DoD 1991 yrke. Which had problems?


29 Apr 2018
Yes, we're all excited about the new game but the talk about special abilities got me thinking:

For the 1991 rules, which of the Yrke in the main book needed tweaking?

(Lets ignore all the splat books).

From my (somewhat limited) experience with it (and this is assuming the scenario / campaign includes a variety of things, not just violence in caves)

Bard - Pretty good.
Helare - Very good. A little concerned about healing being too common but it does keep the group going.
Krigare - Pretty good.
Lärd man - Boring and too situational. Swap this for a way to spend PSY to boost INT skills.
Lönnmördare - Not a fan of "special moves" like this. I would replace this with some sort of stealth ability.
Magiker - Fine. Theyget spells. Spells need work but thats a separate story.
Munk - Pretty good.
Sjöfarare - Super situational and basically never comes up. Replace with...?
Riddare - Maybe a bit too good?
Tjuv - Love it
Utbygdsjägare - Its thematic but Id change it so you can start with a couple of spells. Even just one.


28 Dec 2015
Usch nu kommer jag och är neggig men alla behöver twekas - DoD91 är ett träsk av obalanserade förmågor.

Mer seriöst så är min mest konkreta erfarenhet hur en spelare power-gamede sönder spelet med munkens förmåga (betänk att SLP, om man spelade något från Äventyrsspel generellt fortfarande hade Expert-speldata). Så munkens behöver definitivt en putsning.