Nekromanti Witchcraft - En karaktärs dagbok


26 Jan 2001
Här kommer vår officiella krönika över den Witchcraftkampanj vi (Vavva, Ymir, Pendragon och en fjärde spelare som icke är medlem) spelat på de senaste månaderna. Den har hunnit bli sanslöst lång, så jag kommer att posta den kapitel/spelmötesvis med några dagars mellanrum tills jag kommit ikapp spelandet.

Upplägget är enkelt. Min karaktär Jean skriver dagbok, något hon också går ingame. Jean själv är en sjuttonårig förhärdad gatråtta som drömmer om en boxningskarriär som arbetar natt som utkastare på en skabbig bar med en minst sagt ljusskygg arbetsgivare. Så, lets shoot!

I haven't got laid in eight months. That is not a shocking period of time for me, even though Twyla gasps and wastes an unnerving amount of time trying to fix me up with someone. In my line of work you get pretty fed up with sex anyway, the sleezy guys trying to pick you up at closing time, Mr Morrissons business associates thinking I'm up for grabs just because Mr Morrisson wants to get off on the right foot with them. I think it's all pretty pathetic and it's scary to witness the moronic stuff otherwise sensible people are willing to put up with just to not having to spend the night alone. Me, I like to spend the night alone. No way I'd want some jerk in my apartment rumbling through my stuff when I'm in the bathroom, trying to fuck me when I'm halfway asleep or, in a worst case scenario, tries to clean up my mess or wants to see me again. I went through all that with Michael a year ago, and I'm not that eager to do it all over again. Michael was a good guy I met at the club, but since niether of us ever figured out what we actually wanted, it all ended up the same way it started after a month or two: Quietly, uneasy and we both still pretend it never happened. I don't like having people close, and that more or less rules out even the shortest of short term relationships. I'm perfectly happy with dying alone at the age of thirty. Some people fall in love, I think I just grew out of it. You can only work to please for so long before you're sick and tired of it. Guys wants girls who are cute and wimsy and laugh at their jokes, and no guy has ever been worth changing for. I see love as a kind of teenage phase you have to get through to end up as an actual individual whenever you get out of it. Some people never do. I pity them.

Saturday the 26 of august 2006
Ethan shows up about two with chineese take away. He's hungover of course, chats around about some girl he met at the pub the night before. I don't pick up her name, but obviously she was dynamite in bed and he's seeing her tomorrow night.
"Oh shit Jean, you should have seen her tits! And she even left me a bagel when she left. I think I might be in love"
Yah, sure. Ethan in love, that would be a sight for sore eyes. Next week there will be another girl from another pub and I'll have to listen to it all over again. He never, ever mention Twyla. They went out a while five months ago, and now none of them even acknowledges each others existence. That's Ethan's usual way of doing things. If you pretend they don't exist, they suddenly don't. We have kind of an arrangement, Ethan and me. I don't talk about his affairs with the rest of the family and he don't talk about my lack of them.
"And put some flesh on that hard ass of yours. No wonder you never get laid, there is nothing there to grab" he says handing me the fried noodles and chicken.
Thank you. Family, always there for you.
"You're not a virgin, are you?"
"Shit no. Who do you take me for?"
"The girl who is to hard to fuck?"
"Fuck you"
"Sorry, that would be illegal"
We'll that's the way we chat. Ethan has a sense of humor, I don't. He's disturbingly hung up on sex, I'm not. I guess he got it all and I got nothing. But he seems to like it here, otherwise he wouldn't come over here a few times a week to give me my daily insults.

When Ethan's left to meet up with some friends I go down to Blacks to meet up with mine. Ellie is there of course. She works more or less all nights a week to feed her white trash unemployed boyfriend, and even I can see that she smokes to much and probably would be better off without him. It's saturday and I have a whole night of "fun" in front of me. Jack doesn't even say hello, he just puts a beer in front of me and grunts. Candy is in tonight as well, and even though her name is really lame I like her. She's got guts and a way to talk back that I love about her and even though she looks like a total bimbo I'm guessing she actually has a brain and, occasionally, uses it. She greets me with a smile and a wink and I smile back, like you do to someone to nice to diss out totally. Willy is already sitting in the corner and he tries to catch my gaze and smile his creepy little psycho smile, but I try not to look at him. Yeez, that guy creeps me out. If I ever get really desperate I might take him home, just because I wouldn't feel bad for a second when I throw him out before he even got his clothes on.

Mr Morrisson enters the bar about midnight, relaxed, confidant and with a small tick in his left eye that tells me he's not really sober. He hands me pack of smokes, like he always does on saturday nights and make a smug comment about my stamina, which I reply with a casual "well, too much for you to handle". Yep, I take shit from Mr Morrisson I wouldn't take from anyone else, cause I know he is a middle aged scum bag and I like him anyway. One hand in the wrong place and he's down, and we both know it. The night is noisy as usual. I throw out a guy who tries to start a fight in the bar and knock out a creep who tries to push Candy up a wall and feel her up. Your casual saturday night.

Saturday the 2 of September 2006
I show up early to watch Ellie open the bar. Big Tom is already sitting at the counter, waiting for his beer. He's a fat guy, somewhere in his forties and tried to grab my tit once, a stunt he probably won't try again, unless he's a bigger idiot than I thought. I sit down in the corner by the bar, waiting for Mr Morrisson to show up, which he does, eventually. He is dressed in his usual black suit with his usual blue polo shirt. Nothing much ever changes about Mr Morrisson, he has the same haircut on his wedding picture as he has now, a couple of years after the divorce, and the greets me with his usual "hello lil' Jean", to separate me from the other Jean who is a stripper at the joint down the street. He sits down at my table, tossing me a pack of smokes. "You ready kiddo?" he asks with a smile. "It's saturday. It's gonna be a rough night". "Am I ever not ready boss?" I reply, lighting up my first fag for the evening. He gives me a smug smile that I pretend I don't see. If I show any sign of understanding what it is he implies, I'd have to bash his teeth out, you know, for the principle of it, and I don't like to knock out the guy who gives me money.

Sunday the 3 of September 2006
I show up for training a quarter to three, even though I don't start until a quarter past. I like just hanging out here, watching the newbies make the mistakes I don't to anymore and the oldies avoid the ones I still do. Bill comes down from his office to keep me company. He has retired from teaching groups. Nowadays he only has time for the promising upcomers, which I suspect should be taken as a compliment. We hang out by ringside, watching Sam and Collins go their rounds and he hands me his water bottle the way he always does, bottom first. "You ready kiddo?" he asks. "It's gonna be a rough day". It's the second time someone asks me that in the last 24 hours and I get a strange feeling in my gut, as if everyone is in on a secret except me. Then I shrug. It's probably just a coincidence. Sunday afternoons with Bill usually are rough, so I guess he's right.

First Sunday of the month is the official Spring family dinner, and people tend to show up, even though no one really wants to be there. This is one of the rare occasions when we all could be there at once, which gives me unpleasantly mixed feelings. I know that Bobby will always be on my side, and so will Ashley, even though no one listens to her cause she is just a child, blah blah blah. Ethan is always something of a wild card. He does not approve of my lifestyle, but then again, he really can't stand Anne, so if she starts picking on me he is likely to back me up just to make her shut up. The fun thing about these dinner things is that they always end up in a fight. Usually it's mom and dad screaming in the kitchen, but from time to time it has been me and Anne or, on one memorable occasion, Ethan and Bobby. But I have a bad feeling about this afternoon. I'm not exactly at my best and Anne has that cramped up smile on her face that tells me she just can't wait until she gets the chance of telling me how pathetic I am. She brought her kid and her boyfriend. I smugly notice that he is checking Ashley out while he has his arm around Anne's shoulder. I really wish her all the lowest, every-day hells of the world. I hope their relationship ends up with him cheating on her with a fifteen-year-old, but if he ever touches Ashley, he is a dead man.

Of course I am dead right. Halfway through the lamb soup Anne turns her fake smile to me and opens her mouth.
"So, Jeany, no boyfriend yet?"
"You sure you're not bending the wrong way?"
"Quite so Anne, I would for example not touch your fat ass with a stick"
Dad isn't listening. He never does, or if he does, he pretends not to. Moms' face is frozen in terror. Anne gets stunned for a few seconds, seeking her boyfriends eyes for back up, but he is too occupied staring at Ashley's breasts.
"That must be the meanest thing you've ever said to me, you worthless little rat!"
"Rather a rat than a sheep Anne. I won't settle for someone more interested in kids than in me"
I can see both she and her boyfriend are about to burst, so I give them a gentle smile and leave the table. I open the kitchen window and light up a smoke. My blood is pumping too fast, and I need to calm down before I can go back out. Anne can, like no other person alive, drive me insane.
"She only wants you to be happy, you know"
I should have figured that mom couldn't just leave it be. I grunt and take another drag at the cigarette.
"She just wants you to have what she has, a family and a real life. Let's face it, you're not very happy know, are you darling? With that bar job and no one to take care of you. You have always been an independent girl, but everybody needs someone"
She spits out the word independent as if it was some kind of snake rattling in her mouth and, of course, she doesn't stop there.
"It's not surprising you haven't been able to find someone though. What boy wants a girl with short hair and that kind of body?"
She comes up to me, stroking my chin.
"You could have been so pretty darling! Those blue eyes of yours, you have a beautiful face Jeany. Just let me buy you a dress and we'll make your hair and do your eyebrows and then you'll see everything gets easier!"
I've heard all this before, but never this tenderly, never face to face with her hand on my face. I never really knew mom had it in her to get personal.

When we return to the table Anne and her significant other has left and the rest of the dinner proceeds rather smoothly. Ashley is quiet as a mouse, as she usually is at home. When we are alone she is a chatterbox, but in the presence of the rest of the family she sits with her face low and only answer whenever someone asks her a question. No one makes any further mention of what happened, even though Bobby tries to catch my gaze a few times and Ethan is smiling happily. I am truly happy to leave after dessert and Bobby gives me and Ethan a ride downtown. He dumps us off outside my apartment and Ethan hangs out with me for the rest of the evening, he even follows me to work and have a beer at Blacks. "'Rather a rat than a sheep'! You're an eeeevil bugger kid!" It's only Bobby and Ethan who knows about what I do for a living. The rest of the family just heard that I got a job as night time waitress, and I never bothered to update them about my new position. "You know, I have a friend at work who might be something for you. Good looking guy, blonde, well built and his last girlfriend was almost as fucked up as you" You see? I am the only one not having a problem with my singleness.

Monday the 4 of September 2006, right before dawn
I wake up, sweat dripping, beaten as if a national middle weight champion just bashed my teeth out, blood soiling my hands, running down my arm like rain on the streets of Chicago. My hands are stuck between my legs, cramped between my clasped thighs, my cipher hammering with pain. Unable to move, I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling above me. On the dirty, white surface there is a symbol drawn in blood. I close my eyes. I am tired of playing this game.

"Are you ready kiddo?". I'll give her for ready! With a last punch of strength I get up on the bed, take my blood-stained hand and smear a cross all over her symbol. With an irish father it is the closest thing I know of a protective sign. When I look up my hand has drawn a circle around the cross, making my ceiling look more like a pagan blood-bath than a cross over a female figure. I can't win this thing. It's all in my head and it's eating me up from the core. I light up the candles. It always makes me feel better; safe, comfortable, in command.
I need the control of knowing I'm surrounded by fire.


Gubevars en rätt produktiv människa.
19 May 2000
Känner igen det här, försvann den förra postningen när Mörkret drog över forumet? Bra grejjer dock, tål att postas om. :)


26 Jan 2001
Japp, stämmer bra. Jag kom dock på att jag postat för snabbt då, så nu styckar jag upp det mer. Även något ljust kunde alltså komma ur det eviga (nåja) mörkret!

Tack förresten!


26 Jan 2001
Storyarch 1

Friday the 8:th of September 2006
The last two days has been confusing, to say the least. Two people are dead. This is not a big deal, in fact, they were both creeps, none of them are really worth the effort to mourn them and the world is probably a better place now, but the problem is that I was involved in both their deaths and it all lead to confusing things, like me getting to know this uptown-university-half-way-through-medicine-kind of guy. At first I thought that he was the one killing off Mickey, but when Willy committed suicide when I was sitting with Gabriel in his kitchen I pretty much had to rule that out.

