[D&D 5E]Winyras diary


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Har rätt så nydligen börjat spela D&D 5E för första gången i mitt liv. Vilket har resulterat i att jag börjat skriva en krönika från spelmötena ur min karaktärs perspektiv. I och med att den är skriven ur min karaktärs ögon så är inte allt som händer i kampanjen inkluderat i krönikan. Krönikan är skriven på engelska för att försöka förbättra min egen engelska samt att jag slipper översätta saker till svenska.

För att få en insikt i vem som skriver krönikan så kommer jag även inkludera min karaktärs bakgrundshistoria.

Winyra's background:

I was born among the elfs. I was seen as a child of misfortune as I was a product of my mother being raped by a human whom was later killed. My Mother tried to care for me but early on I could see that my being only reminded her of what had happen. I would say she did the best she could and she would always smile and tell me that everything was fine, it was not I could tell.

As a half-blood the other children would often tease and bully me. Sometimes I cried but for the most part I would smile and hide my feelings as my mother did. Things would change a bit when I found the library, the bulling wouldn't stop but it was a place where I was left alone. I would sink all my time in to the wonderful world of books and their history. I was and still am in deeply interested in the world, the multiverse and the arcane and how it all are connected. I love to get my hands on a book I never read and curl up close to a fire and read for hours.

As I spent more and more time in the library I got to know the librarian, Thamior Naïlo, and older elf that would often recommend my books to read. As I grow older and started to research things on my own he would always be there and help me with my questions and problems, soon he would become my mentor and trusted friend, my best friend. We would talk about everything with each other, now days I have realized that it was mostly me that talked about and I know where little about him.

One night when I couldn't sleep, my mind was wandering thinking about how this all came to be, I went to the library to spend some time with a few books and clam my mind down a bit. It was the best and worst decision I ever made. As I entered the library I noticed a light coming from Thamior's room and when I walked over to see if he was still awake and if we could talk. When I entered his office I could hear him talk to someone else from inside his private chamber. I don't really remember what I heard but the context of it was, I needed to die for some greater cause and that it would be really easy to get me there. Where there is I don't know, I didn't stay there long enough to figure it out. What I remember is that I for some reason took his research book and fled from there. Much later when I had time to inspect the book did I found out it was heavenly encrypted and I'm still working on decipher it.

I left my home and mother with out saying good bye, it was easier so because then she wouldn't know anything about it and she would probably be safer, I hope.

My flight in the middle of the night gave me a few hours advantage and I was able to secure a ship away from home in a nearby town. Aboard the ship I finally had time to collect myself and spend some time with looking over my mentors book. There in some lose notes not fully inscribed into the book was the name Fix and the last know location. With that I had at least on allied in this world, I hoped.

But fortune are a luxury that don't seem to have because as we was sailing along the sword coast two pirate ship attacked and sank the ship. I was still in my cabin when the ship began to sink in a panic I grabbed my backpack and ran for the deck. The deck was on fire and the scream from the other passengers filed the air, I had little time to think before the rocking of the ship made me and many other loss balance and in the tumble someone bumped me overboard. Cold shock of the water sent me in to panic splashing my way at the surface for a short moment before I started to sink deep into the ocean. As I sank into the ocean I could see thinks beyond the end of time and space, I could see the endless void sea. Something was out there, was it looking at me? I could not tell, it was cold my vision slowly faded until it was dark and then there was warmth, heat and air. My whole body was screaming in pain, it was screaming in pain? I was alive? How? Before I opened my eyes I could hear the crackling from the fire, I could smell... fish? As I opened my eyes I saw a stranger, a man in his late twenty. I guess he must have saved me from the ocean.

When I had collected myself later that day I could tell that I was and never would be the same. I could feel a power in me that I didn't recognized but felt awfully familiar as it belonged to me but as the same time not. It was there and did already know how it worked, it was really strange but soothing.

Most of my belongings seem to have been lost in the dept of the ocean, among the few tings that survived along side me was my mentors book, some gold and a dagger. Since then I had the opportunity to restock on things I see as important things.

