Nekromanti Designers & Dragons

Hans E Magnusson

18 Jun 2008
Den här skulle ju vara fin att ha, kommer snart.

Quick Overview
This book is a complete history of the roleplaying game industry, and forms the definitive record of all the games, companies and talented individuals that have propelled roleplaying games to where they are today.

Läs mer här


19 Mar 2004
Läs mer... Öh, va, var?
Finns det ingen länk direkt till boken/artikeln om den?

Mongoose startsida har jag sett förut. :gremwink:

Edit: Hittade! :gremwink: Läs mer här! (För Hans är för dålig för att få länka.)


16 Jan 2007
Well det verkar för min del som du också är för dålig för att länka :gremtongue:

Ingen av länkarna fungerar



16 Jan 2007
Oh, måste varit något allmänt fel för mig bara då :gremblush:
Nu fungerar det tydligen.

Vill Ha!


Gubevars en rätt produktiv människa.
19 May 2000
En ren uppräkning av folk, spel och företag hade inte varit så intressant. Men Shannon skriver ju om saken, fyller ut, berättar och dokumenterar. Jag är nyfiken på att läsa. Inget måste för min samling, men nyfiken ändå.


19 Mar 2004
Hans E Magnusson said:
Poseur said:
Well det verkar för min del som du också är för dålig för att länka :gremtongue:

Ingen av länkarna fungerar

För mig funkar alla länkar som dom ska
Det är ju för att Poseur är för dålig för att öppna länkar. :gremwink:
... Men näää, jag älskar er ju allesammans. =)


19 Feb 2001
Jag är ju en person som verkligen uppskattar nördhistoria, och det här är tveklöst något som jag behöver äga.

Hans E Magnusson

18 Jun 2008
Någon som har kollat upp den än?

Här är en hyffsad sågning från

"Here's my full review of the "preview"

I've always thought pretty well of Mongoose; at least they seem to be an aggressive success story in the industry and while I only have two of thier Conan books (Betrayer of Asgard and the Stygia sourcebook) I think they are pretty cool. Unfortunetly it's dead obvious they are out of their depth with this attemp at history.

The book, Designers and Dragons, has available a 7 page preview. I am actually only discussing the prieview here, it was enough for me to see the character of the book.

A history book, in the modern sense, will contain the fruits of carefull scholarship. It will have many references and footnotes in an appendix discussing sources and details. In other words the author will "show the work", behind it. It will also be fact checked. This is when a publisher sends the book to credible readers who will double check, to the extent that they can, the assertions of the book.

Mr. Appelcline and Mongoose Publishing have very obviously done none of these things.

The preview contains several pages discussing the Origin of the Dungeons & Dragons game. As it happens, I'm an archaeologist with an avid interest in that subject and have researched it extensively, including talking with a number of the people involved. So I'm pretty well versed.

There's no question that RPG history owes a great deal to a man named David Wesely, and Appelcline does indeed mention him, or I think it must be him, but Wesely's name is repeatedly misspelled (something a fact checker would have noticead right off)

Imagine a History of the United States starting with Georg Washingtown.

Wesely ran - and still runs from time to time - a game set in a fictional town of Braunstein. Appelcline labels Braunstein as Napoleonic, but then says Dave Arneson - Co Creator of D&D - started running Braunstein and changed it to many types of settings. While Dave did run a Braunstien - he called it Blackmoor - it was Wesely himself who started changing the setting to different locals and set most of his games in a fictional, modern day Banana Republic, not the Napoleonic period.

This may seem like a minor fauxpaux but since nothing is referenced, the reader is left to assume that Appelcline is relaying accurate information.

It gets worse, much worse.

"Various sources describe Arneson visiting Gygax, Gygax visiting Arneson, or the two meeting at GenCon IV (1971)."

This is pure non-sense. All the people directly involved who have said anything about it have told exactly the same story - including, Gygax, Arneson, Kuntz, and Megarry. Megarry and Arneson went to Lake Geneva in late fall of 1972. (November, according to Mr. Kuntz). Megarry went to showcase his Dungeon boardgame and Mr. Arneson went to help him and run "a Blackmoor" for Mr. Gygax. "Other sources", meaning fan speculation and half forgotten comments from third parties, have no credibility in the matter.

This is really basic reasearch 101 stuff. The correct information can be gotten directly by asking the surviving participants or can be found without much trouble using a search engine.

Next we have this lovely sttement:

"Whatever the case, in that 1971 meeting Gygax and Arneson decided to jointly design a game that incorporated their ideas of fantasy realms and individual player characters. They called it ... `The Fantasy Game'."

There is exactly nothing true in any of the above. Gygax asked Arneson for his rules so they could "jointly design" Dungeons and Dragons in the tail end of 1972 after experiencing a delve into Blackmoor Dungeon as a player. They did not put their head together and decide to jointly design a fantasy game in 1971. Far from it, Arneson had been running his RPG for nearly two years before Gygax got involved with the game.

Further - in an interview on the very website that Mr. Appelcline founded and manages - Gygax emphatically denied that "The Fantasy Game" was ever an actual name for the game. Here's the quote "As an aside, I must laugh at some comment I saw about the name for the game being "The Fantasy Game" until someone "wised me up". Having been employed as an Editor-in-Chief, selecting what game rules and games would be published by Guidon Games since the beginning of 1971, I was well aware of the need to use a working title, the need for some caution in regards using the actual name for a a projected game release. So that's the reason for that bland one on the draft works."

Appelcline seems to cavalierly ignore the information on his own website! "They" never called it "The Fantasy Game" Gygax merely put that on an early draft as a placeholder. Arneson, as it happens, had an entirely different title in mind, but that is another story.

Here's yet another unchecked and unsited "fact": We all know - at least those who have seen the circa 90 page reformatted versions of the 3 LBB's - that Gygax's figure of 150 typewritten pages (or 300 !! as claimed in his Dragon #7 article) for the final playtest manuscript of D&D is an um... overestimate - yet Appelcline states it as simple fact without citing any source or giving any hint it might be otherwise.

That nearly ends the preview and its enough for me to shake my head in wonder at what can be published as history with a straight face and a less than inexpensive pricetag. This book doesn't even meet the most basic standards of journalism, let alone historical inquiry.

I imagine there might be a lot of good information in the book, particularly as it gets closer to the present, but with such sloppy scholarship and lack of decent references, who's to know what parts can be trusted?"

Hans E Magnusson

18 Jun 2008
Terje said:
Hm, jag hade tänkt köpa den, rollspels-historia är något som verkligen intresserar mig. Men det här låter ju inte alls bra.
Jo jag känner nog lite samma sak, typiskt, tycket att det skulle behövas en riktigt bra sådan bok