Nekromanti QuestCore Nybörjarspel


3 Aug 2010
QuestCore närmar sig release och nu har jag börjat skissa på nybörjarspelet. Arbetsnamnet är QuestCore: Fantasy Starter Game. Det kommer att bli 99% kompatibelt med det kompletta spelet (exemplet nedan kunde vara en karaktär i det kompletta spelet). Det kommer antagligen att komma en svensk version av nybörjarspelet.

Observera att nedanstående är work-in-progress men tor ändå man får en bild av hur det kommer att se ut.

Man väljer alltså mellan följande:
En av fyra klasser/yrken (i detta exemplet warrior)
En av tre färdigheter
En av två focus (specialförmåga)
En av fyra vapen

Jag funderar även på att man kan välja några olika bakgrunder men det känns lite begränsande.

När man avancerar i grad finns en lista på saker man får. Kan vara grundvärden eller färdigheter.


This character is trained with weapons and is a good front line fighter. You can defend your friends and strike your enemies.

Basic abilities
You have high strength, a high stamina and high agility. All your other basic abilities are normal.

Training in skills
You are trained in Melee attacks and Resistance. These skills make you good at attacks using a weapon such as a sword or axe and you are a bit better resisting damage if someone hits you.

You can also choose one of the following skills to train:
O Mobility (things like jumping and climbing)
O Craft (things like smithing and woodworking)
O Concentration (you’re better at concentrating at tasks)

You gain the focus “Lock opponent”. With this special training you are good at stopping enemies from passing you.

You can also choose one of the following focuses:
O Power attack (to make an extra powerful attack).
O Sure strike (to aim extra careful with an attack).

You wear chainmail armour for protection.

You can also choose one of the following weapon combinations:
O Longsword and a large round shield
O Handaxe and a large round shield
O Greataxe (no shield )
O Greatsword (no shield)

You also get 50 silver pieces (silver coins), a dagger, a backpack, a small pouch, a torch, a tinderbox, food for about one week, a blanket, leather boots, a tunic and a leather belt.

Name and background
Finally you must choose a name for your character, you can also choose your gender and age if you wish. If you want you can also come up with a background story but you can also start playing; making these things up as you play.