Mr Morrisson seem to have a ghost on his hands. No, I don't believe in ghosts. This is so far out I don't even know where to begin. I guess it all started with Morris having a fit. He trashed his office and only stopped because he was confronted with me using my rational tone of voice, the one that almost gets Ethan to shut up. He'd gotten a letter from a long dead business partner and he wasn't happy, since there was death threats involved and Mr Morrisson doesn't seem to wanna die just yet. This was the day after we found Mickey dead in the ceiling of the men's room in the lobby of an upper class place where Gabriel hang. I don't trust guys who buys me dinner, especially not while wearing a .45 and I was pretty sure he was gonna kill me too (ever heard of the last supper? Well, I'm officially a catholic, so deal with it), so I took Willy with me to ask the guy a few questions. Seeing the address and the coverage of his credit cards, I figured this wasn't the kind of guy you push up a wall with a knife to his throat, so we just sat down in his kitchen, talking. Then Willy threw himself out the bedroom window for no reason. Yep, it kind of shocked me. Willy never seemed like the depressed, suicidal type of guy, especially not when he might have a chance to gut someone. Well, anyways, me and Gabriel chatted a little, waiting for the cops to show up, which they do much faster and much more politely in these neighborhoods than in mine. I bended the truth a bit, came up with some cock and bull story about Willy kind of having a crush on me and me meeting Gabriel the night before, and then let them figure out the rest on their own. When they leave, still quite politely, we go for a run. He's fast and we both got stamina, and the running kinda releases a bit of tension, calming my nerves. Gabriel really is a good guy. Too good to get caught up in my mess. When we get back, that dead bastard giving Morris a fit is standing in the park, watching us. I make a run for it out of sheer anger. If he attacked Mickey and Willy, I suppose I'm next and even though I'm not really afraid to die, that pisses me off. When I get killed, I want it to be in a fight with someone who hasn't gotten killed nine years before by a full mag in his chest. When I start moving, so does Gabriel and when the bastard tries to take a shot at me, Gabriel takes him out with a series of swift moves. Gosh. I didn't think these upper-class-types had it in them. The shots I fire doesn't hit of course. I don't get why Morris makes me wear this wretched thing. I push three hands of salt into his mouth and then he is just green smoke. I stand there, enraged and screaming for vengeance, but he is gone. Nothing else to do than to go up to Gabriel's and take a shower before I soil his perfect leather couch with mud and sweat. I try to chat for a while, but Gabriel doesn't seem to be the chatty type. Twyla calls, drunk and giggly and I let her crash at my place, after she gets me to tell her that I just took a shower in some upper-class-guys' apartment. There is going to be a thousands questions tomorrow and even though I might tell her about Gabriel I don't want this day trashed by her dirty remarks or smug glances.

I feel relaxed in his presence. Don't know why, but the guy makes me calm and at ease. He notices that I am different but he don't seem to mind. In his fancy apartment and his six spoken languages and fine manners I feel even more like a street rat, but he acts like I'm someone worth hanging out with, and that makes me feel like more than just plain muscles and a possible fuck. It's precious, that feeling, as if not even She can get to me now. I've never met anyone like him before and I'm afraid I might start liking it to much. He'll probably be out of my life pretty soon, and I think it's better not to know what you're missing out on. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have a crush on him or something, I just like the way he makes me feel, even though he doesn't say much.

It's getting late and I walk home through the rain. He offers me a cab, but I don't take cabs twelve or twenty blocks. On the way home I almost hope for some thug to try and rob or rape me so I can feel at home again, as if this day never happened, but with my usual luck all I get is soaked and confused.

Then, of course, there is my birthday coming up in two weeks. I don't want to turn eighteen. I don't mind getting a year older but no matter how the day it self turns out it's gonna be a major disappointment. There is the annual family dinner, with snide remarks from Anne, well meant advices from mom and the general humiliation of everybody silently wondering if I'm a lost cause, i.e. if I'll ever bring home a boyfriend. I probably won't even get a second alone with Ashley, which is the only member of my fucked up family I actually want to see on my birthday. Then, later, there might or might not be a "surprise" party at Blacks. If there is, I'll have to be in the center of everybody's attention and we'll all get drunk and that never ends well. If there isn't, I'll know how little I mean to everybody, that Morris forgot my birthday and I'll have to spend my first night as an adult alone in my crappy apartment with my crappy stereo and my even crappier food. There is no good way out of it. If I knew there wouldn't be a party at Blacks I'd invite Ashley over for an ice-cream-and-a-movie-sleepover, but since I can't take her to Blacks (well, I can, but I won't!) I have to go along and just hope that She will give me the night off my nightmares. I could always take a night on the town with Twyla, but being the sidekick to a flirtatious, drop dead gorgeous friend isn't my idea of a good time. She'll go home with somebody and I'll still end up alone in my crappy apartment with my crappy food. You see? No way out. My eighteenth birthday is going to be crappy.

Saturday the 9th of September 2006
When I wake up, Twyla's gone. She has arranged my laundry in neat piles and there are crumbs on the kitchen table, but obviously she left while I was sleeping and the truth is that I'm glad. The last thing I need this morning is her constant insinuating questions. The first thing I do in the morning is calling Mr Morrisson. I don't really know how to explain what happened yesterday, so I go down to Blacks and see him, and tell him all about it, except perhaps the personal parts. He wants me to fix him up with Gabriel, which I refuse on the grounds of not ruining my beginning friendship with him. Being Gabriel's friend is really important to me. I don't wanna fuck it up just because Morris is a scumbag. He offers me a large check account, and I tell him I'll think about it. It all depends on Gabriel's answer to the question I'm gonna ask him today.

I call him up and get over to his apartment and tell him what I think: That he is too much of a good guy to get caught up in this shit, that I wouldn't blame him for a second if he backed off and never ever saw me again. His only reply is to supply me with a bag filled with weapons and salt. Well, I guess that means that he is in. The witch hunt starts. A modern witch hunt obviously isn't like in the good old days, no hellfires and thumbscrews but phone books and politely asked questions. In a small bookstore called “the sun and the moon” we finally score with a fake redhead in too much tablecloth who bought too much scrap metal on her last trip to Jamaica. She calls me insignificant, which pisses me off. She sells us the address to her ex boyfriend, whom she obviously hates, and I tell her to get pregnant fast as hell, cause she only got two years left. That's insignificant for you, bitch!

Her ex is a cool guy, quite old and he laughs when I tell him she told us to throw him in the river. I don't get his name, but his apartment is stuffed with old stuff, like statues and masks and shit. We sit down in a huge pile of pillows and chat. He shows me a statue of some deity called mattarahkka, and I almost feel as something moves deep inside me. I've seen this bitch before. I know it. Could have been in some newspaper or online, but somehow I doubt it. He talks a lot to Gabriel and I hope he got it all cause I can't remember a thing. I just remember the sun shining on this mattarahkka figure and how it seemed to reflect upon my soul. Creepy shit. He asks us to bring him some cigars if we ever come back, so I give him my pack of smokes. I don't smoke anyways, so it just seems fair that a guy who can't leave his apartment gets them. I bring Gabriel with me to boxing practice and we have a really good time, Bill making his usual whiny noises about me not eating right and sometimes smoking and all that.. I filter out most of it until he mentions that I'll be in my first real match in a month or so. I'm gonna get a match! I'm gonna get the chance to prove that I kick ass! My heart is pounding. Damn, I'm good!

We celebrate at a small Italian restaurant in the neighborhood, and Twyla joins us. She hasn't met Gabriel before and I see that hellish little fire in her eyes that tells me that if she wasn't so hung up on getting us together he would be in for a really interesting time. He is the guy she always dreamed of; good looking, rich and with manners. You know, stuff I seldom notice. Gabriel pays the bill, an annoying habit of his. Some day I'll pay his, just to get even. Twyla is her usual self, charming, sensual and great looking. Next stop of the day is the downtown clothing stores. I've given Twyla and Gabriel the responsibility to make me look proper on my eighteenth birthday, since I guess it's better to be crappy and look great than just being crappy. Twyla seems to have the time of her life, swooning over girly dresses and low cut tops. Gabriel saves me and we leave the store with a grey suit with a white top, a pair if wedge shaped heels and a pair of leather pants with a girly top to match. Twyla is happy, I feel totally out of place and so does Gabriel. Well, it'll make people stare and that's always a good thing. Never let people think they know where they have you for too long. But after my birthday, these clothes are going right down the bottom of my closet. Still dressed in the suit we get in Gabriel's car and head for Blacks. I guess a suit will suit the occasion, pun intended. I'm not totally relaxed with the situation, making the world I have at Gabriel's clash with my own, but I guess it's a necessity considering the circumstances. Mr Morrisson is his usual self, except that he is a bit more business like and stuck up with other people around. He glances at my new outfit, but doesn't mention it until we're alone. He has already given me eight hundred for this job, that kind of money usually takes me three weeks at the door to make, and he promises me another eight thousand if we take care of the Howard problem permanently. Eight-fucking-thousand quid. That's more money that I've had in my entire life. It might even put Ashley through her first term of college in case she doesn't get a scholarship. On the way out Gabriel makes me a deal. He gives me his share of the money (the share he will be asking Mr Morrisson for later) if I put myself through High school. He seems to think it is important, but I guess High school IS important for these scholar type of guys. I say yes of course. Another term for Ashley could be worth failing High school.

When we leave we go straight to the library. I've never been at a library before in my life and even though I got my suit on, I feel completely out of place. The place is packed with brats and bohemeans and other smart asses and I feel like my second class stupidness is showing through completely. Well, screw them. We get to work. It all goes pretty well I guess. We copy some news articles and mostly Gabriel just tells me what to do, and I do it. Then, suddenly, I see Ashley. No, it's not Ashley, this girl is sixteen and her cheekbone is different and she's not as pretty, but it could have been her. IT COULD HAVE BEEN HER! I guess I kinda freak out. I burn my hand until the stench of burnt flesh fills the room and while Gabriel holds it for me I smash the other one right into the wall. He leaves a tingling feeling in my arm and I withdraw. The bastard! He healed me! Just when I needed the pain of fire the most. And you can't even smoke at this place.

Since Howard's on our tail I spend the night in Gabriel's guest room. It has a window, just like home, and I sit there for an hour or two, smoking. I've smoked to much these last days. I'm up to seven today this far, in sharp contrast to my usual two or three a night. Smoking is bad for you, but not as bad as ghosts I guess. Gabriel's sweet, letting me stay the night here without trying to take out the payment. I'm used to guys wanting me in return for letting me crash and this is a nice contrast. I work out while he is in the shower and he makes us some juice - fresh, not from concentrate. I'm getting spoiled, and all that from a guy who doesn't even want to fuck me. We sit up until late, making plans and chat, even though I do most of the chatting. Since he's got something at school tomorrow morning and we're meeting with Mr Morrisson's cousin at two I get stuck with the task to go to the police and kindly ask some questions about the people who disappeared when Howard was killed off. Yay. Cause the police always loves me. Not. Despite this I go to sleep peacefully that night. If I soil the ceiling I'll just clean it up. I'm not even worried anymore.

Sunday the 10th of September 2006
I wake up at half past nine and put on a pair of jeans and that white top Twyla made me buy yesterday or the day before that. Before I leave for Chicago Central PD I practice my sweet smile in the mirror, trying to look like Ashley. Fuck if I know how High school seniors are supposed to act. I've never been one. PD central is quite empty this time of day, and I get to talk to the guy who investigated these cases during his lunch. He thinks that I am a High school senior making a paper or something about these disappearances and seems happy to be able to help. He even gives me access to the evidence files. Score! I knew I could be sweet if I just put my mind to it! I copy it all up and wait for Gabriel in his apartment when he returns from whatever they are doing in med school. I really don't wanna know. It probably has something to do with carving in corpses.

We go to pay the cousin a visit at Blacks, and it turns out to be a complete waste of time. The guy is trash, even by my standards, tries to fuck me around like I'm some kind of equal of his. I'm so above him he can't even see me. He's scum, I'm trash. There is a world of difference. I don't exactly cry later on when I get a call from Jack that he is gone. The guy is better as a (dead, pun intended) lead than he ever would have been as a hitman. When we get the lead we're out in some small suburbish town where the last people disappeared. It's a long shot, but if Howard tries to take me out we have him by his balls. I get to drive! It's a fucking Porsche and I get to drive it! Shit, it almost gets me wet! Of course, we have no luck and Jack calling about some creep disappearing actually is the best thing that has happened to me today, except for the driving Gabriel's Ferrari up to the street outside Blacks. We return and start the search. It doesn't take long to find the rest of the guy's MC helmet and the huge scratch where he hit the wall and something other hit him. The kids at the playground next to the scene gives us the description of both Howard and Mr Morrisson junior, and, more importantly, what kind of car the ghostly bastard was driving. Morris take the bad news better that I suspected. Obviously I'm not the only one with crappy family.