In the company of Bellamy and a lots of questioning we finally found Fix and after some discussion and some convincing it seem like we have a common goal and that we are going to travel together for some time.

I will be on my guard, I will no be betrayed again.


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Whether you believe in destiny, gods or far more powerful and strange beings, my now present company is extremely mundane.

-Bellamy, an simple man with what also seems to be simple pleasures. My guess is that he is about teen maybe fifteen years older then me. If I had to trust anyone of my current travel companions it would be him. After all he was the one that saved my life.

-Fix, a tabaxi, an enemy to the cult and to Thamior. He is shady, tight-lipped and to say the least deadly with his sword. Wouldn't surprise me if he makes a living by killing people.

-Ekaros, just like Bellamy of the human race but considerably far more educated then Bellamy. You can have quite the interesting conversations with him but he all the knowledge he has seems to come from books and not from interacting with the world. Together it seems like we know most of the non mundane language.

Something to add is none of them seem nervous when it comes to fighting. Personally I notice how much my hands trembles as I summon the forces beyond this world to then hurl it at our enemies. I have to find a way to get used to it, right now I feel most inadequate when our lives are at stake.



During our recent trip to a church of helm to check out some rumor about the cults activity there. Some stupid bastard tried to force us to pay for traveling on the road. Despite my warnings that we would claim his head, he refused to back down and let us pass. I believe he would regretted in the afterlife as we made the process short with him and his damn wolves. I will probably get a scar on my leg after one of the wolves bit me, but I prefer that over losing my life. The journey to "The happy boar" went very smoothly after that. It was a good idea of Ekaros to travel there by cart. To get there by cart we made a deal with a fish merchant named Harald. In exchange for letting us travel with him and his cart to “The happy boar” we work as escort for him until we reached “The happy boar”. Fully acceptable deal.

Shortly after our arrival at the inn, two bandits showed up and start to shout about who killed their friend. I told them to leave or they would also join their friend in the after life. With my traveling companions behind me we walk at them and after a few steps the broke down and ran away. We had more or less seated us when two more jumped in from the window and backdoor shouting something about “get them boys”, they killed an innocent person before they left this world to join their friend in the after life.

As a thanks for dealing with them we got to sleep at the inn for free. I'm writing this sitting on the bed I guess the others are still out in the common room drinking and chatting. Or rather Bellamy and Fix are drinking and Ekaros is chatting as it seems he doesn't drink alcohol. He says he become weird if he drinks. He strange? He is already socially incompetent, how can he be more strange than that?



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
The trip to the church and back to the inn was not fun. To recap, on the way to the church where the cult was rumored to be last seen, our first night in the wild became horrible. We were awakened in the middle of the night by Fix who was on watch duty. Far out in the dark we could see a best lurking. I slept very badly the rest of the night. The beast attacked us the next day, it seemed to be direwolf. I had a really bad fight not only against the beast also against my own impulse to just run away from there. I'm glad that that it died before my instinct took over. I can not let the others see me as weak or afraid. If they do they may discard me as I would no longer be of use.

As we killed the direwolf it went up in smoke, our guess is that it was summoned and if it was summoned the summoner may have been close to us even if we couldn't see them. To our knowledge we have not seen the summoner and somewhere out there they are alive and know about us. We have to be careful.

When we approached the temple we could see the sky darkening as dark clouds amass above the temple. Ekaros and I concluded that some kind of ritual was ongoing and that we had to interrupt it. We did not waste time and charge in, the fight went well even after we gave up on the advantage of stealth and my bad nerves. I think I only was able to get in one hit but the others was seem not to have the same bad nerves as I do, thankfully else we would be dead. As the dust settle after the fight the ritual collapse into it self and we was nearly crushed we only manage to get an letter and a pendent of the corpses before everything collapsed.

As I wrote earlier, I feel more like a burden to the rest, but I really need their protection, I would never be able to escape or fight the cult myself. But if they ask me leave then I will do that, I have full understanding if they do not want to bring people who can not pull their straw to the stack. The letter that the cultist leader had seems to be encrypted. It shouldn't take too long to crack, which means that I can at least contribute with something, who am I try to deceive Ekaros can also crack it.



