually short) lives among Zadok's gangers. This alliance also give House Zadak finders right to anything they find in the pipes while duing the guild's work (with some exceptions), this usually only mean that Zadok are the prime sellers of fertilisers in the underhive but sometime they strike real treasure.
Models: Suggest using the Mercator Nautica Syphoning Delegation, Biophagus, and/or Eyros Slagmyst as base for Aquaratio guilders, modify as you want. Use Palanite Enforcers for guild enforcers, modify as you want. Can also see many of the Kharadron Overlords be used as base for guilders.

House Kuka-Ka-Ka-Ana
House Kuka-Ka-Ka-Ana makes up such a large part of the Stowageer Guild and Fishmonger Union that in most hivers mind they are synonymous. It’s their bulging biceps that load and unload ships, train and cargohaulers, and protect the cargo as long as long as it’s at the station. It’s their cutters that filet the macro fishes, and their clubs that crack the shells of the giga crustacean, that are caught in the open sea.
Names: English working class (1880’s-1940’s) and Polynesian, mix and match.
Models: Use Goliaths, can be any colours even if seablue, -green and similar “sea colours” are most fitting (recommend not using red or orange since that Goliaths' traditional colours and will not help when presenting them as not-Goliaths). More or less crude tattoo and armour paintings of “marine” motives on them (fish skelletons are common), traditional Polynesian patterns are also possible. Kitbach with bits from Idoneth Deepkin and Ogor Mawtribes if you want

House Abyss
The youngest house in the hives, recently given a Letter-of-House by the Planetary Governor, their name comes from that their homebase lay somewhere below the underhive, maybe even under the sump. Their claim to fame and power is that somewhere in the deep they have found, or so they say at least, an working archeotech device from which they are able to create technology so highly advanced and capable that it is unbelievable by most of their hive peers. The house is shrouded in an sinister air, with many claiming that the technology they use suck their souls away, or that what they found in the deep was not some kind of archeotech device but something of darker, xeno-origins…
Names: Egyptian and Aztec, mix and match
Models: Van Saar, use heads from Freeguild models with big hats if possible. Use Necron colours for their equipment and jumpsuits, their hats should be colourful (think La Calavera Catrina’s hats, big feathers are a plus). If you hate yourself paint their faces as if they had Calavera face paint, Calavera style decoration on their bodies are also possible. Eyes that are just glowing green or electronic blue are a suggestion. Raid the Necron, Seraphon, and Tomb Kings boxes for bits, but they should be in the same Necron colour as the rest of theit gear.

House Siouxsie
Lean and mean, the planets best chem cockers that use their own bodies as labs, those are the usual way to describe House Siouxsie. They are noted by their dark clothes (black is always in) and that most of them have black hair, even if many of them go for non-monochrome with spots of brighter colours here and there. Many of them have strange skin colours with blue, purple or green undertone and even Siouxsie with bright inhuman coloured skin are not unheard of, it's common knowledge that this comes from the House not just selling chems but using it in any way they think gives them an edge and many of them use their own (or their underlings) bodies as refineries – some of their products can only be extracted from house members who have partaken in very specific chem-cocktails.
The house is also known for making the best cocktail drinks in the hive, and a bar with the Siouxsie logo means that you can get something good tasting (even if the quality of the liquor may be doubtful).
Names: Slavic and animals (like Crow, Spider, Rat, Mole, etc.) mix and match.
Models: Use Eshers, Wyches and Hellions bodies (remove the most xeno-ish weapons and equipment), mix and match (if you are good with your knife you could try to take away the DE’s pointed ears), you can also use Delaque heads. Their clothes and hair should be dark colours, possibly with some kind of colour spot (like the bangs being red or bright green markings), skin colour could be anything you want, even if pale with some unusual undertone is most common. If you can are good with your kitbash do I suggests autoinjectors sticking out from their bodies.