When he goes down town to the Loop to date some long legged chick who likes to spread them we follow. And, of course, bingo. The blue van described by the kids are right outside and I pick the lock without the alarm going off. While I search the seat, Gabriel do the same with the rest of the car. A shotgun, some blood, rope and a packet of black plastic sacks are all that the creep keeps in his car. Figures. It is soo cliché. What do you think Myrah Hindley had in her basement? That, and a freezer and a tape recorder. Gabriel does something with the car, I don't know what and I don't really care either. I think he knows what he's doing. We get into the fancy place to make sure Mr Morrisson is guarded 24/7. When I have a simple chat with Mr Morrissons bodyguard his head suddenly blows up in my face. Gabriel is on his feet the same second, chasing after Howard as I try to get Mr Morrisson and his stupid ass chick to move it. She is exactly his type, pretty in a common sort of way, long hair, empty stare and heels to high to run in. She tries to make a lame protest as I get them out on the street and Mr Morrisson's car blows up three meters away. I push them into Gabriel's car instead, tells Mr Morrisson to shut up about his goddamn car and drive them to my place, just a coupla blocks away. "No fucking on the bed, you can take the couch" is the last thing I say before I'm off. "Aaron, are you gonna let her speak to me that way?" I ignore her completely, and so does he. Look, there is still some common sense left in the old man.

The first thing I see as I get out of the car is Gabriel jumping from the fifth floor. The guy is obviously crazy, but I don't have time to dwell on it since Howard is running towards his van. The car won't start and I start blasting him with my salt-loaded shotgun. Gabriel joins me and we solve the Howard problem, hopefully permanently. We are quite the team, even though Gabriel looks totally trashed, soiled with blood and glass and all kinds of scratches. It's actually kinda sexy. The look suits him.

My apartment is our next stop for the day, telling Mr Morrisson that his problem is solved. He and the chick is fucking in my window and I light up a smoke and watch, leaning against the vault. "By all means, take your time, tell me when you're done". When they hear my voice she desperately tries to cover herself, while Morris, the old bastard, just leans back against the window and gives me a smug smile. When he starts to get dressed I tell him that the problem is taken care of and that he and his slut probably should move on to a classier place, like the Hilton or something. But, sadly, the chick has already moved on, on her own. Gabriel doesn't enter the apartment until he has met her on the stairway. He is such a boy sometimes. A gentleman. Obviously he is a gentleman even towards women who aren't ladies as such. A few short lines between the two men makes sure I get another eight thousand for starting school. Hey ok. It'll be worth it when I get to see Ashley graduate from whatever she'll be doing. Even though Gabriel's a mess we go out to celebrate. During the dinner he gets an envelope with an address and something about that everyone needs an happy ending, whatever that means. My thoughts are kind of off, my belly tingling and there is a twenty stone weight upon my chest. I'll probably never see him again. We got together for this mission and now it is accomplished and I find myself wishing it'd have taken longer, Howard would have gotten away or reincarnated or something. I don't want to never see him again. The thought hits me like a rocket. I don't want him to disappear. I'm fucked. Royally. And a part of me hates him for it. Who is he, really, to walk right into my life with his decency and fine manners and make me fall right into the trap I've avoided for seventeen years? Who gave him permission? That bastard order of his? Or is this just something upper-class-guys gets to do, make you like them and like them even more and then, BANG, you have a crush and are all unarmed, unprotected and defenceless? The hate melts away as he translates the menu for me, order in a bottle of wine I probably can't appreciate accordingly and starts talking about how he is gonna help me with my schoolwork and all that. There is a very thin line between love and hate. I just wish my subject was a little more on my own level, a realistic enterprise. From here on all I can do is fight it. Fake it til' you make it, lil' Jean.

I get to his apartment to pick up my stuff, with no Howard around there is no reason for me to sleep here and even though a part of me really wants to stay, another part screams and howls at me that I gotta go fast, before it is to late and I go from a crush to something bigger, deeper, more dangerous. Then he uses his logic on me. I better sleep here one more night since we has to go to look up the happy ending next morning. I can't think of a reason not to, so I stay. When we say goodnight I spontaneously give him a hug. He gets stiff as a stick but return it politely. Had you been Ethan, you would have given me a dirty joke about stiffness, but since you are my diary and only made of paper, a nr 4 pencil and my own thoughts you'll save me from that embarassment. I don't know why I hugged him. I'm not a hugging person, not as such. I certainly don't hug guys I've known for less than a week. Since he obviously didn't want to hug me I just made a fool out of myself and he'll probably start avoiding me completely whenever we've seen this "happy ending". Fuck Jean! Why do you hate yourself so much?

Monday 11:th of September 2006
Breakfast next morning is awkward, and since Gabriel never, ever seem to wanna chat and I am to embarrassed to talk it is quite a silent occasion. He acts as usual, as if nothing ever happened and as we leave for the address where we should find the happy ending everything seems to be back to normal again. We end up outside an abandoned building, an old museum of some sort and down in the basement we find a whole lot of bodies cast in a cement mold. Not exactly what I'd call an happy ending, but then again, better art than fish food I guess. We walk back to the apartment, Gabriel goes to school and I send in my registration papers. There is no way out now. I'll just have to graduate not to disappoint him.


26 Jan 2001
Storyarch 2

Wednesday 13:th of September 2006
When I wake up around eleven Gabriel has already left for school and I walk around the apartment a while, eating the leftovers from last night's dinner and doing my morning workout. I'm meeting up with Twyla at a nearby coffee shop at one and she's already at a table when I get there. First question: "So, how's it going with Gabriel?" I shrug. "Oh hell Jean, just spill the beans! Are you dating or what?"
"I think it's more of a ´what´situation" I say, taking a sip of my coffee.
"Come on Honey, he's a babe, you're a babe, you obviously like each other, get on with it girlfriend!"
I don't have the energy to tell her. How fucked I am, how impossible her romantic fantasies are, how Gabriel isn't the kind of guy you just 'get on with'. We have a nice chat. She had a crazy customer at the store yesterday and she's trying to lose weight and her ex. boyfriend called and wanted to meet and what do I think about that? I mostly listen, as usual, tell her about my match and that I don't know what to do for my birthday and then we part as I have to leave for boxing practice at three and she goes home to think about wiether or not to call the ex. boyfriend back. We both know she's gonna. She just can't help herself. I get a few of my aggressions out at the club, let off some steam. I'm gonna figure this out. Crushes come and go, right? It's only a matter of time and patience before everything is back to normal.

I have the night shift at Blacks, an unusually boring night with nothing to do except sitting there, looking scary and deterrant and afterwards I step by my place to pick up some more stuff. I lay down on the bed to think things through. I can't think clearly with all his stuff around me. This is dangerous. I've become less and less independent, less and less the island I used to be. Gabriel and I aren't island living. I've always been an island, some rocky, withered island down the canadian coast perhaps. And I never wanted any connection to the motherland.

Thursday 14:th of September 2006
I'm dreaming of birds. Yes, fucking birds! I don't remember what happens, but they turn on me, expecting me to do something and then I wake, cramped, my whole body clasped in spasms. Oh fuck. Not again. I feel the sharp smell of iron in the room, air thick with heat, pain and blood. And I can't move. Instinctively I reach for the phone in my pants by the bed and call Gabriel. It's 3:40 in the morning but my body is on autopilot. I can't fucking move! For the first time in my life there might be someone there to help me. I'm appalled by my own thoughts. I don't need help! It'll all pass in a few hours and for a moment I hate him for getting me soft. Spoilt. Dependent. But by then it's too late, I've already called and he's on his way. I try to cover in the blood stained sheets, but it's no help. The only thing I can move is my hands.

The next half an hour is just a blur to me. I remember Gabriel carrying me to the bathroom, trying to clean me up and how we somehow get out of the apartment and some guy giving Gabriel a wallet someone lost, but all I can think about is blood, pain and the fact that I let Gabriel see me like this, naked, cramped and bloody helpless. Not exactly the way I want him to. When we get back to his place he gives me something disgusting to drink and I pass out. Blessed sleep. Chemical sleep is dreamless.

I wake again, the bleeding has stopped and the pain is bearable and as I go out to check on Gabriel I suddenly remember the mysterious wallet. When he wakes up he finds her on the Canadian phonepage and we get to her Chicago address to give it back to her. The moment I lay eyes on Claire I know something is wrong. She twitches and her gaze is flacking and she almost seem to be looking for a chance to run away from us. With her slender body and huge eyes she reminds me of some kind of deer, knowing that the lynx is waiting behind the next tree. Psychochick. That's her new nickname. Gabriel seem to catch up on some of that too, cause he tells her she's gifted and more or less forces her to invite us up for coffee. Then all hell breaks loose. Claire hides in the kitchen with my gun as two freaky bums tries to break in through the window and two other hammering on the door. Gabriel holds the door while I try to clear the window. It all ends up in a mess with three people dead (three of them, none of us) and one fleeing. I just saw Gabriel throw a couch through the window. Wow. I like him fighting. He seems more alive then, if you know what I mean. Less controlled. Less hidden. Less castrated. More of the raw power that attracted me to him in the first place. We take the stunned Claire with us to Gabriel's place. She's definitely a smoker. If she stays, which she kinda has to since she's totally unable to protect herself, I guess I'll have company out on the balcony with my smokes. She passes out and me and Gabriel sit down in the kitchen. Then he tells me these were ordinary people. I've never killed anyone before in my entire life and suddenly I feel nauseus, like my soul tried to rip itself out of my body. These guys were people. Fuck! As we sit there the doorbell rings and the guy who gave us Claire's wallet is standing outside. It only takes seconds before Gabriel has him at point blanc, pushed up against the wall with a gun to his throat. He's forced into the kitchen and what he has to say shakes me to the core. This wasn't a coincidence. Claire is the center of some kind of greater plan, a game as he describes it, and we are all participants, bound together by fate and magic and god knows what. Yay. Marvellous. Just what I needed. When he leaves, after alerting us of the fact that mighty people might wanna kill us, I break down. I have killed real people, no, worse, I have killed people no one cares about. Bums. Lonely, poor people. I'd rather kill people who's in the business, or at least part of some sort of social circles where they can be mourned, missed and respected. These guys had nothing, and I took that away from them. Gabriel tries to calm me down, saying I had no choice, even trying to take all the blame himself. He seems so calm, so collected and in control it makes me even more desperate. I don't scream, because I seldom do, but I tell him in a raised tone if voice that I'm not as emotionally scarred as him, being able to kill, hurt and blow people up without caring. Then he just leaves the room and the apartment and I go to my room, smoking and lighting up the candles. I need the fire. After what I told Gabriel and saw how much it hurt him I almost felt my inner fire go out. Slowly I take my hand and put it over the open flame. It makes me calm, the light tickling of heat against the palm of my hand and I almost don't notice when the tickling turns to pain and the pain turns to the soothing notion of control. I stop when I hear the door slam as Gabriel comes back an hour later and I ask him into my room.

It feels strange and intimate, him sitting on my bed, no, HIS bed in his guestroom I'm currently using as mine, and as I sit down beside him I can feel the warmth from his body and the smell of his neck. I apologize and he seems to accept and when I see the sorrow and hurt on his face I put my arm around his shoulders. He just look so small, so defenceless and I feel a slight heartbeat of happiness that he is willing to share this with me, that his mask is somewhat melting in front of my eyes. Then the moment passes and we go out to check on Claire in the living room. She's awake now, smoking and nervously fuzzing about, determined to take off and run away. As I point out that she'd be totally defenceless alone out on the roads, she seems to calm down a bit. She's not stupid I reckon, just freakin psycho.

Gabriel gives me a ride to work and I spend the rest of the evening at Blacks, more or less without drinking. This has been a truly sucky day, and I don't wanna be drunk if something else happens. Fortunately work is going fine and nothing out of the ordinary happens. I walk back to Gabriel's after closing time even though he promised me a ride. I need the walk to clear my thoughts. As I said it's been a sucky day.

Friday 15:th of September 2006
Oh fuck. I don't even know how to begin this entry. The best way I guess is to take it all in chronological order and start the day at the same point as I started it myself.

When I woke up me and Gabriel had breakfast and he went to school. I went shopping for a few things and then I went to Old Chappo to ask him a few questions about stuff Gabriel don't wanna tell me, like who I am, what I can do, how all this cursed-thingy works. Old Chappo is as nice and welcoming as last time, giving me beer and pie and quite a lot of his time. He talks about weaving things of my own energy and soul and something inside of me stir and tickle as he talk. When I practice I accidently blow up a fag and he shows me how to sing to control the raw power streaming from my hands. I have to practice. The boxing has taught me that everything is about practice and hard work. I leave, a bit of a new person. When I get home, I sit by the living room table and get to work. I have control. For the first time in my life I can control the fire that surrounds me. Gabriel gets home and we leave to meet up with Claire at a café. She's already sitting there when we show up, apparently she's been there for a few hours cause the table is filled with empty coffee mugs and sandwich plates. She's not as nervous as the other day, and we sit down for a chat. When someone throws a plastic bag next to our table, I take her and drag her away as Gabriel tries to catch the woman who threw it. When it doesn't explode Gabriel picks it up and we meet again by the car. I almost puke when I see what's in it. Child parts. Parts of children. One hand and two small fingers, a bit of a scalp and a bit of flesh along with a photograph of two smiling children. There is also an address and a note telling us to come alone and that we'll get a new package every two hours. We do so. Hell, these are children! You can't just leave them there to die, can you?

