DoD The really complete list of changes in Standalone Rulebook v2 vs Boxed Rulebook v1, do not trust any previous small lists!


9 Jul 2004
Standalone Rulebook v2 vs Boxed Rulebook v1

I've not added the really small spelling changes and such, only the interesting ones that change the rules or are significant.

[Old]: "It may seem overwhelming at first, but do not worry. The book walks you through every aspect of the game step by step, and you do not need to read everything before you start playing."
[New]: "To play, you will also need an adventures, either officially published (such as The Castle of the Robber Knight at the end of this book or The Secret of the Dragon Emperor in the full Dragonbane Core Set) or created by yourself – tools and advice for that can be found in chapter 8."

Playing solo p6
[Old]: "Then"
[New]: "Using the booklet Alone in Deepfall Breach found in the boxed Dragonbane Core Set,"

Start playing! p7
[Old]: "Have each player create a player"
[New]: "The other players each create a"

Character sheet p9
[Old]: "There are several empty sheets in the boxed set, and they can also be downloaded from the Free League" website
[New]: "You can photocopy the sheet at the end of this book, or download character sheets from the Dragonbane" website

Pre-generated characters p9
[Old]: "set you will find six"
[New]: "Dragonbane Core Set, you will find five"

Hunter gear Traps removed

Mariner gear Quiver added

Weakness p26

Cynic changed to Pessimist

Clarify if a skill decreases from 18 what happens to the HA you got?
Heroic abilities p29

Inserted "If the skill level is reduced below 18 for any reason, you keep the heroic ability and you will even gain a new ability if the skill level is increased to 18 again."

Pushing your roll p32
[Old]: If you have a boon or bane, you must re-roll both dice.
[New]: If you have boons or banes, you must re-roll all dice.

Healing, page reference p34
[Old]: page 52
[New]: page 50

p36 HA Defensive
Clarify that you can not use Defensive, Fast Footwork and Weasel against the same attack
[Old]: "once."
[New]: "once and you cannot try to dodge and parry the same attack."

HA Fast footwork p37
Clarify that you can not use Defensive, Fast Footwork and Weasel against the same attack
[Old]: "once."
[New]: "once and you cannot try to dodge and parry the same attack."

HA Ironfist p37
Change wording on Heroic ability Iron Fist to not conflict with other damage boosters like Powerfist spell
[Old]: "to 2D6."
[New]: "by one D6."

Master Blacksmith, WP cost p38
[Old]: "gold."
[New]: "gold (rounded up)."

HA Weasel p39
Clarify if you can you try using Defensive, Fast Footwork and Weasel against the same attack in order?
Clarify if the Weasel redirected attack can be defended against.

[Old]: "attacks."
[New]: "attacks and you must activate this ability before attempting any dodge or parry. The new target may try to dodge or parry normally."

Waiting p41
[Old]: and therefore places in the "initiative" order
[New]: and therefore places in the "turn" order

Drawing the initiative p41
[Old]: "The ten initiative cards in the box are numbered 1 to 10."
[New]: "To determine the initiative, ten cards numbered 1 to 10 are used. Such initiative cards are included in the boxed Dragonbane Core Set, but you can also use ordinary playing cards."

Actions & Movement Ingress p42
Clarify if I do no action in my turn can not later in the turn parry or dodge
Inserted clarification "You must perform your action and move on your turn – you cannot save any of them for later (but see Waiting on the previous page)."

Reactions p42
[Old]: which means that you cannot perform a reaction if you have already had your "turn and performed an action."
[New]: which means that you cannot perform a reaction if you have already had your "turn."

Parry p42
[Old]: "regular action"
[New]: "normal turn"

Dodge p42
[Old]: "reaction."
[New]: "reaction that takes place outside your turn and replaces your normal turn in the round."

Stand/Crouch p43
[Old]: You can drop to the ground "and" get up as part of your movement
[New]: You can drop to the ground "or" get up as part of your movement

Free attack p43
Clarified that involuntary movement don't trigger free attacks

Inserted "voluntarily"
Inserted "Also note that involuntary movement never triggers a free attack."

Free attacks p43
Inserted "A monster that gets a free attack performs a monster attack (page 83) which also may affect other characters."

Sneak attack p43
Clarify that you can Sneak Attack with ranged weapons
Clarify in Rulebook that Sneak Attack and Backstab don't stack.

Inserted "It can be done with both ranged and melee weapons, but never during active combat (except with the Backstabbing heroic ability)."

Sneak attack p43
Long weapon sneak attack clarification

[Old]: within 2 "meters)"
[New]: within 2 "meters for most weapons)"

Flip the initiative card p43
Clarify if I do no action in my turn I can not later in the turn parry or dodge

[Old]: "you have acted."
[New]: "your turn is over."