My current travel companions are driving me insane, they are talking to everyone about everything that's also including talking about the cult. They aren't even trying to keep a low profile. And now it's even worst, with the information Ekaros found about the cult we are dead meat if they find us. How are we going to fight vampires that can shape shift at will. We can't trust anyone, so why must they be so stupid and give away everything so openly.

The last day haven't been any less eventful, we fought a bunch of goblins riding wolfs. During that encounter I noticed that Fix could talk to them, I don't know what they talked about but from how the conversation was going it seemed like we would be able to continue our journey but then out of nowhere Fix attacked the goblin. And because of that I got a disgusting goblin arrow shot in my leg. Why did he have to attack them, we don't need to fight everything that moves, here I agree with Ekaros the best fight is a fight you don't need to fight.

Later on we saw some boars along the road so the destruction of the ritual must have done something to the nature. I don't know what and I don't really care about it. Later the same day when we arrived at the same place the bandit tried to rob us there was now a gnoll and his huge hyena. One thing we know for sure are they hate goblins because after Fix tried to talk to it in goblin it attacked us. It was a quick and messy fight both Fix and Bellamy got seriously wounded. I believe Ekaros must have taken a big hit to the head during the fight because when we was resting and looking over the others wounds Ekaros start talking about becoming a highwaymen and rob others because we seem to be good at it and also because he had read about that heroes should have a movement in their journey where the doubt the path they are on, it's so stupid that if feel ashamed on his part. To make it even worse a wisecracking halfling druid overheard him talk about it. A long story short I had more or less to force Ekaros to continue our travel back to Ravenbreach else there would be a huge chains that he and the druid would get in to a fight, in the end they more or less only throw insults back an forth .

When we finally got back to town we ran into Crusk the captain of the guard. We told him about the things we had seen on our trip to the old church of Helm. The others informed Crusk about the cult, we even got to stay the night in the barracks to have our wounds taken care of. Crusk seems nice but nice people can easy be snakes and bite you when you least expect it, we need to be careful with him and the guards, they could easy be a part of the cult.

The next day, today as I'm writing this down we split up, Ekaros and Fix when to the mage guild to look for information about the cult and I when with Bellamy to the local library to do the same. Later when we meet up and Ekaros shared the information he found about the cult, it is not good news, not even if half of what he found is true. Vampire lords, shapeshifters, vampire worshipers and it seems like it is a really old cult, so it will most likely have lots of influences around the world. We are in big trouble and I can't really see a way out of this for us. The sun has set and then stars and then moon are up now and illuminating the world it's beautiful but not as beautiful as the void sea, I want to see it again.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
I hope I will survive the following days. As I'm writing this my travel companions are sleeping soundly, tomorrow we will set sail for Luskan. I need to remain strong and not to show any weakness as we board the ship. I can't let them see the weak side of me, if I become to much of a problem they will abandon me. In the last few days since I wrote we have spent most of our time collecting debts from others and got our self a few hundred gold, we spend most of it on cloths and some equipment. Against my advice we even sent a pigeon to Marcus Hornraven to let him know about us, we got an answer that we where welcome to visit.

When talking to the captain of the ship about transport to Luskan, we got offered to work or pain 10 gold for the trip, I paid, my travel companions choose to work instead. Hopefully they will be to busy to take notice of me.

I can do this.



I failed, I totally failed to keep myself together. The worst part is not that I froze when it was time to board the ship, it was that I totally broke down in front of everyone, I couldn't do it. I'm not sure but I think it was Bellamy then carried me onboard the ship. If it was him then I really owe him, not only has he already saved my life once and now this. I really hate this weak and pathetic me. Everyone else seem to be so strong why can't I be the same.