The address is an abandoned slaughterhouse and a tall woman is waiting for us outside. It's the same bitch who delivered the package and her smile is unnerving, cruel and, well, bad I guess. She makes us drop our weapons and follow her into the building. Inside there is a couple of dead bodies and a man sitting in a circle of candles. Suddenly I feel stronger. If he is surrounded by fire, he is somewhat in my control. I don't know why I feel that way, but I do. He is on my territory, and every child is the queen of her own playground. He calls out some kind of devil-demon and tells us to undress and then give in to his torturous habits and then he'll let the children go. Yeah, right. Sorry buddy, I don't swing that way. I don't even like when a guy holds my head while I'm sucking him. Obviously Gabriel doesn't swing that way either, cause suddenly I see him tense and the second he takes out his second gun and shoots at the woman, I'm already leaping over the candles and I can feel the fire bursting out of my body and up at the man through my hands. He screams and before he has the time to react I push my right fist as hard as I can against his crotch. The time it takes for him to get a grip of himself after that buys me the time I need to knock his throat into a mess of splintered bones and muscles. When he's down I sit down upon his chest and for a moment I hesitate. He's still alive. Should I leave him be and hope that he heals, or should I kill him before he continues his little sadistic enterprise? I've never killed anyone in cold blood before. Suddenly time take care of my problem. His pulse slowly fades away and the rest of the world is slowly flowing back to me. Gabriel is in a fight with the big devil, being pushed up against a wall. He's hurt and I feel a sudden burst of rage. The bastard! He's not killing Gabriel! Without any kind of hesitation or thought, I rage at the red bastard and we beat him to a bloody pulp. Claire is standing in the corner, trying to be invisible. She really has to learn how to defend herself.

The sight of the two children in the back room is not an uplifting one. They both look badly hurt and their eyes are dead as if all will to live had been forced out of their little bodies. I've seen this kind of children before, on television in them african camps where people starve to death and both women and children gets raped and abused. I've never seen it in reality, MY reality and all possible regret I might have had of killing the bastard disappears without a trace. I shouldn't have killed him so fast. I should have boiled him slowly to a steak of fresh meat, or broken every bone in his body one by one. I can't stand to watch them anymore, so I search the building for more victims. All I find is a bedroom with a coupla books and a big four poster. Obviously they had this interest in pain toward each other as well. We lead the chocked children out and I sit with them, trying to reach them while Gabriel sets the bodies inside on fire. When he has called 911 and I've wrapped the poor little creatures in a blanket we leave. It doesn't feel good leaving them there alone, not good at all. I'll be reading the paper thoroughly tomorrow to see what happens to them. I'll never forget the warmth of that little girls body against mine and the stench of blood when I carried her out of the building, or her empty stare and dead little face. I hope she'll get a competent shrink, a good two plastic fingers and a nice family somewhere out on the countryside and that she'll grow up to be happy, self-confident and that her nightmares won't be too bad in a few years time. And I hope her brother survives.

No one is totally at balance when we get back. Gabriel looks as though someone crushed both his body and mind in a garbage truck and when he takes off his bulletproof vest his entire back is blue with bruises, except for a tattoo I notice on the left shoulder. Claire is smoking, and Gabriel pours each of us a big whiskey to calm the nerves before we go out and get dead drunk. There is no other way to handle this. It takes me a long time to get asleep that night, even though I'm drunk and dead tired. I can't forget the little girl's eyes. I smoke five fags as I look deep into the flame of my candle. That's how I'll use my fire. Not for Mr Morrisson or for my own gain. To help people like her whenever I can. No child should have those eyes.

Saturday the 16:th of September 2006
When I wake up, I'm slightly hung over. I still hasn't gotten over what happened yesterday and I slouch as I walk into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Claire is smoking of course, but Gabriel is already up and about, eating. As I sit down with a ham and cheese sandwich I suddenly remember the tattoo from last night. He hesitates when I ask him to show it to me, but he take off his T-shirt and I have a closer look at the gorgeous angel on his left shoulder. He tells me it's the archangel Michael, the warrior of God and I see how that is fitting. Gabriel is in a way a warrior of God himself. I touch it, follow the line of the angel and his sword, and my pathos from last night become clear to me again. If Gabriel is able to use his powers to do good and protect people who are the prey to the many carnivores is our world, so can I. I too can be a warrior of God, even though my faith is lacking and I stopped going to church years ago. I clearly notice how close we stand and the smell of his skin, but I try to push it away as I examine the cross on his chest. I can't let my self get distracted by his physical presence. No good could ever come of it. He put his clothes back on and we enjoy the rest of our breakfast in silence. Too much to think about. Too many bad memories and dead children's eyes whirring in my head.

Later that day I go down to the club for boxing practice and I phone my dear mother on the way there. The conversation goes something like this:
"Hi mom, it's Jean"
"Oh, hi dear! Is everything well?"
"Yeah, everything's ok mom. I'm just calling to tell you I'll bring a friend Friday"
"A friend to your family dinner? You think that is appropriate?"
"Yea, his name is Gabriel and..."
"Oh, you bring a friend! How lovely! When did you meet him?"
"He's just a really close friend mom, and I met him a few weeks ago. I got a threat at work, so he let me stay at his place for a while."
"You got threatened? Oh my god! How horrible, how are you honey, are you very upset? Did you call the police?"
"No, I am not upset mom, and no, I didn't call the police over a simple one track loser."
"And you, staying at an unknown man's place. I hope he hasn't been bad to you."
"No ma, if he'd been bad to me, do you think I'd invite him for my eighteenth birthday dinner?"
"Of course not honey. So, who is he? Do you like him?"
"Yes mom, I like him very much, but we won't get married and have tiny, whiny little babies, nor will we live happily ever after, ok?"
"Whatever you say Jeany. I'll tell your father that he's coming."
"Good. Well, I have to go. See you guys on Friday."
So, that's my mom in a nutshell. Worries, worries, worries. And totally obsessed with me finding a good, normal boy to spend the rest of my long, happy life with. She's probably on the phone right now, telling my whole family and quite a few of the neighbors that Jean is bringing a man home for dinner next week. It's quite pathetic, but I guess she hasn't got much else in her life.

Practice is kinda rough. I give more than usual to get rid of the tension I always get from talking to my dear mother. Bill gives me a searching look as I almost kill my speedball, but he doesn't ask. He's used to me taking up the stuff I want to talk about. I promise him to quit smoking, drinking and skip breakfast from my birthday to the training camp. From the 23:th of September to the 1:st of October there will only be three large and three small totally balanced meals for me a day, and zero smokes or drinks. Heavy shit, but that is what it takes to be a champion I guess, and I'm a really bad loser.

Work is ok. One of the younger regulars tries to pick me up by being nice and romantic, but I tell him to beat it cause I only bend towards middle aged women.


26 Jan 2001
Storyarch 3

Sunday 17:th of September 2006
When I wake up, I've only gotten three hours of sleep and I'm totally exhausted. Claire is up, but Gabriel is still asleep. He looks so vulnerable when he sleeps, like a child or a chained titan. Claire has made us all some breakfast (and what a breakfast!) and she hands me the morning paper as I sit down with my coffee. There is a note about the tortured kids in there, along with an hypothesis that the perpetrators had a conflict within the group, leading to the murders. Let them think so. There is nothing placing us at the scene anyway, which I try to tell the oh so nervous Claire. Actually, when it comes to worries, she and mom could have a long and meaningful conversation. Gabriel wakes up and joins us for breakfast. He's as chatty as he usually is, with the exception of telling us that we're haunted by creatures trying to eat our souls. WTF! I've known Gabriel for ten days, spent most of my time with him and he tells me this NOW. When I coldly ask him why, he says it only was to protect me from knowing. It's the worst shit I've ever heard. Protect me? Who the hell do he think he is? Who the hell do he think I am? Some fucking damsel in distress waiting for a knight in shining armor? I should have known. No guy is as honorable as Gabriel unless they see women as helpless victims, unable to handle their own lives, even less the truth about it. He can walk around in that illusion if he wants to, but don't treat me like a freakin girl. So, that's what I've been to him all this time. A girl. How worried he must have been when I charged Howard, how cute it all must have seemed when I fried the bastard in the slaughterhouse. Lookie, the little girl has a new toy! The mere sight of him makes me sick. If I see his arian fucking face a minute more I'll probably torch it until not even his dear order would recognize him. So, instead of making him in need of extensive plastic surgery, I leave the room and kill off his living room walls. They'll probably cost less to repair.

After a while he follows me out and ask me why I'm so angry. I answer him, a bit incoherently, but I tell him exactly how it feels knowing he hasn't respected me one bit this whole time and the fuck he could let me walk around like a sitting duck instead of just telling me. No, I wouldn't get paranoid. I just want to know who's after me so I can be prepared. If there is a paranoid fucker in this apartment, it's him so don't cock'n bull me about me getting paranoid. When I've said my last word I walk into my room and I hear the slam of the front door a few minutes later. Claire tries to talk to me in the mothery way she kinda has from time to time. A lot about healing relationships and constructive conversation. Fuck that shit. I've told him what I think, the next move is entirely his. I can't run around after him like a child afraid of being trashed. That'll only turn me into exactly what he thinks I am; a fragile little girl waiting for his protection and acceptance. Instead I go to church. It might seem like a strange thing to do, but it's Sunday and I guess this Sunday is as good as the next when it comes to making my first confession in three years.

The confession booth is about as small and dark as I remember from my confirmation days, and for a moment I want to flee, run away from a place where an old man's hands might touch and stroke me again as I confess the loss of my virginity, but I stay. This isn't him, this isn't even the same church and I've gone a long way from little Jeany, 14 years old. This time I'll confess. And I do. I confess the four people I've killed these last days, how I can't seem to regret the last one, how this confuses me even more because you are supposed to regret killing people. How God has been so painfully far away from my life and how difficult it is to look at all the evil in the world without wanting to act on it, for example by killing a man torturing small children. The priest tells me to sit down for a while and just watch the sun and all the wonderful things in life, so I sit down at the bench outside, light up a fag and tries to find the beauty, but somehow I'm unable to. In my mind, the young couple with a kid in a stroller turns into child molestors and victims of domestic abuse, the teenage girl who walks with a guy her age down the street becomes a possible victim of date rape and all I can see as the elderly woman walks by me entering the church is what horrors she's seen in her life and how much pain her body might be in right know as she slowly walks through the gates. There is no light in life. Just desperate people in a desperate world where power and violence is the only way we can ever feel good about ourselves since it tells us that we are more than other people, more worth, more alive, more human. In the middle of this we rejoice and dance on the bonfires of drugs, booze and sex because that is the only way to survive without going totally crazy and let the violence escalate to even further levels. Welcome to the world ladies and gentlemen. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

As I sit there, considering the ways of the world, one smoke turns to a few more and in the middle of the fourth Gabriel is standing right in front of me, asking if he can sit down. I answer that it is still a free country, even though it's not, and he sits down. There is silence. I've promised myself not to start this conversation so I'm just waiting for him to take the first step. Finally he does. I don't remember all the things he says, just that he sincerely apologizes and ask me for forgiveness. All anger drains away like autumn rain down the drainpipes in Roseland. I was fully armed and ready for conflict, just to meet with an enemy bending his head in regrets. Suddenly I don't know what to do anymore. His face is angelic, his eyes genuinely blue, both in feeling and color and his lips are telling me that he is sorry. I feel the strangest of all feelings, confusion, happiness and, within all this, tears filling my eyes. Before I fuck everything up by crying, I just give him a quick kiss on the lips and walk away. When I'm out of his eyesight I wipe the tears off my face and go for a run. Almost two hours later Gabriel meets up with me as I'm stretching at the parking lot and we walk up together as if nothing ever happened, neither the fight nor the kiss.

I have to cancel my practice today since there are a coupla people from Gabriel's order coming over to inspect us. Since they are conservative, uptown people I wear my suit and try my best to be as little myself as possible. When they enter, I meet their gazes and return the handshakes as firm as they are given to me, I try to speak correctly and, most importantly, I try to shut up unless I have something useful to say. It's hard, this being polite. They are five quite different people, even though the one that makes the most lasting impression on me is the woman in charge. It's not common to se a woman in charge of four men, but as the meeting proceeds, I can see why. She is an impressive character, calm, controlling and the room circles around her in a natural way, as if she was the center and everyone else was periphery, including myself. When she wants to see me fighting I try as hard as I can, but when I see her move I almost want to stop and just tell her I suck straight away, no matter that Gabriel called me competent in hand to hand. She moves soft, flowing, like nothing I do ever could surprise her, and she reads me like an open book. Made of steel she is. I want to be just like her. I actually don't remember much of what the meeting was about, just the powerful and yet soft movement of her body and her gaze, penetrating me. When they leave, we're supposed to go out clubbing and one of them stays, a young guy, probably a bit bored with his elders. His name is Khalid, quite good looking and since I really don't want anyone from Gabriel's order making a move at me, I call in Twyla for protection and clothing advices. She falls into the meeting like a bomb of color and a swiff of the outside world and then she takes him shopping. Great. Off he goes.

So... the clubbing. Why, do you ask yourself dear Diary, would a sensible and boring girl like Jean go clubbing on a Sunday? Well, there are quite a few reasons for this. It all started with Ashley calling while I was on my way from church. She wanted my help to dress up for a night out, and I started questioning her about where and why and who...and then she tells me that she'll go clubbing with a few friends. I was in such a state of shock I hardly remembered to sound like a big sister. Ashley clubbing? What kind of sick world would allow such a thing? I order her to go there together with me. That way at least I can scare off the bad guys, and make sure she doesn't get too drunk. It gets even worse when I speak to Morris and he tells me he's opening a new club tonight and wants me and Gabriel to be there to check out the place. We can pick up a few golden VIP-tickets at Blacks. So. My sister and her other fifteen-year-old friends are going to a club my boss is about to open. Great. I'll have to baby-sit both Ashley and Morris. Thank god both Claire and Twyla and Gabriel and now this Khalid guy is coming with, so I won't die of boredom and paranoia.

We pick the kiddoes up at ten, and all of them are trying to look adult and knowing their way in the world, which only makes it all that much cuter. I tell them my three simple rules: No guys following them home, no illegal drugs and have as fun as possible. I figure it's better if they have their first real blackout with me and Gabriel than at a party without any good natured adults to look out for them. I want Ashley to actually remember her first time, even though it probably won't be much to remember.

We pack them into the Porche and drive them downtown. It's a bit like herding sheep, only noisier and sheep don't try to hide baileys in the inner pocket of their jackets. We herd them in after a slight staredown with one of the guards. Yes, Morris has been expecting me. Claire, Khalid and Twyla has joined us in the entré and we all enter the place in a crowd. Gabriel seem to have some uncertanties about my handling of teenagers, but he doesn't make it big. I think it's as obvious to him as it is to me that this is a matter of cultural differences.

After I present Ashley to Mr Morrisson, we dance. Yes, I actually DO dance. Never without Twyla, but I may be able to move my hips from time to time. I've got my muscles working with me and my body mass working against me, so I guess it all adds up to zero. Suddenly I notice, through the crowd, a brunette walking up to Ashley. There is something... I can't say exactly what, but there is some sort of chemistry between them that makes me dance closer and closer to the couple. As I get closer I notice a few things about her, the way her auburn hair shimmers in the neon lights, her deep, green eyes, the sophisticated and seductive curve of her body and glances and as she kisses Ashley and tries to lead her up the stairs, I enter the scene, as skill-lessly as I can, pretending to be drunk and looking for Ashley. She drops off without saying her name, but there is something about her... Yes, of course there is THAT about her, being sexy as hell and all of that, but there is something else aswell. It's making me nervous and uncomfortable.

The problem is that I don't have the time to think about that for more than a few minutes before Trouble is making it's way right through the crowd. Four armed men lead by a fifth guy in a really bad hawaii shirt approaches the stairs and I stop them, kindly asking if that is a huge gun in his pocket or if he's just happy to see me. He tells me to sod off in quite an unpolite manner, and I call Morris, who tells me to take a few men from the kitchen and back him up on the third floor. I hang by the security fencing, sticking out from the rest of Morris crowd by a few meters and impatiently kracking my knuckles. Yes, I try to get the henchmen out of balance. The guy with the bad taste in fashion probably won't get distracted so easily, but every point you can score without the drawing of blood is a good one. When he tells one of his minions to take out the ho, I take him out in a series of punches I know is fast and effective. I don't want any messing around. And nobody calls me a ho. When the ugly bastard starts to speak again my rage takes over. "Is it really a good idea to teach the whores how to take care of themselves?". Take care of myself? I might aswell take care of him! "Is it really a good idea to teach the Johns how to talk?" I ask him as I break his arm and headbutt his teeth out. He's down and his henchmen leaving. Morris look amused, so I guess my rage did something right.

I hardly have time to hit the dancefloor again before I get a call from Gabriel. He's in the basement having some trouble with something I don't exactly catch, and I take Claire with me and get down there. The sight that meets us isn't pleasant. The girl who tried to seduce Ashley earlier is lying on the floor, with her brain scattered and her beautiful long hair, or at least what's left of it, soaked in blood. The next shock is that Gabriel tells us she isn't dead. Ok, that strange vibes I got from her earlier obviously wasn't just a freak of my brain. He sends me to pick up some handcuffs and a body bag, but as we try to get her wrapped up, she panic. It's kinda freakish to se a girl panic with her brain halfway out on the floor, but somehow I manage not to throw up and try to talk to her instead. Somehow we get her into the car and back to my apartment. Gabriel has already phoned that order of his and someone is coming over to take a look at the situation.

Of course she is totally freaked. She just got her brains shot out and she has no idea who we are or why we are holding her captive in a strange apartment with piles of unwashed laundry all around her. It takes a while to get through to her, but after a while of trying to get out of her chains, se seems to calm down and I tell her that we won't hurt her if she just calm down and answer our questions. The woman from the meeting comes over and she gaines more and more of my respect for every second she is in the room. She is calm, professional but human, and she kinda fills up the whole apartment just by being there. My heart aches as I see the young girl's terror, her fear fills me to the bone and no matter what Gabriel says about "her sort" or about her being dead dangerous I can't just wipe off her vulnarable eyes or scared body language, not totally unsimilar to Claire just a few days ago. Didn't the order say something about us waiting for a fourth person? I don't believe in coincidences anymore. I think it's important to get her to trust us, if only just to be certain she isn't the one we are waiting for. And she deserves it. Everybody deserves not to be as alone as she seems to be. I tell her to stay at Gabriels place for the night, both for protection and to get to know us. She isn't the only freak out there, we exist and we have to stick together. Nobody else will ever take care of us.

Sarah leaves us and as we make the plans for the rest of the night Gabriel is cold, distant and even less chatty than usual. As the girl Joy go home to pick up some stuff, we drive the kiddoes back to their homes and get back to Gabriel's apartment. The short time it takes for us to gather the little herd of teenagers Ethan tries to hit on Claire, and she is about as interested as I thought she would be, nada, but if I know him right, his ego will have healed when he wakes up tomorrow. When we start to make up plans for the night Gabriel just leaves, telling us that he'll sleep in the guest room, and I can sleep wherever I want. No, I'm not a total idiot. I know that he's pissed at me. I ask Joy if she wants to sleep alone or have company, since she seems almost starved with human contact, and she whispers that she wants me to sleep with her so she wont be alone. Of course I do. Actually I'd prefer to sleep with a scared and unknown girl than with a pissed off Gabriel.

When Joy has gone to sleep I sneak out of the bed and knock on Gabriels door, heart pounding and with a three stone weight in my stomach. It takes a while, but he opens the door and when I ask if I can come in, he let me. This is so hard, I don't even know how to begin. Efter a while I take the bull by the horns and just ask him, straight out, if he is pissed with me and why, and slowly he tells me not to ask people into his apartment without asking him first, since it gets harder for him to say no when I've already invited them. I'm stunned. How the hell could I make that kind of mistake? I must be the most stupid girl in the entire city of Chicago. Stupid, idiotic and without any kind of respect for my friend's private lives. I ask him to forgive me, cause I don't want us to go to bed in bad blood and he grants my excuse, but still I can't reach him. There was something else I wanted to tell him to, but I can't do it while he is like this. Hard. Neutral. Unpersonal.
"Please, don't be like that."
"The way you are now. Masked. Distanced."
"Sorry, just a bad habit"
"If I wanted to give you something. To tell you something I've never ever told a single soul, would you like to hear it?"
"If you want to give that to me, I'd be honored."
So, I tell him. About how I lost my virginity, about the smell and the helplessness I felt when the priest stroked me and asked me to tell him more and more details. How disgusted I felt with my self, and how this eventually made me lose my faith in God, the church and all that is holy. Because if one of God's selected on earth could use a child, it is a bit as if God did it himself, and that was not the kind of God I was brought up to believe in. He listenes, doesn't say much unless that nobody is free from sin, and that evil in this world in necessary for us to see the goodness in it. It hurts, hearing him say that, as if I had to be sacrificed on the altar of evil just so it could be possible for us to have goodness. I know it's not how he meant, but for a few seconds I feel as if the priest was right in doing this to me. The worst part is that somewhere deep inside me I know that he is right. I'm not the kind of girl who is blessed by an eternal martureism. I'm the girl who has to live with her shame for the rest fo her life, because it is her shame to be lived with.

We sit there a while in the dark, with only the soft light of a candle to light up the room. Slowly he tells me about his fiancée, whom he told everything because he thought it was her right to know, and how that ended up with her leaving him forever, and he asks me if I get angry with him having secrets and I tell him that everybody has secrets, I just want him to tell me things that relates directly to me. It hurts to see him like this, and for a moment I really want to kill the bitch who did this to him. He deserves more than that. He deserves to find a woman who can accept him for everything he is and truly make him happy. She ruined that, and she ruined his trust in other people, making him hide away behind that mask of distrust and loneliness. I tell him that when people react that way, it is just a sign that you are talking to the wrong people. I want him to understand that I'll always accept him. I don't know if I get through to him, but when we say goodnight later on I put my hand on his face and as our eyes meet I tell him that I'll never go away unless he wants me to. Nothing he can say or do will make him less of a man in my eyes.

We talk a bit about lighter subjects as well, and he asks me if I'm ready to enter this new world, give up all my old dreams of a life. I just laugh at him. What used to be my life? Working and boxing, fighting with mom and Anne, the occasional beer with Twyla. Not much to be lost, but a lot to be gained. I try to explain to him how my life has always been empty, bitter and meaningless and how the last weeks has changed that, given me pathos and direction. I hope it gets through. He is the center of all this and I want him to understand that he has saved my life, not destroyed it in any way. I don't want to get back to it. My new place is here, with him and Claire and flowing essence and Old Chappo and everyone who is like me, freaks like me, but also good people. He tells me he's thinking of buying a place for everyone to use as a base, someplace else than his apartment and for a moment I get nervous, scared that he'll send me back to my own crappy place where I'll spend my nights alone with my thoughts and fears and piles of undone laundry, but in the next sentence he asks me to stay because he likes the company. There is a connection there somewhere. I think we might be able to reach each other, a task I don't know if anyone else than us could do. Neither of us is exactly emotionally open the way that for example Twyla is, talking and talking and talking. Twyla is easy to get close, I'm not. And niether is Gabriel. As we say goodnight I snuggle up next to Joy and tries to sleep, but even though I'm dead tired my thoughts won't rest. Gabriel scares the hell out of me. But I think it is a good kind of hell.

Eventually I go to sleep, next to a girl I've never met before tonight and with Claire walking around with a shotgun in the next room. It feels strangely at home. I could get used to this.

Monday the 18:th of September 2006
Claire bent the steel in the balcony rack. Noone knows how och why, but she did. Shit, that woman is strange and unpredictable.


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Måste bara säga att jag tycker att det är mycket intressant läsning och det få mig nästan att vilja skriva en dagbok själv. Ser fram emot mer att läsa.


26 Jan 2001
Jag lovar, mer kommer! :gremsmile: Roligt att se att någon utanför spelgruppen faktiskt läser.


26 Jan 2001
Playing the downtime

Tuesday the 19:th of September 2006
I really can't stand fat people. Not Candy-like chubby or like Twyla with curves, but really fat people, like 300 pound Doris walking her half a dozen fat kids wearing tights in downtown Chicago. I saw one of them Dorises today on my way to practice and I figured Bill's got nothing to complain about. I might be eating like shit, but at least I'm not a Doris.

