[TOR] Darkening of Mirkwood spelad av AI (Spoilers)


9 Feb 2016
Inspirerad av denna tråd tänkte jag testa spelleda Darkening of Mirkwood med en AI som spelare. Spelet är The One Ring 2e. Nedanstående kommer att vara en enda fet spoiler för kampanjen.

AI:ns inspel är i fetstil.


The following is a game of The One Ring. Human is the Loremaster (referee). A creative, clever and friendly AI-assistant is playing the character of Ingeldan (a woodman). The Loreaster (Human) describes what Ingeldan can see, hear, sense, etc. and AI then describes what Ingeldan does. The adventure takes place in Tolkien's Middle Earth setting, in the year 2947TA.

While out hunting near Rhosgobel, Ingeldan encounters a wounded man. He stumbles towards Ingeldan, his face pale as a ghost, yellow-flecked spit welling up from the corners of his mouth. He was waylaid by Spiders in the woods, and their poison courses through his veins. He presses a crumpled note into Ingeldan's hands before falling unconscious.

Ingeldan recognises him as Beran the Watchful; he is a Woodman, and is known as one of Radagast’s informants and watchmen.

What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan carefully takes the note from Beran's hand and reads it. It speaks of a dark force gathering in the south, and of an army on the march. It asks for help in defeating this enemy.

Ingeldan decides to take Beran to Radagast's tower. He knows that Radagast will be able to help him.

The note Beran carried warns that Beran saw Orcs in Fenbridge Castle, one of the outlying fortifications of Dol Guldur. A scrawled map notes the position of Fenbridge, and also marks a tower near the Narrows of the Forest (the Tyrant’s Hill). The Enemy abandoned the castle after the White Council drove the Necromancer from Dol Guldur, but now the Orcs have returned.

Ingeldan sets off towards Rhosgobel where Radagast lives. But soon two armed warriors emerge from the forest, accompanied by two snarling wolfhounds. They are clad not unlike the Woodmen of Mirkwood, but do not bear the marks of any known clan. They wear mail shirts, and carry helms and shields on their back, but it is clear that they are not looking for a fight.

One of the warriors steps forward: she’s a lean, broadshouldered Northman woman, with dark hair streaked with white. She announces herself as Dagmar, servant of the Tyrant’s Hill. Pointing at the poisoned man, she claims that Beran stole something from her, and arrogantly demands that he should be handed over to them.

What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan does not trust these warriors, and decides to try and lose them in the forest. He takes Beran and runs as fast as he can, zig-zagging through the trees to make it harder for them to follow.

Ingeldan carries a long-hafted axe in his belt and wears a leather corslet and a helmet for protection. A shield is strapped to his back.

Beran is unable to run due to the spider poison in his body. The warriors easily catches up with you. They draw their swords and demands that Ingeldan hands Beran over to them. If Ingeldan doesn't, the warriors will take Beran by force.

What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan knows that he cannot outrun the warriors, and so he decides to stand and fight. He draws his axe and shield, and prepares to defend Beran.

The warriors attack Ingeldan. Ingeldan swings his long-hafted axe at them.

Does Ingeldan attack Dagmar or the other warrior?

Ingeldan attacks the other warrior.

Does Ingeldan take a forward, an open, or a defensive combat stance?

Ingeldan takes a defensive stance.

As Dagmar and the other warrior attacks Ingeldan he takes a defensive stance. All three combatants circle around trying to find an advantage. The warriors' snarling wolfhounds growl and approach the fight.

Does Ingeldan remain in a defensive combat stance, or does he change to a forward or an open combat stance?

Ingeldan changes to a forward combat stance.
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9 Feb 2016
Dagmar attacks the other warrior, but is unable to land a blow. Dagmar takes the opportunity to counter-attack. Her sword blows make Ingeldan weary.

Does Ingeldan limit the effect of Dagmar's attack by instead being knocked back (forcing him to spend next round standing up again), or does he remain on his feet?

Ingeldan is knocked back by Dagmar's attack.

Ingeldan is knocked back. Dagmar and the other warrior follow up, but Ingeldan avoids their attacks. It seems like Dagmar and the other warrior are about to send their snarling wolfhounds against Ingeldan.

Does Ingeldan take a forward, an open, or a defensive combat stance?

Ingeldan takes an open combat stance.