23 Oct 2012
Kanske ett gäng-hus (likt de i Necromunda). Här är några jag skapade för ett utputtrat projekt på Bolter and Chainsword, kanske av inspiration:
House De la Poer
Controls the swamp archipelagos and the bounty of biomatter that can be found there, they also control a majority of the larger greenhouses in the hive. Trade in biochemicals (including poisons), the better kind of foodstuff (they control one of the few food-chains in the underhive where you are guaranteed not to be served bad food or being poisoned), and alcoholic drinks with taste (other than bad).
Names: French and “red neck”, mix and match.
Models: Use Orlocks, paint them in Crocodile Dundee-, Baju Billy-, Steve Irwin-ish colours. Maybe take a look at Victoria Miniatures’ Van Diemen’s World Devils, for possible kitbashes.

House Zadok
Traders in underwater repairers and undersea salvaging. On a waterworld that means plenty of work, even for those that never leave the underhive.
Names: Welsh and Thai, mix and match.
Models: Use genesteelers without the extra arms, maybe use Kharandon backpacks (and other parts if you want). Paint metal parts as copper (polished or tarnished is just as good) beside that do as you want with the colours. Idoneth Deepkin bits can be used for decorations or to help mark out leaders.

Aquaratio Guild
A hive spire is such a huge construckt that even if you live on waterworld there are large, labyrinth structures to transport water all over it to take care of those structures, and the water filtration systems, are the duty of the Aquaratio Guild. Something they do diligently in the upperhive, in the underhive they usually only send formen to oversee House Zadok doing that duty (or just give them letters of mission).
Zadok are closely allied to the Aquaratio Guild and under guilders supervision or decree do all of the guild's less skilled labour and patrole the important water ways in the underhive (even if the Guild's own enforcers patrole the most important ones). It's not unkown for the more mentaly gifted zadoks to be be taken into the guild, at least if discovered when young, and the guild's failors to live the rest of their (usually short) lives among Zadok's gangers. This alliance also give House Zadak finders right to anything they find in the pipes while duing the guild's work (with some exceptions), this usually only mean that Zadok are the prime sellers of fertilisers in the underhive but sometime they strike real treasure.
Models: Suggest using the Mercator Nautica Syphoning Delegation, Biophagus, and/or Eyros Slagmyst as base for Aquaratio guilders, modify as you want. Use Palanite Enforcers for guild enforcers, modify as you want. Can also see many of the Kharadron Overlords be used as base for guilders.

House Kuka-Ka-Ka-Ana
House Kuka-Ka-Ka-Ana makes up such a large part of the Stowageer Guild and Fishmonger Union that in most hivers mind they are synonymous. It’s their bulging biceps that load and unload ships, train and cargohaulers, and protect the cargo as long as long as it’s at the station. It’s their cutters that filet the macro fishes, and their clubs that crack the shells of the giga crustacean, that are caught in the open sea.
Names: English working class (1880’s-1940’s) and Polynesian, mix and match.
Models: Use Goliaths, can be any colours even if seablue, -green and similar “sea colours” are most fitting (recommend not using red or orange since that Goliaths' traditional colours and will not help when presenting them as not-Goliaths). More or less crude tattoo and armour paintings of “marine” motives on them (fish skelletons are common), traditional Polynesian patterns are also possible. Kitbach with bits from Idoneth Deepkin and Ogor Mawtribes if you want

House Abyss
The youngest house in the hives, recently given a Letter-of-House by the Planetary Governor, their name comes from that their homebase lay somewhere below the underhive, maybe even under the sump. Their claim to fame and power is that somewhere in the deep they have found, or so they say at least, an working archeotech device from which they are able to create technology so highly advanced and capable that it is unbelievable by most of their hive peers. The house is shrouded in an sinister air, with many claiming that the technology they use suck their souls away, or that what they found in the deep was not some kind of archeotech device but something of darker, xeno-origins…
Names: Egyptian and Aztec, mix and match
Models: Van Saar, use heads from Freeguild models with big hats if possible. Use Necron colours for their equipment and jumpsuits, their hats should be colourful (think La Calavera Catrina’s hats, big feathers are a plus). If you hate yourself paint their faces as if they had Calavera face paint, Calavera style decoration on their bodies are also possible. Eyes that are just glowing green or electronic blue are a suggestion. Raid the Necron, Seraphon, and Tomb Kings boxes for bits, but they should be in the same Necron colour as the rest of theit gear.