Practice is fun, but the day just gets rougher from there. I buy a whole stack of books on my way home, and start with history, since it seemed to be the easiest way out. I mean, history is just stories, right? How hard can it be? Harder than I thought it figures, since I read about two pages before it all goes right down the drain and straight to hell as I don't understand a word. I really suck. Shit, Gabriel is going to college and I can't even get a simple high school history class. Claire is better than the book. She tells me all about the civil war, and the constitution, and the war of independence and I listen carefully. Why didn't SHE write the stupid books? She's great at this! Gabriel joins us as the lecture turns into a discussion. I've got about a hundred questions and they both got the answer to about 75 of them. The rest I'll have to figure out my self. I really hope I have the time before I get killed. I don't think hell holds a whole lot of libraries.

Joy joins us, giving me a remark that they actually _have_ schools where she is from. Who the fuck am I kidding. Even the fucking vampire knows that I'm a worthless streetrat from Roseland, doomed forever to be nothing except that. I slam the door shut behind me and lie down on the bed. What the hell am I doing here? Did I really think that seventeen years of being trash should wipe off as soon as I got into decent company? A gentle knock on the door breaks up my thoughts and Gabriel enters.
"Come on, we're going someplace!"
"Just a place to fix your motivation. Come on!"
What else can I do? I follow him down to his car, driven by both curiousity and a feeling of relief to leave the school books behind. He drives us out of town and into a shooting range where we shoot up the books totally. It doesn't help that much, but it's fun and we laugh and I have the best time I've had for a very, very long time.

Wednesday the 20:th of September 2006
I only have two things scheduled for today, except for work. Boxing practice at three and a cup of coffee with Dean at five. Practice is the same shit as always. Bill compliments me on my handwork but gives me a rough time about my footwork, as usual. Afterwards we have a chat about life and money and me becoming eighteen. He seems to think it's a big cornerstone in life, but I'm not so sure. What could possibly change?

Coffee with Dean is nice and cool as usual. He has a new thing going on, as a desperate try to get himself out of unemployment and I wish him good luck, even though I know it's all going down the drain. We just got past me talking about how my work is going, when he suddenly drops the bomb.
"I heard you have a boyfriend. How did this happen?"
"What? I have no boyfriend! What have you heard?"
"Just mom talking about how Marthas Jean, the boyish one, was bringing a man home for dinner. Your ma doesn't have that many boyish Jeans to look after."
"Oh fuck, she has already told half of Roseland?"
"Nope, just the catholic side"
He grins at me as I take a huge gulp of coffee. Mom has kept herself busy these last coupla days.
"So, who is he? Some guy from Blacks?"
"Nope, a guy I met at a club. He's not even my boyfriend, I've just been crashing at his place for two weeks. He lives better than I do."
"Oh. Sure. I'll tell mom you said that. But she ain't gonna listen you know."

Friday the 22:th of September 2006
When I wake up on the morning of my eighteenth birthday there are heavy clouds over the horizon and I ponder the appropriaety of the weather until I realize it's only smoke drifting from the balcony. I more or less stay in the room until it's time to get ready for dinner, smoking, drinking the cold coffee I left yesterday when going to bed. I don't eat before dinner. My stomach twist and turn in my body, mostly out of stress, but also out of that bad gut feeling I always get when I'm about to encounter Anne and her spouse. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring Gabriel after all. Maybe I should have just been the grown up I'm supposed to be, taking on Anne and the rest of the bunch unshielded. I realize I don't want to show Gabriel where I grew up, the dirt, the chaos, the crappy houses and cars. I don't want him to know, I know that he knows, hell I've told him, but I don't want him to KNOW with his eyes and body. But it's too late to back out. About three I hit the shower, slippin into the suit, packing my bag and we leave, him looking like something out of a designer catwalk, me looking like my usual shit in a suit.

We show up in Roseland at a quarter to four and everything is exactly as the last time I went here. There's a black street kid standing at the corner, eyeing Gabriels car, and I hire him for car watch, since I don't want him calling all his siblings and try to steal it. Gabriel mutter something about insurance and I don't have the energy telling him that this isn't about money, it's about streetcred and if the kid stole his car, I'd have to get even in a less that ethical way not to lose mine, and I don't exactly feel up to it. It's quite probable that the Bulls will get shit for this from whatever black gang this kids brothers or father is in, but even though Aaron probably still hate my guts for dissing him out completely after he'd been a nice guy telling me he fucked me even though I don't remember a thing, I'm still irish and he'll take the shit. You see? It's all politics. I'm irish, the Bulls are an irish gang. They'll take responsability for almost everything I'm up to. So, Tyrone watches the car. I guess he's never seen a Porche before in his life, so he better has a good look.

Inside mom has been cleaning up, making her best effort to make this place look at its best. Bobby greets us at the door, inspecting Gabriel as politely and discreetly as possible. He looks good, shining in a domestic way. Bobby will make a wonderful father and I'm sincerely happy for him. Everybody alse is gathered in the kitchen, and I can see Anne's eyes narrow as I introduce Gabriel and we sit down. Ashley is still in her room, as usual, and I pick her up, teasing her a bit about Joy since she seems so utterly disturbed about it. As I call in dad from the living room he takes me aside.
"This man, he been good to you? Treatin you right?"
"Yeah dad."
"Hasn't tried anything?"
"No dad."
"Not being strange in any way?"
"Well, he speaks six languages and is studying medicine. That's pretty damn strange to me."
I see dad's eyes narrow suspiciously.
"He's not a queer is he?"
"No dad, come out and have dinner with us."
He lets me lead him into the kitchen and since I'm genetically unable to shut my mouth, I look at Gabriel and say:
"So, now dad's made sure you didn't rape me in my sleep."
"Oh, good we cleared that up" he says without even a twitch. I'm so proud of him. He's handling all this extraordinarily well.

The rest of the main cource proceeds without incidents. Anne is a bitch of course, but with Gabriel here she has to shut her mouth around the worst insults until we get more or less alone. About around present time I start to feel a little tipsy. Drinking on an empty stomach you know... I get a lot more presents than I've expected. An irish single malt from dad, a crucifix from mom, a pair of tight leather pants from Ethan (who actually CALLED Twyla to find out my size), a microwave from Bobby and Jenna, a taeser and a self-defence book from Anne and John and a locket with her picture in it from Ashley. Ryan left me a bag of candy and Sarah made me a drawing. They're both on a weekend camp-trip and I get the treat NOT to have to be half-time babysitter on my own birthday dinner. Thank You Mom. I bet you planned this and I love you for it. When I get to Gabriel's present I suddenly get afraid to open it. It's a small box and for a moment I'm afraid he bought me some kind of jewellery just to show me he doesn't know me at all. I catch that mom glances at the small box with an unmistaken flare of curiousity. Oh God, don't let it be anything my family will take as a sign of love of relationship. Then I'll never hear the end of it. I open the box, slowly and reluctantly, until I see the cold shine of a silver zippo in there. The guy bought me a fucking zippo! Engraved! With a tribal up front! I squeel and give him a hug in front of my whole family, then I light up a smoke. It's got a wonderful flame. I'm gonna love this lighter long after I've stopped loving the man.

Anne waits with the full scale attack until we all are out, looking at Gabriel's car. I'm sitting in the drivers seat, smoking and watching Gabriel and John, Bobby and Ethan playing with the engine.
"So, you're better than us now?"
"Nope, just better than some."
I watch her. Her once so pretty face now ruined by grief, bitterness and oh so many sleepless nights and for the first time in my life I see that what I just said is true. I actually am better than her. Not because of strength or looks or status, but because of her envy and poisoned mind, forcing her to deal with other people's luck in life by trying to corrupt it, make it into something bad to make herself feel better. For the first time ever I pity her.
"You think you're gonna keep him? I can get him whenever I want!"
"Be my guest Anne. Take him. Give it a try."
"I don't feel like it."
"So I figured."
Then she suddenly pulls me, wheezing in my ear.
"You think you're something now, don't you? But you're not, and you never gonna be. You'll be a loser for the rest of your pathetic life!"
"I'm not the one having a kid at sixteen."
But her words hit me like a truck. Who am I kidding? This is just a lucky episode in an otherwise crappy life. Soon enough Gabriel with get sick and tired of me, or leave for Europe or something and I'll be back in my apartment, dying in a shoot-out, remembered only by Twyla and Bobby, and hopefully forgotten by Ashley. She and John leaves early, thanks god, and dad puts all the males in the couch watching a game. The dark cloud Anne put over my head disappears slowly in her absence and I start feeling tipsy in a good way again. When I start rounding up Ashley and Ethan for a beer at Blacks, Gabriel calls at me from the living room.
"I've got a surprise for you"
"What kind of surprise?"
"You'll see."
The butterflies are starting to dance a jigg in my stomach, being a bit jiggly from the beer and whiskey.
"I thought I'd step by Blacks with Ashley and Ethan, to re-negotiate my paycheck. Can I bring Ashley to this surpirse?"
"I think you'll like it better if you don't."
My curiousity is almost killing me.
"You'll see."
I kiss mom goodnight before we leave, bringing Ethan and Ashley in the back of the car. On the way to Blacks I change from the suit to the leather pants and the blue top Twyla picked out for me. As I fix my hair in the rear-view mirror Ethan gives me a whistle. I smile back and poses for him. Even though I usually don't give a damn and he only is my brother, it's kinda nice knowing I can be bordering on hot when I give it a try.

I herd my two siblings into Blacks, grabbing a whiskey in the bar and handing Ashley a drink before I get in to talk to Morris. Candy is working tonight and I notice as I leave the room that she is chatting nicely with Ashley and eyeballs Ethan almost as openly as he eyeballs her. Fucking fuckoholics. What is the matter with them? Morris is dead drunk when I enter the office. He is sitting behind his desk with a gun in one hand and a drink in the other. He pours me one, an eight, and I sit down in front of him. I don't know exactly what happens. I have a few cards up my sleeve, some of them bluffs, but I know he's not gonna call them. The problem is I hardly have a chance to start before he gives me a 350 dollar a week raise and gives me a big fucking cannon as birthday present. He is seriously shitty tonight, waiting for his own death by mob. The guys we got down last sunday had high connections and he acts as if everything was finally over. He annoys me when he gets like that. Hell, he managed Howard. Don't give up before you've lost old man! You still have a dozen of reliable people, a buckload of cash and some friends with big guns. Nothing's over until the fat lady sings.

I wave goodbye to Ashley and Ethan, give her the keys to my apartment and tell Jack to put everything she drinks on me. She protests slightly over being left with Ethan at a bar, but I figure it's good for her. Ethan is there too, and he might need someone responsible to look after him. We get out to the Porche and Gabriel starts driving. I actually don't have a clue where we're going until he drives up in front of the club. Bill is waiting outside for us, hands Gabriel the keys and looks kinda off when I scream that I love him more than I love my own father and wrap myself around him. He pats me on the shoulder and tells me to have a good birthday before he disappears into the Chicago mist. How could I NOT have a good birthday if Gabriel has the keys to the club? I'm shaking slightly in the cold evening air. We are alone, outside my club and he is about to go inside to change. Just us. Alone. At the club. A shiver down my spine. This is bad. Or good. And definetly dangerous. We warm up, taking a run around the room and I try not to watch him as he run, with no T-shirt, damn man! The more I run the easier I have not to stare at the angel on his shoulder. Thank you God. I really don't need to be drunk at the moment. The reasons are too many to list here. How the hell am I supposed to beat the crap out of him when he's looking like that? Well, somehow I manage to get into fighting mode. We circle for a while and I get the first hit, going inside his guard. Sadly enough he's not stupid, he gets pretty fast that his best chance is to try and pin me, thus making me unable to move. I've got the speed, he's got the strength and the body mass. I head butt him to get loose and I feel his nose breaking, but I end up on the floor anyway, pinned and totally unable to move. He looks down at me and smiles, blood all over his face and a tricky glare in his blue eyes.
"So, this is what you call pinned?"
"Well, that's what you call bleeding" I reply eyeing his nose. He laughs and set me free. I've lost the first round, but then again, I've won my own battle. I didn't kiss him when he let me go. I got a few good shots at him before he nailed me. I hope he didn't realize that he nailed me so much harder emotionally than physically.

As we go the second round I stop playing nice and open with a quite dirty kick towards his left knee, and I feel the bone kracking. Some fuckin way he still gets me pinned at the end, and I get warm and angry as I realize I can't move and my head is dizzy from pain and confusion and the warm smell of his sweaty body against mine. When he let me go, he softly puts his arms around me as he heals me and I still got the fight pumping through my veins and I´m so damn close to pushing him up against ringside and kiss him 'til we both are bleeding, but I still have a few braincells left in my head.
"You better stop that."
He gives me a surprised look but doesn't let go.
"Let me go, I'm post-fight-horny" I clarify sharply and he finally let me go, just in time for the phone to ring. It's Twyla. She just let Khalid out the door and is at the moment taking a bath trying to heal herself from what obviously is a pretty well sized member of Gabriel's order. I chat with her about Khalid and his physical attributes for a few minutes, just to keep up the girly chat long enough to get myself together. Gabriel is lying on the floor, trying to heal his leg and I place myself triumphantly on top of him, which I quite fast get aware of is a really bad idea. It's probably a good thing that Twyla cools me down by mentioning something naughty about confession booths. She doesn't know. The only live person who knows is laying on the floor with me on top. I slowly slide off him and sit there, panting. There are too many conflicting feelings in my gut at the moment. Oh, and the cornerpost is on fire.

