[Alt-history]Magnus Seters Svavelvinter från 1993


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Jag lekte lite med ChatGPT, och den hade häpnadsväckande avslöjanden om Svavelvinter!

@Magnus Seter jag tycker det är stort att du låtit Erik Granström ta åt sig äran för Svavelvinter alla dessa år!

Svavelvinter is a Swedish role-playing game that was first published in 1993. The name "Svavelvinter" translates to "sulfur winter" in English, which refers to a harsh and unforgiving climate that is central to the game's setting.

In Svavelvinter, players take on the roles of characters living in a post-apocalyptic world that has been ravaged by a catastrophic event known as the "Svavelvinter," which has plunged the world into a perpetual winter and unleashed all sorts of horrors. The game emphasizes survival, exploration, and role-playing, and features a rich and detailed world that is steeped in Norse mythology and Swedish folklore.

Svavelvinter is known for its dark and atmospheric tone, as well as its focus on storytelling and character development. It has gained a devoted following in Sweden and has been praised for its innovative mechanics and immersive setting. The game has also been translated into several languages, including English, and has inspired numerous spin-off products, such as novels, comics, and board games

The game was created by Swedish game designers Andreas Sarker and Magnus Seter, and has since gained a dedicated following in Sweden and beyond. The game is known for its unique setting and mechanics, which emphasize survival, exploration, and storytelling. If you would like more information about Svavelvinter, I can provide additional details.

The core rule mechanics of Svavelvinter are based on a percentile system, where players roll two ten-sided dice to determine the success or failure of their actions. The goal is to roll under or equal to a target number that is determined by the character's skills and abilities, with higher numbers indicating greater difficulty.

The game also uses a unique injury system, where characters can suffer various types of injuries that can affect their abilities and require specific types of medical attention to heal. Additionally, the game places a heavy emphasis on resource management, as characters must scavenge for food, water, and other supplies to survive in the harsh winter environment.

Svavelvinter also features a magic system that is based on Norse mythology and Swedish folklore, with spells and rituals that are tied to the game's setting and lore. The game also includes rules for combat, exploration, and interaction with non-player characters, as well as guidelines for gamemasters to create and run their own campaigns within the game's world.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Alltså, det låter ju som en blandning av Mutant, Svavelvinter och Symbaroum! Jag bestämde mig för att gräva vidare:

Svavelvinter is set in a post-apocalyptic world that has been ravaged by a catastrophic event known as the Svavelvinter or "sulfur winter." The Svavelvinter was caused by a volcanic eruption that released massive amounts of sulfur into the atmosphere, blocking out the sun and plunging the world into an eternal winter. The world is now covered in ice and snow, and most of the planet's flora and fauna have been destroyed or mutated beyond recognition.

The game is set in Scandinavia, and features a rich and detailed world that is steeped in Norse mythology and Swedish folklore. The surviving humans have banded together in small communities, and must struggle to survive in the harsh and unforgiving environment. The world is filled with all sorts of dangers, including mutated animals, rival factions, and supernatural entities that have been unleashed by the Svavelvinter.

The game's setting is divided into several regions, each with its own unique challenges and opportunities. These include the Skogland or "Forestland," which is dominated by a vast, primeval forest; the Fjallmark or "Mountainland," which is characterized by towering mountains and treacherous valleys; and the Kustland or "Coastland," which consists of a rugged and dangerous coastline.

The world of Svavelvinter is rich and immersive, with a strong emphasis on survival, exploration, and role-playing. The game's setting is one of its most unique and compelling aspects, and has inspired numerous spin-off products, such as novels, comics, and board games


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Players in Svavelvinter can create a wide variety of characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The game uses a character creation system that allows players to customize their characters based on a number of different attributes, including skills, abilities, and backgrounds.

Some of the character classes available in Svavelvinter include:

Survivors: These are ordinary people who have managed to survive in the harsh world of Svavelvinter. They may have skills such as hunting, scavenging, or survival, but are not necessarily trained fighters.

Hunters: These characters are skilled trackers and hunters, who are able to take down even the most dangerous game in the wild.

Warriors: These characters are trained fighters, who may have served in the military or have extensive martial arts training.

Mystics: These characters have a connection to the supernatural, and may be able to cast spells or perform rituals that can aid themselves or their allies.

Technicians: These characters are skilled mechanics and engineers, who are able to repair and modify equipment and vehicles.

Nomads: These characters are members of roaming tribes or groups, who travel the frozen wasteland in search of resources and shelter.