House Siouxsie
Lean and mean, the planets best chem cockers that use their own bodies as labs, those are the usual way to describe House Siouxsie. They are noted by their dark clothes (black is always in) and that most of them have black hair, even if many of them go for non-monochrome with spots of brighter colours here and there. Many of them have strange skin colours with blue, purple or green undertone and even Siouxsie with bright inhuman coloured skin are not unheard of, it's common knowledge that this comes from the House not just selling chems but using it in any way they think gives them an edge and many of them use their own (or their underlings) bodies as refineries – some of their products can only be extracted from house members who have partaken in very specific chem-cocktails.
The house is also known for making the best cocktail drinks in the hive, and a bar with the Siouxsie logo means that you can get something good tasting (even if the quality of the liquor may be doubtful).
Names: Slavic and animals (like Crow, Spider, Rat, Mole, etc.) mix and match.
Models: Use Eshers, Wyches and Hellions bodies (remove the most xeno-ish weapons and equipment), mix and match (if you are good with your knife you could try to take away the DE’s pointed ears), you can also use Delaque heads. Their clothes and hair should be dark colours, possibly with some kind of colour spot (like the bangs being red or bright green markings), skin colour could be anything you want, even if pale with some unusual undertone is most common. If you can are good with your kitbash do I suggests autoinjectors sticking out from their bodies.
Det här är guld! 😍


22 Dec 2013
Möjliga koncept:
Théegan-Wönderbilt: en av planetens adelsfamiljer och handelshus som har sett sin rikedom och ställning försvinna allt mer ju längre kriget pågått och folk av sämre familjer (och ibland till och med lägre stånd!) har fått positioner som borde tillhört dem! De hoppas på att genom att samarbeta med loyalist styrkorna så kommer de inte bara att benådas utan kommer kunna behålla sin gamla position som bäst och som värst bli exilade genom att skeppades iväg till någon feodalvärd att regera över som halvgudar med sitt kunnande och teknologi, eller genom att ges ett Rogue Trader-brev - de har inte så låga tankar om sig själva o det skydd deras upplevda status innebär. Detta är vad RP:na får reda på och det är sant, iallafall för de icke infekterade medlemmarna o är de infekterades backupplan om nu loyalisterna vinner. Huset (inräknat direkta underhuggare som tjänstefolk o husgarde) blev infekterat genom sina Interstellära handelskontakter och är en blandning av oinfekterade, riktiga genestealers (i olika generationer), o infekterade människor (typ hjärntvättade som agerar fult normalt fram till när det gäller att följa patriarkens plan eller skydda deras besmittning).
Théegan-Wönderbilt har investerat i förstklassig utrustning för sina familjemedlemmar och husgarde (mer för att skryta än praktiska anledningar) men tyvärr har kriget gjort att den speciellammunition och/eller reservdelar mycket av deras utrustning behöver inte kan importeras eller har fått sin tillverkning satt på låg prioritering. Många av familjemedlemmarna och gardesofficerare bär på exotiska vapen de inte kan använda eller saknar omladdning för.
Familjen har namn tagna från fornterranska företagsaristokrati, ex. Kokakåla, Beemwe, Pepsi, Merca, Hægendaz, Rolfrojs, Exon, Soni, Jamaha, Russoil, Vindovss, Förd, Kia, Ikea,
Deras underhuggare har greko-romanska-ish namn.

Några teman med Théegan-Wönderbilt bör vara att de inte kan tro att deras hus inte kommer överleva på något sätt och i en någorlunda komfortabelt position. Samt att de vägrar ge upp sina symboler för sin status (ex. släpar på fina vapen och utrustning som inte längre funkar).