It's a strange moment we share there at the floor of the ring with his leg half-way broken and with me confused and dizzy after the fight. We talk quite much, about everything and trust and life and, I guess, partly about us even though none of us mention it up front. I don't know how to read him. He likes me, I've gotten that much, but I don't know if I'm the only one feeling the tention, and I'm pretty damn sure I'm the only one sharing the confusion. Even if he would feel the way I do, I know that it all is nothing but a childish dream. It's ok if he plays around with me, it really is. Even if he goes off to marry some british upperclass bitch like the one who left him, it will still be ok. I'll understand. Guys like him weren't made for gals like me. He promises me he'll tell me his big secret some day. I take his words and put them in a safe place in my heart for rainy days. As we leave the club to meet up with Twyla at a nearby bar, he leaves the Porche outside the club and grabs a cab. I guess it's time for some serious drinking.

As we get back to the apartment I'm seriously drunk and Gabriel seems tipsy. Hey, it's my last night of drinking, and I'm cutting myself some slack. We argue a bit about who is going to sleep where and he insists I take the bed since it is my birthday. Even though I'm drunk it seems strange to me. We've been sharing this bed two times in four days and suddenly it's a big deal for him? I open my mouth to argue when he softly kisses me on the lips and push me down on the bed.
"Sleep tight" he says as he walks out, closing the door behind him. I lay there, in the nest of blankets and cushions and try to get my head together. What did he just do? Why? And wasn't there an indian in the living room earlier? And what does he mean by kissing me and then sleeping on the couch? And why am I going over this in my head? And.... what? I'm too drunk to get my thoughts in a straight line long enough to grasp the situation. I get on my feet and walk out in the hall where he is brushing his teeth.
"What was that?"
"That you just did?"
"Go to bed Jean."
"I'm confused."
"Go to bed"
He leads me into the bedroom and tucks me in. I'm asleep before I get the chance to go out and ask him more unidentified questions.


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
När kommer nästa del? Väntar med späning på hur historien ska utveckla sig. Eller är det så att ni inte kommit längre i historien?


26 Jan 2001
Lathet uber alles

Jorå, jag har bara varit lat! Uppdaterar så fort jag kommer hem idag. :gremsmile:


26 Jan 2001
Re-inventing emotional mess

Saturday 23:th of September 2006
When I wake up, Gabriel is sleeping next to me with his arm around me, and for a second I panic, trying to figure out exactly what happened last night. After a few more seconds the memories start to come back to me, and I ease up a bit. Good. I was totally terrified for a second or two that we got so drunk we got into bed in the dirtiest sense of the words and everything would be strange, polluted, destroyed. I sneak up from the bed and grab my phone on the way to the toilet. In there I call Twyla.
"What the fuck am I supposed to do?"
"What..." She sounds tired and hung over from the night before.
"I woke up with Gabriel in the bed beside me. He kissed me last night and I went to sleep alone, what the fuck should I do!?"
"Go get him girl!"
"What? No, I can't do that."
"So, did you two get it on all night?"
"NO! I told you, I fell asleep alone!"
"So, just crawl back in and pretend everything is his fault. That'll make him come after you."
"Thanks a lot girlfriend."
I hang up and go back to bed, pretending to be asleep for a few minutes before I actully tuck in. No, I'm not gonna follow her stupid advice! But the bed part sounded nice and comfy.

I wake a few hours later when Gabriel is trying to release himself from my grip. Obviously I spooned up to him in my sleep, but paybacks a bitch. He spooned me earlier! I'm so fucking hung over, I'm almost happy that I can't drink for two weeks. I drag my messed up body out to breakfast (Claire is such an angel) and eat in silence. I'm supposed to study today. Of course I'll try, but I don't know if my concentration is at its best. I sit down in the living room with my headache and the geography book and more or less loose myself in it. There is so much I didn't know about the world! Did you know that Europe is a hell of a lot of countries? Halfway through the chapter about the american states Gabriel starts manhandling the air with a huge sword. After last night I'm not sure if watching him doing that is the best thing to handle my confusion, so I just move into the kitchen instead. I don't know what kind of game he's playing at. The kiss, the sleep, the show-off work out. Well, it's not gonna work. I'm not much for playing games. I continue my studies. This is so much easier than I thought.

Later that afternoon we move our asses to the shooting range. Claire's got a new gun aswell, and she's handling it as if it was going to go off any minute, without her actually touching it. I'm bringing the desert eagle I got from Morris last night. Oh fuck it's heavy! I manage to fire a few good shots with it anyway. Shooting is fun, even though I still prefer body contact. It makes my adrenaline pump more than any toy in the world.

As we go back to the apartment I call Joy. I want a second opinion from someone NOT Twyla on last night's matter and Joy seems to know a thing or two about guys. I don't. I know how to hang with them, but shit if I know anything about anything else. We are supposed to meet up with one of them sentinel guys at a downtown pub at eight, so I tell Joy to meet me haft an hour before for a drink and some girl talk. She's there when I get there and we sit down in one of the booths. She is shy and seems about as scared as usual, but as we start talking she lighten up, and starts talking about me wearing invisible makeup and try to seduce him. Well, I can't bloody well do that, can I? I don't even know what I want or not. Relationships are written with a red pen in my book, especially with Gabriel since he really deserves more than me. On the other hand there was an actual chemistry in the ring yesterday and he really IS the best guy I've ever met. I do have a feeling that actually ending up with Gabriel would mean more than a short term fling, which means that there would be a risk with us having an actual life together, which would end in him starting hitting me and me becoming a complete alcoholic and all that would happen is that we made life a living hell for the both of us. All that is of course totally theoretical, since I couldn't seduce a desperate teenager, much less a man like Gabriel. The closest I've ever gotten to seduction is the "well, I'm bored, drunk and depressed, wanna come back to my place?" I shared with Michael. Joy seems happily engaged in the thought of getting us together though, so I let her have her fun about it. She even tells me she'll flirt with him all night just to show me how it's done. I agree. I guess it couldn't hurt. And if she succeeds and manipulates him into bed, at least I'll know where I have him.

Gabriel and Claire show up after about twenty minutes and Gabriel goes to check on the guy in the bar. He is an old fella, at least in his fifties and as he hates Joy more than anything else, we get the information we need and get out. When we get by Bobby to pick up the burner to fix the balcony, we leave Joy and Claire in the car. As we get back, all the glass in the car is blown to smithereens. Claire is bleeding from the nose and eyes and noone can tell us what actually happened. The windows in the car just exploded and Claire just started bleeding. This is so not good. We decide to go to Old Chappo as soon as possible, in some damned hope that he'll be able to tell her something useful. I don't care so much about the car, but she can't live like this. Gabriel take the car home while we grab a cab. Old Chappo is home, of course, where else would he be? He greets us with his usual compliments and courtship, he must have been one hell of a Don Juan when he was younger. He starts talking to Claire and Joy about what they are and how and why, but I can't really concentrate, so I take my cup of tea and place myself in the kitchen instead. Gabriel show up after a while and joins me. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I open my mouth.
"I'm gonna take off home for a few days."
More silence.
"Am I supposed to ask something here?"
I'm momentarily stunned.
"Not unless there is something you wanna know."
Silence. Well, I'm kinda used to silence with Gabriel. He's not the chattiest of guys.
"So, why are you going home?"
"Just to figure things out. What we're doing."
He nods.
"What are we doing Gabriel?"
He looks startled my the question.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, you kissing me, us sleeping in the same bed, all that."
"I don't wanna sound like a child, but you kissed me first."
He's right. I actually did. I had completely forgotten about that. He continues mercylessly.
"I just thought that you drew up the lines. You put the marker there. And about the bed, I just figured you did have a point before when you said it was strange with me taking the couch after sharing bed before."
Wow. That might be the longest sentence I've ever heard him say. Then there is a golden moment of silence again.
"Don't you ever think about these things?" I ask him.
"No. What happens happens."
I really wan't him to teach me that. It seems like an easy and comfortable approach in life.
"I just want to make a deal" I suddenly say, right out of the blue. "No games. No manipulations. I don't wanna play. No mindgames"
"Sure" he says and smiles slightly. "I'm not good with games"
"Niether am I." I smile back and rise from the chair and as I pass him I give him a kiss. He established the rules, now he gets to eat them!

I go out to the others in Old Chappos living room and leave Gabriel behind in the kitchen. He is talking about worlds or something, but I don't listen very hard. Even though it's my first clean day, I light up a fag. Talking to Gabriel about emotional things makes me wanna smoke like a chimney. When Old Chappo opens a portal to some place I don't catch were, I step through without hesitation. Anywhere but here.

The old man actually built a living room at the border of the kingdom of death. It's kinda cosy and I get to smoke here. My mind is occupied with my new project to win back my life, but I like it there. When we get back to the real world Joy follows me home and I change clothes and we go out for a (non-alcoholic) drink and chat about everything and nothing. I think I talk quite a lot about Gabriel, how he confuses me, how I don't know if I want him or not, even though I'm totally fucking stone hard in love, how he is totally impossible to reach sometimes but open as a book when he opens up. Oh, I think I sound pretty much like those girls I hate who are unable to talk about anything else than guys, but I see it as a one time occation. When she leaves early in the morning hours I go to sleep, in my own bed for the first time in ages.


26 Jan 2001
Run little girl, love will tear you apart

Sunday 24:th of September 2006
Sunday is the hardest day of training and after going to church for the first time in ages I go down to the club to take my two hours with Bill. Sam and Collins are in as usual, and after taking my body to the bringe of bursting we go out for an hamburger. I haven't seen them in a while and we have a good time, eating and chatting about training, life and some movie they're going to tomorrow. Collins ask me to join them and I say ok. I guess going to a movie with a pair of friends from boxing makes my life seem more normal in some sick sort of way. Sam hands me a home-burned CD with Belle and Sebastian since he actually remembered that I turned eighteen last friday. When I tell them about my GAP:s Sam finally open up. He seems to think it's the best idea I've ever gotten, and he never got why a seemingly smart girl like me never finished High School. I never new I was seemingly smart. It doesn't exactly mix with my image. Collins seems bothered by the discussion, but I don't care much about him. He's an asshole, has always been and will probably ever be. It doesn't meen I can't take a burger with him after training.

I go to work at eight, checking in my new salary with a slightly nervous Morris. He still hasn't calmed down completely since friday, and I tell him to loose it. If they get him, they get him. If they try we'll be there and there's not much he can do about it now anyways. Work is boring as usual, even more since I can't drink or smoke. I have about ten orange juices before the night is over. Thanks god Black closes at one on sundays.

The apartment feels at home quite quickly. For the first hours it feels empty and lonely, but I settle in well with a few candles and my books with my new cd playing in the background. It's not my usual kind of music - way too soft- but the harmonies are cozy and safe. The reading in nice. Whenever I get bored nowadays, I read and it's a whole new thing for me. Reading gives me a feeling of keeping in touch with the people at Gabriel's, even though I don't see or hear them, and I find that I miss both him and Claire.

Monday the 25:th of September 2006
I go shopping in the morning, bying a whole lot of eggs and avocados and a big packet of yougurt. I boil about ten eggs and put all but one in the refrigerator, the last one I put on half an avocado and tops it all with yougurt. Actually eadible, and easy enough for me to do each morning. Protein, protein and fat. Bill should be happy. I spend the day studying and in the afternoon I take a ride down to a shooting range nearby, practicing my new weapons. I think I'm actually getting better.

I'm meeting with Sam and Collins in the Loop at seven, but when I get there the only one waiting for me is Collins. He says something about Sam backing out since he had school early next morning, but somehow I don't believe him. I don't trust Collins, especially not when he's trying to pay for my ticket, which I refuse. I trust him even less when he's putting his arm on the back of my seat and try to look me in the eyes and says he's sorry about that party and that he hopes I get that he only was drunk and with me looking so good and all... The movie is ok, but I can't escape the feeling that this is some kind of date and it's definetly a date I want out of, especially when he's trying all his bad moves on me, trying to slid his arm around me, touching my hands by accident and all that. When he's asking me if I wanna catch a snack afterwards and then go back to his place and watch another movie, I tell him I have training tomorrow and need to get home and get some sleep. Ok, it's the last time I do something with Sam and Collins without being sure Sam'll be there. I'll call him up in advance just to know he's coming.

