Varulv Inbjudan till Maffia/Varulvs VM


29 May 2021
Hej hej!

Har åter blivit ombedd att dela inbjudan till årets mästerskap med! Tidigare har bl.a. @RasmusL deltagit härifrån :)

Inbjudan i sin helhet samt mer info om setup etc:

Mest relevant utplockat:

There will be 8 Qualifier Games, and your representative plays in just one of these. They will have start dates ranging from the end of April to mid-June. So in other words, as long as your representative can play sometime during that period, they should be good and I’ll make sure they get scheduled into a game that suits their schedule well. I.e. if your rep is busy until June, that isn’t a problem.

The Semifinal Games will be played in July/August, and the Finale Game sometime in August/September (whenever we can work out something that suits everyone).

If you want to get in contact with us ASAP, you can reach us on Discord at lissa2 (Lissa#8083) or Arapocalypse (Arapocalypse#0834).

If your community wishes to participate, please confirm your participation to Lissa or Arapocalypse as soon as you can to secure yourselves a spot. Currently, the plan is to accommodate 120 communities this season. If there is further interest, additional communities may sign up as substitutes; generally there are some replacements needed both before and during games.

If your community agrees to participate, the deadline for selecting your representative is April 20th, but the sooner the better.

The games will take place on Mafia Universe ( .

Important notes
  • You may decide yourselves how you want to elect your representative, but we highly recommend some sort of democratic process (public nominations followed by a poll usually works out well).
  • In addition to electing a representative, you should also name an alternate (a back-up) who will be asked to step in if the first choice needs to back out.
Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 600-700 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there’s a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis!
Har ni frågor kan ni antingen kontakta Ara/Lissa eller mig här i tråden :) Brukar vara ett kul event för att knyta samman olika communities!



31 Mar 2024
”Hällo I am here as the Swedish representative from WRNU and we would like to ask you to sluta brusa så förbannat”
Yeah that sentiment is definitely a shared mood by many, sometimes people just talk too much! :p

Regardless it would still be neat to see someone represent your community, as even though the volume can get a bit much sometimes, it can be a fun opportunity to meet and mingle with people from other communities!!


31 Mar 2024
Hey everyone! Just dropping in to see who is interested in representing rollspel this season? It's a fun opportunity to meet other players and experience various playstyles from other communities - I look forward to seeing who will be joining in on the hype!!!

Heads up that the deadline for choosing your rep is April 20th, though I do recommend deciding a little earlier in case your rep wants to play an early game!


15 Jan 2012
Rekommenderar att vara med, det var superkul! Jag har inte tid men tycker att ni ska ta chansen! Det är nog bara att räcka upp handen och köra :)


31 Mar 2024
Hey there, quick heads up that today's the deadline for deciding on your representative to send to the championship!!! Who is brave enough to throw their hat in the ring this year?

@Anthrox @RasmusL Pinging you as you'd been volunteered/played previously, respectively; hope that's okay!


15 Jan 2012
Hey there, quick heads up that today's the deadline for deciding on your representative to send to the championship!!! Who is brave enough to throw their hat in the ring this year?

@Anthrox @RasmusL Pinging you as you'd been volunteered/played previously, respectively; hope that's okay!
pinging is certainly okay and we are happy to be invited!My schedule doesnt allow me to play this year but it really was a lot of fun and a learning experience that i recommendtoeveryone!

come on wrnu! Represent!