Unable to land a blow, Ingeldan is harrassed by Dagmar's wolfhound. The other warrior cuts Ingeldan lightly with his sword. Ingeldan is now weary, lowering his combat capacity.

Does Ingeldan remain in an open combat stance, or does he change to a defensive or a forward combat stance?

Ingeldan changes to a defensive combat stance.

As Ingeldan avoids the attackers, the other warrior's wolfhound manages to bite him in the arm. Ingeldan would have been wounded were it not for his leather corslet.

Does Ingeldan remain in a defensive combat stance, or does he change to a forward or an open combat stance?

Ingeldan remains in a defensive combat stance.

Waiting for the right moment, Ingeldan manages to land a blow in the other warrior's chest. He screams in agony and collapses on the ground. Dagmar immediately backs off.

Does Ingeldan want to pursue Dagmar, or does he let her retreat?

Ingeldan wants to pursue Dagmar.

Does Ingeldan take a forward, an open, or a defensive combat stance?

Ingeldan takes a forward combat stance.

Ingeldan does not intend to let Dagmar get away, but as he lounges aggressively at her, she land a blow on Ingeldan's helmet, knocking him unconscious.

When Ingeldan wakes up he is alone. Dagmar, Beran, the fallen warrior and the snarling wolfhounds are nowhere to be seen. Ingeldan is weary from the fight. He still has the note Beran gave him.

What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan decides to continue on to Radagast's tower in Rhosgobel. He knows that Radagast will be able to help him.

------------------------- to be continued---------------


9 Feb 2016
Ingeldan continues on to Radagast's cottage close to Rhosgobel, which Radagast rarely leaves. The cottage is reached by a pathway of white stones starting close to the Great Hall of Rhosgobel.

Radagast welcomes Ingeldan and offers him some tea. While never really rude, Radagast's conversation come across as brusque or abrupt, as if he was unused to the common laws of courtesy recognised by Men, Dwarves and Elves. Radagast appearslike a vigorous old man. He wears a tall, wide-brimmed hat and brown cloak over clothes of earthen colours, and sports a long, wild-looking reddish beard slowly turning grey, and long, unkempt hair of the same hue. He keeps his Oaken walking-staff close.

What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan tells Radagast about the note Beran gave him, and the attack by Dagmar and the other warrior. He shows Radagast the note, and asks for his help in defeating this enemy.

Radagast is deeply concerned by news of the Orcs at Fenbridge. He has been keeping a close watch over the ruins of Dol Guldur and the other outlying fortresses, and hoped that Mirkwood would enjoy a long time of peace before evil returned to the wood. Radagast tells Ingeldan to spread the word about the contents of the note. However, there is not much Radagast or anyone else can do about this potential threat at the moment.

The tea is refreshing, and Ingeldan is allowed to rest in Radagast's cottage until he is fully restored from the fight he was in.

This was the end of the first adventure phase of the game. We now play a fellowship phase.

Ingeldan receives skill points and adventure points. Adventure points can be used to increase Ingeldan's wisdom or his valour.

Does Ingeldan increase his wisdom or his valour?

Ingeldan increases his wisdom.

When Ingeldan increases his wisdom he receives a new virtue. Ingeldan can choose between these: herbal remedies, wrath of the woodmen, hound of mirkwood, natural watchfulness, staunching song, a hunter's resolve, confidence, dour-handed, hardiness, mastery, nimbleness, or prowess.

Which virtue does Ingeldan choose?

Ingeldan chooses the virtue of herbal remedies.


9 Feb 2016
Ingeldan also received a few skill points. They can be used to increase one of his skills. However, to increase the skills he is already proficient in requires more skill points than he currently has.

Does Ingeldan want to increase a new skill or wait until he acquires more skill points?

Ingeldan decides to wait until he acquires more skill points.

Does Ingeldan want to make Radagast his patron?

Yes, Ingeldan wants to make Radagast his patron.

Ingeldan can now choose one of the following undertakings to spend his free time on: gather rumours, ponder storied and figured maps, strengthen fellowship, write a song, court lover, go hunting with the woodmen, patrol the wild, confer with Radagast, search for answers, or compete on the Field of Heroes.

Which undertaking does Ingeldan choose to spend his time on?

Ingeldan spends his time on the undertaking of writing a song.

Does Ingeldan write a Lay Song, a Song of Victory, or a Walking-song?