I get home, slightly sick and less and less motivated going to a camp with a bunch of guys who doesn't know me. Why am I such a creepmagnet? I don't get why people keep on trying to hit on me when all I want is to be left alone in that department. Well, perhaps boxing isn't the best training to do if you wanna avoid guys hitting on you, with me being the only girl at the club. I read for the rest of the evening, getting to bed somewhere around one, which is tremendiously early for me.

Tuesday 26:th of September 2006
I start the day by calling Twyla and tell her about last night, getting a whole lot of oooo:s and aaaa:s and the best-friend-hate-the-guy-support. Afterwards I go down to the club, working like an idiot. Last night left me with a good amount of rage, and since Collins isn't there I take it all out on the speedball. When I'm warming up by trying to kick the sandsack to pieces, I hear a vague cough behind me. It's Gabriel. My blood starts pumping again. Shit. These days totally cold turkey obviously didn't work the way they were supposed to. He says hi and start working out and it's a bit of a relief when Bill comes down to coach me. Bill gives me focus and we work it for about an hour before Gabriel asks if we should grab something to eat. We run into Sam and Collins on the way out to get changed and I introduce them. Collins look less than happy, which actually makes me irrestistably amused. I know that Collins is just curious about fucking a girl with my physical stamina, and I'm in no way interested in helping him in that department. Even less since I know that last night probably swung either of two ways. The first option is that it challenged his ego and he'll try even harder to get into bed with me just to prove to himself than he can, the second is that he decides I'm a bitch and probably a lesbian. They're a strange couple, Sam and Collins. If I had to go and get in love, it should have been with Sam and not Gabriel. Sam's more in my leage and he's sweet and cute in a blondish sort of way. But I didn't, I got caught in Gabriel instead. On the way out the doors I get an sms from Chelsea, and I return her hugs and kisses as we leave the parking lot.

After lunch with Gabriel, chatting about what I've been up to these last days, I leave for work and the day just goes on from there. Buck is unusually chatty today, and I tell him about Collins and all that, and he agrees with me that the guy is a creep and deserves to burn in hell, or at least get the shit kicked out of him You can always trust Buck. He's even better in taking sides than Twyla are. I go to sleep around four I think. Geography is pretty fun. My apartment is covered in notes at the moment. Soundtrack for the evening: Belle and Sebastian - Family Tree.

I've been feeling down
I've been looking round the town
For somebody just like me
But the only ones I see
Are the dummies in the window
They spend their money on clothes
It saddens me to think
That the only ones I see are mannequins
Looking stupid, being used and being thin
And I don't know why I hang around with them
The way they act, I'd rather be fat than be confused
The way they act, I'd rather be fat than be confused
Than be me in a cage
With a bottle of rage
And a family like the mafia

If you're looking at me to be an accountant
Then you will look but you will never see
If you're looking at me to start having babies
Then you can wish because I'm not here to fool around


26 Jan 2001
Into the void, where the spiders dwell

Wednesday 27:th of September 2006
I wake up in the stale, cold smell of dawn. How much did I sleep? Three hours? Four? The dream I just had is still vivid in my mind, alive like a fever. I don't know what it was all about, but it unsettled me, shook me to the core of my mind and body. My skin is still burning and I try not to touch any part of myself as I sit up on the bed. No signs, no blood, no nothing. Just the clear memory of Dream.

I'm lying in Gabriels bed, naked, and there is a woman sitting next to me. She looks like me, except for her wide, womanly hips and long, dark hair. Not long as in school-girl-long, but long as in never-been-cut-long and it shines in cold tones as she almost reflect every small light around her. Her eyes are blue like mine, but much more open, much older and far more distinctive. She smiles at me and put a pale hand on my breast as she leans down to kiss me, and I come and come and come in a circle of orgasms as her tongue caresses my mouth and her spirit fills me up. Suddenly my body tense in an intense pain and I scream and spasm as I give birth to a small baby girl. When I come to my senses the woman has disappeared and the baby is crying in the bed, covered with blood and chorion. When I pick her up and start breastfeeding she catches fire, but it doesn't burn her. I barely notice when I start burning too, and we sit in a circle of fire on Gabriels bed, converted from the material world.

What on earth could this mean? Does it mean anything? Is there anything more to this than my libido waking up again and Jenna having a baby in a few months? I have no idea. I wish there was someone I could ask, who could give me a straight answer, but there isn't. Today I'm going to the library checking out if there are any irish creatures with long, dark hair and a connection to fire. I don't know where to start, except there.

Before I return to Gabriel and the others I clean my apartment, washing the floors and putting my stuff in neat piles on the bookshelf. I make my bed and take down the purple drape from the window, putting it on the bed as a spreadsheet. Then I go through my wardrobe, packing it all down in paper bags to bring it over to Gabriel, except for a change of tank-top and leather pants. It's no use to get out of the arrangement. My crush is as alive as ever and I'm needed there. Here I need no-one, and nobody needs me, that's not a life compared to what I've been living these past weeks. I find my old school-girl-skirt when going through the stuff, the one Lauren gave me a few years ago when she had free hands to dress me up as she liked for her birthday party. There is even a picture of me, wearing the mini-short black skirt, the red-striped tights she gave me and a tight halterneck, standing in three-inch-stilettos trying to look relaxed with a whole lot of black around the eyes and blood-red lipstick. Oh god, I don't look like myself, but I saved the skirt, shoes and the tights as memorabilia. When I see the picture I guess the girl in it could be referred to as "hot", even though I barely recognize myself, or perhaps because of that fact. I fold it and put it in the bag with the others. Not that I'm ever gonna use it, just because it's mine. I sigh, say goodbye to my apartment and head out to meet my destiny. Or something.

The rest of the day is, as you might call it, unbelievable. Let's start from the top.

I arrive at Gabriels apartment just to find the coffee-machine still running and Claire nowhere to be found. There is a drawing on the kitchen table, and as I nudge closer to take a peak I suddenly feel this strange thing happening inside my head, as if the drawing doesn't want to be seen. (I know. The thought is silly. Paper has no wants and needs, niether has a crayon or pencil. Still, when they add up into something new, like Claire makes it do, perhaps it looses the soul-lessness and turn into something bigger, like two things sometimes being bigger than the sum of it's parts?) Even so, this is strange. Terrified I put a towel over the drawing and places one of Gabriels crucifixes on top. Better safe than sorry, is my last thought before I go out to find Gabriel.

Finding Gabriel includes drifting into the deep abyss commonly known as the campus. This is a place where societies finest string together to discuss things larger than the common life of ordinary people. It's a place where magic happens, even though it has nothing to do with the outside world. It's a bit like wandering through faeryland and I feel like a tourist, on a trip away from reality and into the world of dreams. Some brave people are still trying to have pic-nics under the trees between the buildings, and several others stroll on the sanded paths with books in their hands. A part of me envies them but the other resents their mindless pre-occupation with this non-life, this vacuum where all the fleshy and bloody and real pieces of humanity scrambles to words and terms and titles.

I finally catch Gabriel going out from a lecture in the medicine building, and when I tell him about Claire, he follows me back. The drawing is still really weird, and we experiment with it for a while. We don't seem to be able to look at it directly, but when I touch it, is can feel my hand slide through the grained surface. It hurts. It hurts like fucking hell. My hand looks as if I just put it in a wood chipper.

Joy joins us after a while, and she seems to have some kind of magical thing with her, a rose. Beautiful but scary. When I touch it, I can almost feel it trying to take over my mind. It's creepy. It almost feels like a mental attempt of rape, forcing my will out of my body to bend it to its own. I let go, as if it burned. My mind is my own, my body is mine, and my soul sure as hell belongs to me as well. Joy seems to have some sort of love affair with it though. Her gaze is soft and her lips damp and slightly open as she holds it tightly in her hands. She seems so... at ease, the scared, cornered rat is a long way gone. I find her beautiful. I always knew she was considered attractive by most guys, but here, in the soft glow of ease, she looks like a princess. The female part of me envies her, so bad. The warrior in me just recognizes something precious to defend.

The rose, in Joys loving hands, helps us through the drawing. Yes, we fall through it, down into a huge room with a river floating through it. And suddenly, we are not ourselves any more. Or, perhaps I'm mistaken. Perhaps we truly become ourselves. Joy is suddenly more of a vampire, all dressed in black and with skin as white as ivory and lips as red as the blood she craves, her hair straight and long like water running through a waterfall. Gabriel is dressed in a knight's armour, with a huge cross on his tunic and for myself... Well, I look strange. My hair is long and tangled, tickling my knees with split ends. My body is wrapped in some kind of tunic, woollen and long and fastened around the waist with a thick leather belt. Copper rings clink and rassle as I move, and my feet are covered in thick leather boots with fur linings. I don't look like me. This just might be a good thing. A bow rests in my right hand, and I find that I can string it with ease.

We search the hall, following a long stair upwards. This place is strange. Somehow it reminds me of a faery tale my grandmother told me, about a river carrying the dead to justice. Because this place feels dead, dead to the bone. We're dead here, tourists from the land of the living.

We reach a statue in front of a big door, and he comes to life as we try to enter. He doesn't like us, but after a small chat he decides to let us in anyways. This is all thanks to Joy. He does not trust living people, but since she is dead, he kinda likes her. Good thing for us, since he tells us to look for the spider woman. Joy seems to be on the verge of a total mental breakdown, but we'll just have to keep her up. We cannot afford her to become a drooling nutcase at this moment.

Behind the door is a great forest. This feels strangely at home for me, and my eyes blend easily into the moonlight. The other seem to be at edge, but I'm not. I don't know why, I guess I should be, but I'm not. I focus at the task at hand – finding Claire – and try to adjust. The world is a multi faceted place, if old Chappo could bring us into the world of the dead, why can't we be in some other underworld? If there is a way in, there is a way back. This is one of the facts of life, or at least I have to believe it so to continue.

We make our way through the trees. My night vision is good, better than it possibly should be considering I've lived my entire life in the never-sleeping light of Chicago. The bow rests in my left hand, the short and evil looking hunting knife in my right. When I feel we're being followed, my senses sharpen, and when the attack comes I'm fully prepared. I put two arrows in the beast before I even look up to see what it is that's attacking us. It's a beast, no question about that. Branches of trees and bushes has strangled itself together to form a wolf-shaped creature, huge as a pony and fierce as a lioness. The strange thing is that I feel no fear. This is a beast of the forest. It will not take us down. There are three of them, and when I start blasting them with fire and Gabriel start hacking and slashing with that sword of his they retreat, and we continue our journey. It was uncanny how the archery just seemed to slip into my mind like some sort of program suddenly being plugged in. It doesn't take long before we spot the spiders, and from there it is really just a matter of going straight to the source.

The source seems to be a temple, halfway drowned in a sea of vegetation. Spiders flock there, and as we approach we see a womanly figure sitting with her back towards us. She raises her voice as we come closer, and she sounds uncanny, weird and above all, annoying. She bitches about about this being her domain blablabla, but I zoom out pretty soon and tries to butter her up by acting all submissive and respectful. After a while she seems to be willing to help us just to get us out of her kingdom. Alls he asks is something "small" from Gabriel, and he agrees, since he is the one true martyr among us. Joy is freaking out. She starts yelling a lot of useless stuff like she just wanting to find Claire and go home, and it's really a bitch that I can't take her down. The childish goose is ruining everything! She is halfway to accepting being in debt to this spiderwoman before I stop her. I know she's my age, but yeeeez. Sometimes she act like a spoilt five-year old.

As we turn towards the entrance that should lead us to Claire Gabriel is distant, harder than usual to reach. I make a mental note to try and talk to him about it as soon as we return. We find Claire in a room, asleep behind a mirror. She takes us home. I have no idea how, but she does it. As we return home, we find that she is blind. It's somewhat of a shock, and life's a bitch. Claire should never be blind. It's just another example of the world being an unfair and shitty place.

I end the day at Gabriels bedside. He is still locked up like a vault, but I think I finally get through to him. His eyes are sad, empty and his whole appearance has lost its strength, its bearing. When he finally tells me, it's in small whispers and my heart aches for him. She took away all his memories of happy love. Every one of them. Every kiss, every hopeful gesture, every long night of just sleeping together. How do you make up for a thing like that? You don't. All I can give him is stroking his hair and hoping my eyes reveal all the support he might need. The world truly IS a shitty place.

When I rise to go to bed in the living room sofa he gives me a thin book. This is his way of telling me the secret he must fear most. I read half of it trying to sleep that night. And there is nothing in there that even remotely makes him less of a man in my eyes.