The stars are beautiful tonight, I wish I could be out there with them roaming the void sea but I'm stuck here on this ship. Something out there must really hate me, something has happen to the wind and sea, nothing moves and we are stuck here. Since we boarded the ship I have problem sleeping. I can't sleep for to long and I often wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweat. We have been stuck here for what I think is two days now. Today a bird hit the deck of the ship and died, more or less every sailor had a short moment of insanity where they all did some really wired dance until their captain, named Carl Thornleg, shouted at them. He and his first mate, Henrik, seem to have good head on their shoulders as they don't seem to be suffering the same insanity as the rest of the sailors.



It has been sometime since I wrote something, my mind have are racing and can't seem to settle down. Not once during the time we spent at sea was I able to get a full nights sleep always waking up in cold sweat, I don't think I'm sic or anything like that but hopefully a good nights sleep at land will change it. Any how, we have arrived at the residence of Marcus Hornraven and I'm sitting in one of the many guestroom writing this. Much has happened and I'm not sure how we will survive this, we are in so much trouble I have problem seeing a way to get out of this.

To recap what have happened since last time I wrote anything, the murdered sailor onboard on the ship was most likely killed by some magical creature. We found some kind of box with an protective spell on it, the box contained the magical creature that was released by accident by the chef onboard. The signs of the creature possessing someone is there is black coal steaming down from the eyes. I tried to talk to the creature but as soon as I did that the creature locked eyes with me and I could feel the creature trying to enter my mind. I'm not sure why but I can't rule out that the creature maybe after me. The man that smuggle the crater onboard was still onboard the ship and Marcus help us lift a curse the hindered him from seeking. His employer was Liam Darkthorn, a employer to Liam cast the curse, the employee was red skinned, man, probably a theifling. We believe the box are connected to Shar, god of shadows.

We also talked to Marcus and his sister Hanna about the cult and informed them about our knowledge and we also got a lot of new knowledge about the cult and vampires from them.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
I have spent the day for myself for the first time in a long time, it's refreshing to say the least. I'm not sure what the others are up to but I know some of them when down to the docks to talk with the captain to get passage back to Ravenbreach. When have spent over a week at sea to be here about one and a half day and now we are going back on that cursed ship. This time I'm going to drink myself stupid before we board the ship.

I have spent my day pouring over Thamior's book and also the library of the Hornravens. I also spent some of my day meditating on this power of mine. Something familiar reached out to me, spoke to me and left me a warning.

"The boy king serves at the masters table, three lies will he offer you"

As for now I believe that Marcus could be the boy king, as his father still seems to be alive. But I'm not sure about this and for now I will keep this to myself, the my travel companions are to talkative and it's better if only I know this as I'm not sure what till fully mean.

Regarding the voice I think I may have heard it when I fell into the sea, it sounded familiar and some what comforting.

note, finally I got one good nights sleep.


Finally back in Ravenbreach. Our trip back when as planed, I hope that I may never set my foot on another ship ever in my life. But something tells me that will not be the case, but still I hope.

Also we received a large amount of gold from Marcus. He told us that because we could travel for free we could spend it on getting better gear. We need to pay him back that money as soon as we can as we can't really trust his motive to give us that much money. He gave us about 10 time as much money as the trip would cost. Anyway the money mostly was spent on getting us some new armor, mostly on Bellamy. Ekaros also spent some money on getting a few more spells.

Fix found some information about a magic weapon guarded by kobolts, northwest of the mistyforest, close to Relimbiyr River.



It has been decided, we are going after the magical weapon that Fix found information about. I have my doubts about the information and why no one else has hunted the weapon down. If the information is correct then the weapon should be in the hands of a kobold tribe. And I'm pretty sure that they won't give us the weapon if we ask for it. So we have to go in with the mindset, to kill or be killed. I will not die, I will survive because I need to know what's beyond this simple world until then I can not die.



We have now reached Daggerford a smaller city 3 days travel north of Ravenbreach. We will spend the night here at the Lady luck tavern before we move on to the kobolds territory.

Also before we left Ravenbreach both Ekaros and I spend a few hours in the library researching what we could find out about the kobolds. Seems like we have to watch out for traps in their lair.

I will probably not have time to write anything before we are back after our trip.



We are finally back in Daggerford. Our trip to the kobold's cave was a success even if it was a close call at the end. It took us about 7 days to get to the location and it wasn't hard to find the entrance to the cave.

I must say that Fix was really effective in killing the kobolds in silent. Most of the fighting we had to do was after Fix had killed a few of them, reducing the amount of danger for us. Also the kobolds traps was easy for Fix to deal with. I have to avoid to anger Fix at least for the near future as I would not have a chance against him if it turned ugly.

Mostly everything went as planed, the only hitch was that the kobold sorcerer escaped and we could not find him, soon after the alarm was raised and we had to flee the nest.

I believe the sorcerer may have stronger dragon blood in it's veins, as it had not problem to see in magical darkness.

In a few days when we are back in Ravenbreach we have to go over everything we found in the kobold cave, we seem to have made quite a lot of money as far as I can tell. Also Ekaros believe that we may have found more then one magical item.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Our way home was not as smooth as I would have liked it to be. We encountered a group of orcs , except for Fix acting on his own and got seriously wounded everything else went well. We slaughtered them as they deserved, nothing good can come from letting orcs live. If Ekaros hadn't made healing potions before we left Ravenbreach before our trip to the kobold lair, Fix would probably die on the way home. He need to learn when to push and when to pull.

I'm not sure why Marcus was waiting in Ekaros room when we got home, it seem like he know that we should arrive home today. I'm not sure if we can really trust him, sure we are all are keeping secrets but something with how he acts are strange, the others seems to put great trust in him.

The information he provided us with was not of value and most people would be able to figure it out. For some reason he has also choose to make the sinking goose inn. The inn close to where Ekaros parents live, with how much money Marcus seem to have he could find a much better inn in the town. Also it seems like we may for some kind of alliance with him.

Ekaros and Fix went out to the mage guild to get some information Ekaros had requested. As for me I will head to bed now.



In total we found a few hundred gold and a few magical items. But nothing could have prepped us for how much some magical beans would sell for. After Ekaros spend some time identifying the items we found we all agreed to sell the magical beans for at least 25 gold. Ekaros found a buyer and he bought the beans for 8000 gold, 8000! It's 2000 gold each. Now I fear that I will be robed the same moment I go out. I can't believe it.

After a long discussions we all agree that we should buy a home or rather some kind of place we can use as a base in the town.



23 Oct 2012
Älskade den här biten: My current travel companions are driving me insane, they are talking to everyone about everything that's also including talking about the cult. They aren't even trying to keep a low profile.

Det är 100% äventyrar grupp beteende men sammtidigt 100% dumt att gå runt och vara ”Ond kult? Vet någon något? Vill någon ha en ond kult död?”


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
I can't believe that I'm still alive to write this. Yesterday at the eve of the midsummer festival the street ran red with blood. No one know how many died yesterday. What seemed to be out of nowhere undeads start to appear, As we laid the last of the attackers to rest we could hear the screams of the city, the town seemed to be attacked at a much larger scale then the little skirmish that we fought.

Part of me are still frustrated at Ekaros and Fix left to go home instead of following me, Bellamy, Marcus and Crusk to help others in town. I understand that Ekaros wanted to protect his home but it still frustrate me as we could have defeated the undead hoard easier and faster with their help. But it is what it is.

We also had to kill a bunch of cultist that was sent to kill everyone at Ekaros family home. And it seems that if you want Ekaros to do throw all logic out you have to target his family. We had a long discussions about what to do with the dead cultist and he wanted to raise them from the dead so he could kill them over and over again.

During that night all of us came close to death but both Fix and Ekaros may only have been a few seconds away. I have concluded that neither Marcus or Crusk the captain of the guard are working for the cult. As this night would have been a golden opportunity for them to attack and kill us in this chaos. But to trust them only for this would be naive as we can't know what they are planing or rather we can't know what Marcus is planing. Cursk may be brave but he is dumb and if he don't start to use his head he may die soon but it may be impossible for him as he has orc blood in his veins.