Ingeldan writes a walking-song.

What is the theme of the song Ingeldan writes?

The theme of the song is "Mirkwood, the dark and dangerous forest".

Could you please sing the introduction of the song, in iambic tetrameter?

Mirkwood, the dark and dangerous forest,
Is a place where few men dare to tread.
It's a land of spiders, and of sorcery,
And of things that go bump in the night.

Ingeldan's song is about the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood, and is sung in iambic tetrameter.

What is the title of the song Ingeldan is writing?

The title of the song is "Mirkwood".


9 Feb 2016
What is the plot of the song "Mirkwood" that Ingeldan is writing?

The plot of the song is about a group of travellers who get lost in the dark and dangerous Forest of Mirkwood, and are beset by spiders and other dangers.

Could you please sing the plot of the song "Mirkwood" in iambic tetrameter?

A group of travellers get lost in the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And are beset by spiders and other dangers.
They must use their wits and courage to find their way out,
And hope that they don't succumb to the perils of the wood.

How does the song "Mirkwood" that Ingeldan is writing end?

The song ends with the group of travellers finally escaping the dark and dangerous Forest of Mirkwood, and vowing never to return.

Could you please sing the ending of the song "Mirkwood" in iambic tetrameter?

The group of travellers finally escape the dark and dangerous forest of Mirkwood,
And vowing never to return.
They are changed by their ordeal, but they are glad to be alive.
And they'll never forget the perils of Mirkwood.

We now end the fellowship phase of the game, and begin a new adventuring phase.

A messenger from Ceawin the Generous has visited the woodmen. Ceawin is chieftain of a tribe of men who once lived in the West Nether Vales of Anduin. When word reached them that the Dragon Smaug was dead, Ceawin’s father led them east, around the southern edge of Mirkwood and through the Brown Lands to the East Bight. There, they have settled, and begun to farm.

Ceawin wants to ally his followers living in the East Bight with the Woodmen, you, his distant kin. Your elders agree to hear his request, and a folk-moot is arranged for the midsummer of next year at Rhosgobel. Someone must be sent to the East Bight with the reply of the elders.

Does Ingeldan volunteer as a messenger? It would involve him travelling through or around Mirkwood, to reach the East Bight. He could choose to ask for companions to accompany him, if he volunteers.

Yes, Ingeldan volunteers as a messenger.

Does Ingeldan try to find companions to accompany him on this dangerous journey?

Yes, Ingeldan tries to find companions to accompany him on this dangerous journey.


9 Feb 2016
Ingeldan can find up to five companions. Please roll 1d6-1 to find out how many companions will accompany Ingeldan to Ceawin the Generous.


Ingeldan is accompanied by two companions on his journey to Ceawin the Generous.

Ingeldan is a Treasure-hunter. He will be accompanied by Gudwild (she is a Captain) and Salhild (she is a Warden).

Gudwild is only 16 years old, but a born leader. She is fierce and stern.

Salhild is 28 years old. She is cunning, tall, and knows shadow-lore.

Will your company travel east past the Black Tarn where the River-Maidens live, through the Narrows of Mirkwood? Or will you travel south and around Mirkwood?

The company decides to travel east past the Black Tarn where the River-Maidens live, through the Narrows of Mirkwood.


9 Feb 2016
Are you sure? The shorter route through the Narrows of Mirkwood is more dangerous than the longer route around the forest.

The company decides to continue on through the Narrows of Mirkwood.

((Här fick jag redigera bort ett vätte-överfall som AI:n hittade på.))

Who will be the guide for the journey? The guide should be a skilled traveller. Ingeldan, Gudwild, and Salhild are equally skilled.

Ingeldan decides that he will be the guide for the journey.

Gudwild and Salhild both need to be assigned one of the following roles for the journey: scout, look-out, or hunter.

They both have the same order of preference: hunter, scout, look-out. It would be best to assign them different roles. What journey roles does Ingeldan assign to Gudwild and Salhild?

Ingeldan assigns Gudwild the role of hunter and Salhild the role of scout.


9 Feb 2016
Blessed by Radagast the Brown the company sets off on their journey to Ceawin the Generous.

Let's see how far the company gets before there is an event. Ingeldan is the guide so he makes a travel test. Please roll 1d12, then roll 1d6. If Ingeldan wants to, he can spend one point of Hope (he has 14 points) and roll a second d6.


