Nekromanti Behöver hjälp till en High Schools rollspel

Master Pelle

3 Jul 2001
Ok jag håller på att skapa en rollspel som skall kunna enkel spela genom näten.

Den rollspelen utspela sig i amerikanska stad som kallas sig för Randale Town som har lite inflytade med asiatisk saker och där bor massa underliga folk som martial artist, svärdfäktare, märkliga varelse, magiska flickor (tänk dig i Sailor Moon), demoner, magiker och etc etc... Där finns en skola som kallas sig Randale High School som tar hand om underliga och katastrofik elever som inte riktig kan gå i helt normal skolan. Rektor av den skolan är en ung man som är ganska inkompeten men välgillat av elever för att han är ganska cool. Anledning för att han inte bli sparkat är ju det att förra rektor av den skolan har fick åka till mental sjukhus när han var rektor där så att det finns inga frivilliga som vill bli rektor av den skolan och den nyvarade rektor verkar inte ha några problem för den skolan (För att han är extrem lugn).

Den rollspelen skall hetas Randale High School RPG. Jag har snott några raser från kända serier som Dragonball (en japansk tecknade filmer eller seirer), Star Wars och Star Trek.

Just nu är jag lång ifrån att bli färdig med den regler och möjligvis behöver några som kan hjälpa mig med den spelen som kan skriva up olika platser i den staden, komma några ide' till regler och de som kan spelledar i den spelen (Spelledaren kan möjligvis ochså bli spelare i den spelen). De som vill hjälpa mig den spelen bör har sett eller läst några manga/anime. Nedanför kan du ser hur lång jag har kommet men det är på engelska. Anledning för att det är på engelska är ju att jag vill ha fler spelare på den spelen och flesta av dom kan förstå engelska. Om du vill hjälpa till att göra färdig med den spelen kan du kontakta mig genom min e-mail ( eller min AIM (Son Pelle).

Randale High School

Character Creation
All stats begin with 2 and have 7 stats point to place beween those stats and choose a race for your character. For starting character their stats can't go over 6 unless they gain race stats bonuse that go over the max limit. Example: Jena's stats have bod 3, mob 6, int 3, spi 2, cha 3. She choose a race as nekohito so that change her stats. The new stats is bod 2, mob 7, int 3, spi 2, cha 3. Her mobility have went over the normal max limit but because she is a nekohito that raise up her mobility by 1 it don't matther.

Body (Bod): Body show your character physcial strength and stamina. It use mostly for lifting up, pushing object and do damage to their opponent. And used to defend off all damage.
Mobility (Mob): Mobility show how fast and agility that your character is. It used most to hurry to other place, running fast and doing agility thing.
Intellect (Int): Intellect show how smart character is. It used most for figure out difficules math, puzzle, riddle or advance science stuff.
Spirit (Spi): Spirit is character spirital power and will. It used most of martial artist, mage and psionis. It could do damage to their opponent with spirit but must have special techniqes that let it use spirit power.
Charisma (Cha): Charisma show how well character's beauty and charm. It use mostly in social thing like convince, suduction, speaking fine speech, making busniess, tricking other people and so on.

Hit Point (Hp): Hp measures a character life (Body x3)
Power Point (Pp): (Spirit x3)

Human: Human is a normal humenoid creature that don't get any special advangte or weakness.

Vulcan: Vulcan is a humenoid race with notably pointed ears. They are very logicial thinknig race but they don't show any emotions. They gain talent Easygoing and weakness Humorless. Their intellect raise by 1 while charisma go down by 1.

Saiyajin: Saiyajin look like a human but they a monkey tail (some off them cut their tail because their tail is a weakness). They are known to be strongest fighter and some of them could transform into super saiyajin (Thank god that they don't have ability to turn into giant ape when they seen the moon in this game ^_^0). Their body and mobility raise by 1 while intellect go down by 1. They may not gain any weapons talents or magical and psionics talent.

Namek: Namek is a sexless humenoid creatur with green skins. They don't have any hair but two antenna on their head. They gain talent Regeneration and weakness Bizzarre Appearance. Their intellect and spirit raise by 1 while charisma go down by 1. They may not gain any weapons talents.

Jawa: Jawa are short humenoid creature that used to wear robe with hood, the jawa face have never been shown because their hood make darkness over their face but only their red eyes could be seen. Jawa are known to be good at making business even they speak weird language and could repair broken electronic stuff so that they could sell it off. They gain talent Acting, Advance Electronic and weakness Weak, Weak Body. Their charisma raise by 1 while body go down by 1.

Plum: Plum are is a strange race that their body made of strange jelly so that they could shape of other person. They are pretty clever thinker but they also pretty pacifist. They gain talent Shapeshifting and weakness Pacifist. Their intellect raise by 1 while body go down by 1.

Nekohito: Nekohito look like human but with cat ears and a cat tail. Nekohito is known for to be agility but they are fear of water. They gain talent Agility and weakness Fear of Water. Their mobility raise by one while body go down by 1.

Kitsunehito: Kitsune look like human but they have fox ears and a fox tail. Kitsunehito is pretty sneaky and have ability to shape change. They gain talent Shapeshifting and weakness Weak. Their intellect raise by 1 while body go down by 1.

Usagihito: Usagihito look like human but have bunny ears and a litte bunny tail. Most of them are pretty charming and gentle but not all of them act that way. They ar known for jumping pretty high. They gain talent High Jump and weakness Weak Body. Their charisma raise by 1 while body go down by 1.

Angel: Angel is holy creature that look like a human but have white wings on their back. Angel are kind creature and most of them could use magic. They gain talent Wing and weakness Super Nice. Their spirit raise by 1 while body go down by 1.

Demon: Demon is unholy creature that varies of their appearence, most of them look like as a human or like a monster. They are known to be evil creature but some of them could be good.

Cyborg: Cyborg is a human with robotic part or robotic body with human brain. Their body raise by 1 while charisma go down by 1. They have ability to be installed with electronic stuff into them.

Money: All character gain 50 buck beginning. If character

Talents and Weakness

*Agility: gain +2 to dodge or gymnastic roll.
Connections: can gain some information
Easygoing: don't need to roll for emotion. Can't get weakness Bad Temper or Fear of...
Shapeshifting: (Only Plum or Kitsunehito) Character can look like other character.
Cooking Expert: Character's food always taste good.
Great Figure: character have perfect body so that they gian +3 charisma roll for opposite sex, if opposite have letcher weakness gain +6 charisma roll instead.
*Medic: character heal other with 1d6.
*Speed: May peform a extra attack and give +2 to initative.
*Strength: Add +2 to damage in phsycial attack.
*Tough: Add +2 to defence
*Advanced Electronics:
*Advanced Chemistry:
Know Stuff:
Hidden Weapons:
*Computer Expert:
High Jump:
Well Liked:
Huge: +5
Dumb Luck:
Transformation: +3
Wing: (Only Angel or Demon)

*Unarmed Fighter:
*Short Blade:
*Axe Swinger:
*Polearm Fighter:

*Ki Master:

Bad Eye Sight:
Bizzarre Appearance:
Fear of...:
Letcher: (Male Only)
Weak Body:
Sex Change Curse:
Animal Change Curse:
Bad Temper:
Too Sexy: (Female only)
Tail Weakness: (Sayiajin only)
Not Liked:
Super Nice:
Unwanted Love: