The Shadows over Long Harbour - En äventyrsmodul till Svärdets Sång


8 Aug 2000
Sverige, Uppsala
Hej alla!
Jag har precis släppt en massiv äventyrsmodul till Svärdets Sång (på 90 sidor!) som heter Shadows over Long Harbour (en special-konventsversion har släppts till the League of Free Agents, men denna fulla release är massiv och fylld med godis!). Jag hoppas det är OK att dela med sig av denna release här :) (detta är anledningen till att jag inte har gjort kartor och sånt till The Dungeon of W'RNU som jag lovat!)

A shadow has been cast over the town of Long Harbour, an esteemed fishing city on the coast of the forbidden lands. Over the past few months, people have gone missing, and bodies found mutilated in the hunting grounds a quarter days travel to the west. Yet no one seems to remember what caused it. A strange darkness is growing in the forest near Long Harbour.

The Shadows over Long Harbour is a 90 page collection of four adventure sites for Forbidden Lands, woven together in a plot that can be played over several sessions. Each adventure site can be played on its own - as a one shot or just add it to your running campaign!

The Shadows over Long Harbour includes:
  • A thrilling narrative following the adventurers as they explore the area and understand what is causing the strange memory loss in Long Harbour.
  • The town of Long Harbour, a unique town filled with ploot hooks for you to use.
  • Dozens of monsters, including unique demons that threaten any who cross their paths.
  • Artifacts, artifacts and more artifacts! From the smallest key to the dangerous weapons.
  • A new spell to teach non magic users the art of magic - but with great danger.
  • Three large dungeons with its own surrounding area. Each dungeon has unique monsters and story, connected to the plot of Long Harbour - that can be used on their own just as well.
  • All maps as .png files for print - with and without legends.
  • Legends for all artifacts and Long Harbour in the pdf.
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