PS. I gave Fix a ring of rat speak, that's comical the cat can now tell his food his going to eat them.


I can no longer walk in peace in side the town. I hate the council! Especially Gerard Flick how could he know what we had done and why would he tell the other that we saved the town? Why would they make us heroes and put on a parade for us? They even gave us the remains of the old mansion out side of town. I'm not sure what his agenda is but we can and shall not trust anything he says or does. With this much attention on us how could we keep a low profile? The cult knows for sure where we are now so we must prepare for them.

At least we now know that the attack on the city really was the work of the cult. We where probably never their main target in the attack there are for sure someone else that they are trying to get to. We also know that they have the power to summon a hoard of undead, this is a huge problem.

Marcus learned the hard way that fire doesn't work at vampires, or rather we know it doesn't work on vampire spawns and therefore it will most likely not work on vampires. Marcus was lucky that Fix found him. And Fix was lucky that he was not killed, he takes to many risks on his own. No one in the right state of mind would attack a monster on their own. If you can you run and came back when you are prepared. This time Ekaros was able to formulate a plan of attack on the vampire spawn that had kidnapped Marcus and nailed him to a wall. But if fix had died before he returned and told us where he found Marcus and the vampire spawn both of them would be dead now.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
It's weird we are now owners of a mansion, some locals have been calling it the “Black manor” and because we haven't any better idea on a name for it. So it seems like we will still be calling it the Black manor. The manor itself was previous owned by a family called Blackboot. Ekaros spent sometime trying to find more information about them but the only thing he could find out was that they were mages and had own the mansion over a few generations.

As we found lots of money in the mansion we have now hire a bunch of workers to get the mansion in order again. It will cost us quite a lot of money but I believe it will be wort it.

Time for me to sleep, I need to wake up early to help Ekaros enchant part of our gear.


This is the third day that Fix ignores the language lessons, if he ignore them tomorrow I will quit spending my time on teaching him and Bellamy. Bellamy at lest try to learn it. But if not everyone of us can speak it then it is useless.

Marcus has left us to go back home to Luskan, he said he had things to do there.


It has now been about a month since they started to renovate the manor. It is coming along fine, more then I can say about myself. I'm getting really tired on helping Ekaros to enchant our gear. I understand and see the logic in why we need to do it. It's BORING. It seems like we are no where then end of this. Mean while Bellamy is out training, and sometimes check in on us. I'm starting to think of him as a worried big brother. I actually feel a bit safer when he is around.

Fix on the other hand, I'm not sure what he is up to I haven't seen him around much. I don't really know where I have Fix. I know he isn't a part of the cult but I can't really trust him in having my back or anyone else back either, maybe Ekaros, but I'm not sure about that. He seem to be used to do things his way and alone. He need to learn to work together with the rest of us if we are going to have a chance against the cult.


Autumn are getting closer, the days are shorter but the weather are still fine. We have now moved into the manor but there are still things unfinished. I guess everything will be done pretty soon.

I think Ekaros and I have about two or three pieces left to enchant. I hope all this work really help us in the future. I'm so tired on enchanting things I want to puke.

When we aren't enchanting our gear Ekaros and I have spent a lot of time trying to my decipher my former mentors book. I can feel it we are close but there are still some piece we are missing to be able to proceed.

Also yesterday we had a visit from Harald, I asked him if he could extend his route of delivery to us. He told us it was possible. So now we will at lest get to buy some fresh fish from time to time.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Texten här är spoiler för spelarna i min grupp. Ni är inte förbjudna att läsa detta men det kanske förstör framtida överraskningar.

I don't know what to do or where to turn for help. The last few days my nightmares have come back. They are never the same but the all end the same way. I'm falling in to a endless sea slowly losing my consciousness but never really losing it. The pain, the fear, the panic of never being able to breath. I don't know how much I can take of this. Someone help me, help me, please.