Ingeldan rolls a 12 on 1d12, and a 3 on 1d6. He spends one point of Hope and rolls a second d6, but gets a 1.

The company has made good progress.

((Här måste jag sammanfatta handlingen för AI:n, eftersom inmatningsfältet inte längre rymmer hela berättelsen.))


9 Feb 2016
((Här kommer hela nuvarande inmatning. Den börjar med en sammanfattning av tidigare händelser. Jag har också omformulerat början för att försöka minska vad jag misstänker är tärningsfusk.

På flera ställen nedan har jag redigerat bort när AI:n börjat överta SL-rollen. Ibland har jag låtit AI:ns förslag stå kvar.))

The following is a game of The One Ring. Human is the Loremaster (referee). A creative, clever, fair and friendly AI-assistant is playing the character of Ingeldan (a woodman). The Loremaster (Human) describes what Ingeldan can see, hear, sense, etc. and AI then describes what Ingeldan does. AI should not cheat when rolling dice. The adventure takes place in Tolkien's Middle Earth setting, in the year 2947TA.

Ingeldan is a 28 years old male treasure-hunter. He is fierce, stern, and good at burglary. He has a fell long-hafted axe, and knows herbal remedies.

While out hunting near Rhosgobel, Ingeldan encountered Beran the Watchful, one of Radagast’s informants and watchmen. Beran was mortally poisoned by spiders and gave Ingeldan a crumpled note. The note warned that Beran saw Orcs in Fenbridge Castle, one of the outlying fortifications of Dol Guldur. A scrawled map notes the position of Fenbridge, and also marks a tower near the Narrows of the Forest (the Tyrant’s Hill). The Enemy abandoned the castle after the White Council drove the Necromancer from Dol Guldur, but now the Orcs have returned.

Ingeldan set off towards Rhosgobel where Radagast lives. But soon two armed warriors emerged from the forest, accompanied by two snarling wolfhounds. One of the warriors was a lean, broadshouldered Northman woman, with dark hair streaked with white. She announced herself as Dagmar, servant of the Tyrant’s Hill. Pointing at the poisoned man, she claims that Beran stole something from her, and arrogantly demanded that he should be handed over to them.

Ingeldan refused to hand over Beran, and a fight erupted in which Ingeldan was knocked unconscious. When Ingeldan woke up he was alone. He still had the note Beran gave him. Ingeldan decided to ask Radagast for help.

Radagast was deeply concerned by news of the Orcs at Fenbridge. He has been keeping a close watch over the ruins of Dol Guldur and the other outlying fortresses, and hoped that Mirkwood would enjoy a long time of peace before evil returned to the wood. Radagast told Ingeldan to spread the word about the contents of the note. However, there was not much Radagast or anyone else could do about this potential threat at the moment.

Ingeldan spends his evenings writing a walking-song named "Mirkwood".


9 Feb 2016
A messenger from Ceawin the Generous visited the woodmen. Ceawin is chieftain of a tribe of men who once lived in the West Nether Vales of Anduin. When word reached them that the Dragon Smaug was dead, Ceawin’s father led them east, around the southern edge of Mirkwood and through the Brown Lands to the East Bight. There, they have settled, and begun to farm.

Ceawin wants to ally his followers living in the East Bight with the Woodmen, you, his distant kin. Your elders agreed to hear his request, and a folk-moot was arranged for the midsummer of next year at Rhosgobel. Someone must be sent to the East Bight with the reply of the elders.

Ingeldan volunteered as a messenger. He found two companions to accompany him on this dangerous journey, Gudwild (she is a Captain) and Salhild (she is a Warden).

Gudwild is only 16 years old, but a born leader. She is fierce and stern.

Salhild is 28 years old. She is cunning, tall, and knows shadow-lore.

The company decided to travel east past the Black Tarn where the River-Maidens live, through the Narrows of Mirkwood. Ingeldan decided that he will be the guide for the journey. Ingeldan assigned Gudwild the role of hunter and Salhild the role of scout.

Blessed by Radagast the Brown the company set off on their journey to Ceawin the Generous. The terrain is flat and relatively free of obstacles, the trees do not grow so thickly as to block the way, and there are even old Elf-trails through the wood. However, the forest is thronged with millions of buzzing, blood-sucking flies. Large clouds of them block out the sun.