Parrying reaction p46
Clarify if I do no action in my turn I can not later in the turn parry or dodge

[Old]: It replaces your regular "action,"
[New]: It replaces your regular "turn,"

[Old]: cannot parry if you have already "performed your action"
[New]: cannot parry if you have already "had your turn"

Dodging reaction p47
Clarify if I do no action in my turn I can not later in the turn parry or dodge

[Old]: requires that you have not already "performed your action"
[New]: requires that you have not already "had your turn"

[Old]: your "action" in the round is spent
[New]: your "turn" in the round is spent

Critical hit p49
Clarify so that ranged critical hit attacks is able to be parried by shields
Inserted "(or parried with a shield)"

Death rolls p50
[Old]: you recover D6 "HP."
[New]: you recover D6 "HP and stop making death rolls."

Death rolls p50
Clarify that death rolls are reset on 3 successes
Inserted "Any failed death rolls are reset if you survive."

Improvised weapons p55
[Old]: "on playing cards in this box."
[New]: "at the end of this book, and they are printed on cards in the boxed Dragonbane Core Set."

[Old]: "draw D3 cards to see which improvised weapons"
[New]: "randomly determine D3 improvised weapons that"

[Old]: "The playing cards are placed on the table where everyone can see them. Once used, an improvised weapon is consumed and the card is removed."
[New]: "Once used, an improvised weapon is consumed.

Spell rank p57
[Old]: "ranks, which indicate how complex and powerful they"
[New]: "ranks. These have no mechanical effect, but indicate how complex and powerful spells"

Magic tricks p58
Add detectable Word and Gesture to all Magic Tricks
Inserted "All magic tricks require a gesture (below) to be cast."

Power from the body p58
You can now use it with 1 or 0 WP left, not just 0
Inserted "just one or”

Magic and metal p58
Clarify the "at hand" rule that limits mages from having metal weapons at hand

[Old]: "hand."
[New]: "hand (page 45)."

Requirements p58
Clarify if you can whisper a Spell with Word as requisite so no one hears

Inserted "It cannot be a whisper."

Magical mishaps 17 p60
[Old]: "human" form
[New]: "your original" form

Protector p62
Clarify that Spells that target Person can be cast by caster on themself

Inserted "You can cast the spell on yourself."

Banish p63
Deleted "(sphere)" from Range

changed duration
[Old]: "Stretch"
[New]: "Instant"

Treat wound p64, Heal Wound p64 and Restoration p65
Remove the old heal nerf so mages now can heal themselves

Inserted "You can use the spell on yourself."

Sleep p65
Prerequisites changed


Firestorm p68
Clarify that Firestorms two prerequisites that has a comma between them means that both are needed


Range changed
[Old]: "(surface)"
[New]: "(sphere)"

Darkness p84
[Old]: page "52."
[New]: page "90."

Resistence & Immunity p84
Clarify the order of applying Resistance & Armor Rating

[Old]: "halved"
[New]: "halved, after reduction by armor"

Change damage bonus notation for NPCs
New stat format on monsters
[Old]: "Damage Bonus: STR +D4"
[New]: "Damage Bonus STR: +D4"
[Old]: "Damage Bonus: AGL +D4"
[New]: "Damage Bonus AGL: +D4"

Giant p88
Smash attack range change

[Old]: "10"
[New]: "2"

Goblin Scout p90
Movement change

[Old]: "12"
[New]: "10"

Damage bonus removal

Harpy p92
[Old]: "never fight alone, but always in"
[New]: "fight together, and their monster"

Inserted "attacks are performed by several harpies as a group. These attacks still only use up the turn in the round for one harpy."

Orc p95
[Old]: Dual "Weapons,"
[New]: Dual "Wield,"

Troll p97
[Old]: heals D6 HP "per turn"
[New]: heals D6 HP "on each of its turns"

[Old]: "sunlight."
[New]: "sunlight , and cannot regenerate."

Adventures p101-112
General removal of Misty Vale specific mentions and Box stuff, like treasure cards
Last edited:


Bäst i Sverige på rollspel
Staff member
17 May 2000
Darkness p84
[Old]: page "52."
[New]: page "90."

Tack för att du fångade det här för det är en mystisk miss.

Hänvisningen ska fortfarande leda till s. 52 men har oförklarligt kopplats till ett textankare på s. 90 istället.

Jag har rättat detta i tryckfilen nu.

Återigen, tack!


Old’s cool
21 Sep 2011

Tack för att du fångade det här för det är en mystisk miss.

Hänvisningen ska fortfarande leda till s. 52 men har oförklarligt kopplats till ett textankare på s. 90 istället.

Jag har rättat detta i tryckfilen nu.

Återigen, tack!
Kolla Nackel också (nackdel). Låg kvar i v2.