Not like this, this is not what I asked for. I'm a freak. Why must I suffer so? I was washing myself and as I went to get the towel I noticed it, webbing! I let out a shrike in horror, thankfully no one seemed to have heard it. I believe I must have passed out, because when I come to my senses I found myself under the water in the bathtub. It's not enough that my feet and hand have webbing! I also have gills along with my ribs. I'm a freak there is no way anyone ever could love me when I look like this. I need to find gloves that can hide this. I can never let anyone know about this or worse let anyone see this.


It's bad but not THAT bad. It seems like it only shows when I'm in contact with water. You can not really see anything on my hands or feet, but if you look closely you can see some traces of the gills at my chest. Is this the first step to turn into a mermaid? Does mermaids have webbing on their hands? No picture has never showed that. What happens if I no longer can breath air suddenly? I'm going to die. I need to find a way to stop this from happening. Should I talk to Ekaros about this? He is smart but he would only turn the whole thing into some kind of experiment and his own curiosity would probably take over. Fix maybe a freak but I don't think he could do anything to help me or come with any good advice. Bellamy he wouldn't understand and I fear that he would freak out and distance himself from me I don't want to lose him.

For now it seems that I have to carry this by myself. Maybe I can get some time later to do some research on similar cases, if there are any.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
We sat down today and talk about what we could do with this manor and the surrounding land. We decided that we are going to start a vineyard and also brewing beer. Our goal is to make sure all of this can make us money so we can focus on other things, like the cult.

So with this decision made need to hire a working force and it seems like Ekaros have a few ideas on how we should do it.


To day was a long day, we have now secured a way to get all the crops we need for beer brewing and also placed an order on vines. We have also sent a letter to the bard college in Waterdeep about recruiting someone as a majordomo for our manor. We also sent a letter to Marcus about it but I have a hard time believing that a letter to Marcus can help us in this case.

The others also spent some time buring a bit of land around the manor, Ekaros and Bellamy said something about that it would help us in growing the crops. I'm not sure on why they believe that.

We also put up about about two dozen flyers in the market district where we offered our help for money. It took nearly no time, Crusk the captain of the guard wanted our help dealing with some gnoll highwaymen, he paid us 400 gold upfront. So tomorrow we are going to hunt some gnolls north of Ravenbreach.


The gnolls are dead, they didn't stand a chance. Ekaros seems to have gotten his hand on some really powerful spells, hopefully he can control them so he doesn't end up as Karsus. I don't really see why he is so proud of that nickname. From what I learn it seems that Ekaros got the name from some of his classmates. Sure he is ambitious but why would he like to compare himself to a failure? I don't really understand how he thinks but I know for certain that he have our best in interest when he makes his decisions. He is also try to think a few step ahead and that is something I can appreciate about him.

We got paid for killing the gnolls, we also found and took their treasure. There wasn't much money but we found three potion of invisibility that will most certain come to use.


Fix and Bellamy just come back. FIX, right now I want to kill him and make a rug of him. How stupid can he be. We all agreed that we shouldn't get a majordomo from Ravenbreach because we know the cult has a present here and most likely have infiltrated the ruling council. He went to Liandra Darkthorn! The spokes person for the Nobles on the council. Liandra Darkthorn the sister to Liam Darkthorn the one that smuggled the create with the shadow creature in. He went and talked to her about it and asked her to help us get a majordomo. Is he insane?! We can't trust them and Fix want someone that are connected to them to work for us? What else has he told her about us? About me? I can not tell Fix anything that he or someone else can use against me.

Also Fix seems to be a part of the thief guild in Ravenbreach. He also has the ring that allow him to speak with rats so secrets must only be shared without speaking.

For our sake I hope Fix conviction that the cult must die never falter, if so then the cult has gained a powerful allied.

I'm going to take another walk, I can't sleep now.


Our request from the bards college was denied, we where a bunch of nobody's in their eyes. Also the respond we got from Marcus was not helpful at all. He the following back to us, “I know a semi well known majordomo in Waterdeep”.

So we have decided to travel by cart up to Waterdeep, no boat this time. To see if we can find us a majordomo there, we have also decided that we will get some guards to protect our manor in Daggerford mean while we do our journey to Waterdeep.


