DoD DISCORD Dragonburn Challenge 2: The Secrets of Misty Vale!


9 Jul 2004
DISCORD Dragonburn Challenge 2: The Secrets of Misty Vale!
The Misty Vales map show many locations not usually visited. Lets explore what else the vale is hiding!
Theme: Secrets
Type: Adventures and Adventure Seeds related to the locations on the Challenge 2 Map numbered 1-26.
Format 1: Max 1 page or single picture/sheet.
Format 2: No Limit.
Submissions Duration: Jan 15 - Jan 27 2024 ( 18:00 GMT+1)
Voting Duration: Jan 28 - Feb 3 2024 ( 18:00 GMT+1)
Who: Anyone!
Dragonbane / DoD23 Discord länk
Challenge 2 c.jpg
Post in ⁠dragonburn-2 on DB Discord.
You're not limited to 1 post. Fire away!
The entries should be newly created for this challenge.
You can have several language versions within the same post, but one of them must be in English.
The entries can be named anything as usual but must have the number of the location at the end like this: "The Three Huts of Doom #18"
You can have several locations in your entry!
Tag any AI art or AI text entries.
Any entries judged not to follow the theme or rules run the risk of being disqualified or removed - but we can work it out with a little dialogue.
If you upload a PDF in a post, make sure to leave screenshots showing the content, as discord is not able to preview anything but pages or links. Makes for a much more inviting reading experience and more votes!

Voting will only be enabled during the Voting Period which we will advertise loudly! So there will be no votes during the Submission period to ensure fairness due to the difference in timing. Vote with a emoji. You can vote on several submissions (but not you own). Mods or Admin will not be voting.

The contestant in each Format with the highest approval is entered into our Challenge Hall of Fame and gets the honor to show their name in an unique GOLDEN color as the Dragonburn Champion! Question? Thoughts? ⁠See ⁠⁠challenge-discussion
Enjoy everyone ! / Mattias and Tobias


Old’s cool
21 Sep 2011

PS Not a post as it is not my idea. I intendto re-use an old idea from Sinkadus for 2. The lake gives no reflection. Nothing else. Going to cause a few headscratches.