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  1. Dimon

    Nekromanti Beginner - Campaign/DM questions

    I did plenty of forum/text based role play back before I got into the MMO scene and then the text base for lost to me sadly. Happens few times I do some "in character" stuff on skype when someone I play with cant get online in-game that is. Will post in that forum once I get a bigger picture of...
  2. Dimon

    Nekromanti Greetings

    5th Edition yeah, recently picked up the starter set and read through that then I have started to read the main books online before I can buy them. So no knowledge of the old edition, starting off with 5th edition - I do follow some people on youtube who either explain rules or play.
  3. Dimon

    Nekromanti Greetings

    I have heard of it but never played it myself no. Cyberpunk is a very interesting concept indeed so might put a thought to it in the future. But right now I will stick to raw fantasy if that makes sense haha. :) I live in Sjöbo so rather close to Lund to be fair. 30-50 min away. I will check...
  4. Dimon

    Nekromanti Greetings

    Yepp, I'm afraid so.. Felt quite stupid at first but so be it. I'm just so used to english it comes naturally before my swedish - fear not I use it mainly IRL. Couldn't find another forum to look for local people.. I'm so used to role play with people overseas and talk with friends on teamspeak...
  5. Dimon

    Nekromanti Beginner - Campaign/DM questions

    Hey, I recently got into D&D so I'm a fresh noob when it comes to rules etc but I'm learning as I go and read when I'm free to do so however I have been role playing for years. Just D&D is new ground for me, never done PnP nor any table top role play before so I'm quite exited as well as nervous...
  6. Dimon

    Nekromanti Greetings

    So, hello everyone. I'm new here and just to make it clear why I write in english - I'm fully swedish tho I have been role playing, writing and talking in english for almost 3 years straight with my overseas friends so it sort of stuck. Prefer english above swedish so I hope this wont be an...