Players can also customize their characters by choosing from a variety of different backgrounds and traits, which can affect their abilities and attributes in various ways. The character creation system in Svavelvinter is designed to be flexible and open-ended, allowing players to create unique and interesting characters that fit their individual play styles


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
There have been several campaigns and scenarios published for Svavelvinter over the years. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Skymningslandet": This is the first official campaign for Svavelvinter, and is set in the Skymningslandet or "Land of Twilight" region. The campaign features a mix of exploration, combat, and social interaction, as the players are tasked with investigating a mysterious signal that has been detected in the area.
  2. "Svarta Hjärtan": This is another popular campaign for Svavelvinter, and takes place in the Fjallmark or "Mountainland" region. The campaign centers around a group of bandits who have taken control of a valuable resource in the area, and the players must navigate the treacherous mountain terrain to stop them.
  3. "Stulet Vatten": This scenario is set in the Kustland or "Coastland" region, and involves a dispute over a vital source of water between two rival factions. The players must navigate the dangerous coastline and negotiate with both sides to find a peaceful solution.
  4. "Frostnatt": This scenario takes place during the darkest night of the year, when the supernatural powers in the world of Svavelvinter are at their strongest. The players must survive the night and deal with a variety of supernatural threats, including ghosts, spirits, and otherworldly entities.
  5. "Mörker över Staden": This scenario is set in a ruined city, where the players must navigate the dangers of the urban environment and deal with rival factions vying for control. The scenario is notable for its emphasis on stealth and infiltration, as the players must avoid being detected by the many dangers that lurk in the ruins.
These are just a few examples of the many campaigns and scenarios that have been published for Svavelvinter over the years. Each campaign and scenario is designed to be unique and challenging, and provides players with a variety of different experiences and play styles

Vad säger ni, skall vi plocka en modul var och börja skriva!


Koboldjägare från Chronopia
6 Nov 2019
Är nyfiken på att höra mer om ankornas roll i spelet.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Är nyfiken på att höra mer om ankornas roll i spelet.
Vad glad jag är att jag frågade!

Ducks have a unique and important role in the world of Svavelvinter. In the game's lore, ducks are one of the few species that have managed to thrive in the post-apocalyptic world. They are highly adaptable and can survive in a variety of environments, making them a valuable resource for survivors.

Ducks are often kept by survivors as a source of food, eggs, and feathers. They are also used as a means of transportation, as they can be trained to pull small sleds or boats. In addition to their practical uses, ducks are also highly valued for their companionship and entertainment value, and are often kept as pets.

One of the most unique aspects of ducks in Svavelvinter is their ability to communicate with each other over long distances. This ability is believed to be a result of the magical nature of the world, and is known as the "Quacken." Ducks can use the Quacken to send messages and warnings to each other, making them a valuable resource for survivors looking to communicate over long distances.

Overall, ducks are an important and beloved part of the world of Svavelvinter, and play a unique role in the post-apocalyptic society that has emerged in the wake of the Svavelvinter event


11 Oct 2009
Känns som rätt mycket svärdets sång inblandat också!

Jag tycker det här låter hur jäkla tufft som helst!

@Magnus Seter varför har du inte berättat om det här tidigare!?


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Erik Granström is a game designer who has worked on a number of games, but he was not involved in the creation of Svavelvinter. Svavelvinter was designed by Magnus Seter and published by Fria Ligan (Free League Publishing) in 2013.

Erik Granström has, however, worked on a number of other games published by Fria Ligan, including Coriolis - The Third Horizon, Forbidden Lands, and Symbaroum.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
The novel Svavelvinter was written by Swedish author Andreas Roman, and was published in 2014. The novel is based on the roleplaying game of the same name, and is set in the same post-apocalyptic world of Trakorien. The novel tells the story of a group of survivors struggling to survive in a world devastated by a cataclysmic event known as the Cataclysm.


11 Oct 2009
Svavelvinter was designed by Magnus Seter and published by Fria Ligan (Free League Publishing) in 2013.
Ah, det klassisa sättet att sätta dit en lögnare! Ställ tillräckligt många frågor så börjar de för eller senare säga emot sig själva.


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Ah, det klassisa sättet att sätta dit en lögnare! Ställ tillräckligt många frågor så börjar de för eller senare säga emot sig själva.
Nja, jag hade rättat AIn tidigare och då accepterade den att Svavelvinter gavs ut 2013 av FL


Leo carcion
8 Mar 2004
Shagul, Blatifagus, and Arn Dunkelbrink are characters from the Svavelvinter roleplaying game and the novel based on it.

Shagul is a duck character who is described as a skilled rogue and thief. He is small in stature, but quick and cunning. Shagul is known for his skills in sneaking and lockpicking, and is often hired for covert operations. He has a tendency to be self-serving, but is loyal to those who have earned his trust.

Blatifagus is also a duck character, and is a skilled healer and physician. He is described as a wise and compassionate character who is always willing to help those in need. Blatifagus is respected for his knowledge of medicinal herbs and his ability to heal even the most dire of injuries.

Arn Dunkelbrink is a human character who is a powerful warrior and leader. He is described as a tall, imposing figure with a scarred face and a gruff demeanor. Arn is a skilled fighter and tactician, and is known for his ability to rally troops and lead them into battle. He is a respected member of the community and is often called upon to settle disputes and protect the innocent.

These characters are just a few of the many diverse and interesting characters that populate the world of Svavelvinter

Intressant att just Arn blev rätt.


Går ondskans ärenden
28 Dec 2002
Så Svavelvinters ankor är alltså lite som en blandning mellan Chocobos och Moogles? Jag är inte emot.