Salhild should now make an Explore test. Please roll 1d12, then 3d6. If Salhild wants to, she can spend one point of Hope (she has 14 points) and roll a fourth d6.

Salhild rolled a 12 on the 1d12, and rolled 3 sixes on the 3d6. She decides to spend a point of Hope, and rolls a fourth six.

(Ok... ;) ))

One day Salhild finds a beautiful glade where the flies are less irritating. The company make camp. As you sit and eat, you feel extraordinarily invigorated. Your spirits are raised. Discussing it, you come to the conclusion that the glade must be inhabited by a benevolent spirit. Salhild regains her spent Hope point.


9 Feb 2016
Let's see how far the company gets before the next event. Ingeldan is the guide so he makes a travel test. Please roll 1d12, then roll 1d6. If Ingeldan wants to, he can spend one point of Hope (he has 14 points) and roll a second d6.

Ingeldan rolled a 12 on the 1d12, and rolled a 1 on the 1d6. He decides to spend a point of Hope, and rolls a second 1.

As you near the end of your journey, you spot a pack of wolves feasting on a deer. You can either attack the pack of wolves, or try to find a way around without drawing the attention of the wolves. What do you do?

Ingeldan decides to try and find a way around the pack of wolves.

Salhild is the scout of your company. She must roll an Explore test. Please roll 1d12 and then 3d6. If Salhild wants to she can spend one point of Hope (she has 14 points) and roll a fourth d6.

Salhild rolled a 12 on the 1d12, and rolled 3 sixes on the 3d6. She decides to spend a point of Hope, and rolls a fourth six.

Salhild manages to find a way around the pack of wolves without being spotted. The company safely reaches their destination.

((Salhild är en jävel på tärningar...))

You are well received and escorted to Ceawin the Generous. After the fashion of the Woodmen, he has built his hall under the shadow of the trees of the Narrows. You deliver your message that the elders of the woodmen plan a folk-moot for midsummer of next year at Rhosgobel. Ceawin is pleased.

A feast is arranged before your departure. You are told a tale of two hunters who chased a wounded deer into Mirkwood. They got lost, and wandered cold and hungry for days until they came upon a great longhouse in a clearing. The house was clearly in good repair, with fresh turf on the roof and smoke rising from the chimneys. One of the hunters was alarmed, for he knew that no people lived in that part of the forest, and argued that they should leave. His companion chided him, and went inside. The first hunter lingered in the porch for a moment, and then he heard his friend screaming inside the longhouse, warning him to run and never look back. Since then, other travellers have seen a hall where no building should be. The Hall of Ghosts can appear, it seems, anywhere along the edge of the East Bight, and usually is encountered by those in need of shelter or safety. What lies within the Hall, though, is a mystery, for no man has ever walked out alive.


9 Feb 2016
Is there anything Ingeldan and his companions want to do before returning back home to Rhosgobel?

Ingeldan and his companions decide to investigate the Hall of Ghosts.

How do they do that?

Ingeldan decides to ask Ceawin the Generous for more information about the Hall of Ghosts.

Ceawin tells Ingeldan that the last time anyone saw the Hall of Ghosts was about a month ago. A group of Ceawin's men were out hunting and were caught in a storm. They sought shelter in the Hall of Ghosts, but none of them ever came out. Ceawin is willing to provide Ingeldan with a map of

where the Hall of Ghosts was last spotted.

Ingeldan thanks Ceawin, and sets off with his companions to find the Hall of Ghosts.

As you reach the location indicated by the map, there is no sign of any buildings. What do you do?

Ingeldan decides to search for the Hall of Ghosts.

Ingeldan and his companions spend the next few hours searching for the Hall of Ghosts, but they are unsuccessful. It is getting dark, so they decide to make camp and continue their search in the morning.

During the night, Ingeldan is woken up by a noise. He grabs his axe and stands up, ready to defend his camp. He sees a large, furry creature standing in the shadows, watching him. What does Ingeldan do?

Ingeldan decides to attack the creature. Ingeldan swings his axe at the creature, but it jumps out of the way and runs off into the darkness. Ingeldan wakes up his companions and tells them what happened. They decide to pack up and leave, as they are not sure what the creature was and they do not want to take any chances.

The company safely returns to Rhosgobel.