I can't believe how lucky we are today. We have just arrived in Daggerford and at the “Lady luck tavern”. Merely a few hours before we arrived in Daggerford a man named Laurent De Lacroix stopped us along the way. He had a letter of recommendation from Marcus and was on his way to our manor for a job. After Ekaros asked him a bunch of questions we all agree to hire him as our mansions majordomo. We have informed him about our plans and he has set out to find himself a workforce. We will be turning back home and Laurent will arrive in a few days as he need time to find the right people.

Also I didn't sleep to well last night, the nightmares have left me for now but instead I hear a voice in my head calling my name. It is the same voice I heard in Luskan, I can never forget those words and the still linger in back of my mind, “The boy king serves at the masters table, three lies will he offer you”.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Yesterday Marcus once more returned to our manor. He believed that his father may have found a clue about where we have a chance to find information about the vampire lord Vizerius. If his father is to be believed there should be an old library somewhere west of star mounts and long the west side of the high forest. As usually Ekaros and I spent sometime researching the area, unfortunately we could not dig up much useful information. So this time we are going to a place with little to none information. I don't like this. On the bright side we don't have to travel with boat, Ekaros talked to another mage in the tower about our trip. Why can't the others just keep their mouth shut. We don't need others to know what we are up to. The only good thing about it is that he will help us get there by magic.


I don't really know what, where or how to start this. A mage called Firebeard opened a gate for us to the plains west of High forest. We found the old house that was the entrance for the library and from there things just keep happening.

We found a insatiable tome that Ekaros seem to have fallen in love with, or rather the possibility to store every book he can find in it. I don't really like that book, it will probably cause us more harm then we can gain from it. I prefer normal books.

We was surprised by bone nagas that nearly killed everyone of us. To our big surprise there seem to be some kind of spell or ancient magic that make it hard to relax in some of the rooms on the first floor in the building. We had preferred to rest outside but there we found around twenty or so Uthgardt barbarians looking through our cart. They where not friendly but seemed afraid of the building, lucky us. After resting our exploration of the library started.

The second floor was interesting to say the least, we found shelves with book detailing our lives. Bellamy was freaked out about it, I wounder what his book told him. This book was worth more then anything else, I finally know the name of the one that have give me my power. As nothing happened when I spoke the name out loud and it was written in the book, I believe it is safe for me to write it here. The creature that have granted me my power is, Holashner the hunger below.

All in all the library contains lots of book, floor three seem to contain books of all the known plains. And as you change planes so does the guardian. We left the library set to the primordial plane, more specific earth. So if we return and it's not on the same plane we know others have been there.

The fourth floor contains books about our worlds living creatures. On the fifth floor contained books about our worlds histrory and also the first sign of trouble. Intellect devours. At this point I voiced my opinion about leaving as they often are accompany by mind flayers, but against my wish Ekaros pushes us on downwards to the next floor. From what I could gather this floor was all information about the underdark. Ekaros hunger for information is dangerous and will one day get him killed. I understand that we need information about Vizerius but that information will not do us any good if we are dead.

I don't know what to do about Fix, this time his curiosity nearly killed him if. As a mind flayer got hold of him and if not for Bellamy and Ekaros voicing their opinion about him being of value for us then I would have left him to die. My gut feeling is telling me that we saved Fix in what was most likely the last second. I hope that he have learned something from this because next time he may not be as lucky as he was this tim.

The most important is that we have found some information on Vizerius and a lots of other books we have taken with us. As I'm writing thing we still haven't had time to look over what we have found exactly. Also if we chose to return to the library then we have to be really careful. The place may now be swarmed with creature from the underdark. As there was a huge hole on the lowest level of the library. My guess is that it is connected to underdark and I'm not interested to look into it.

We also had a run in with an other group, probably adventures but something felt wrong with them. They wore masks and was looking for some kind of book regarding crystals. I'm surprised but the bought my lie about we not having the book the looked for and that it most likely had fallen down to the underdark. Before that the feeling in the air was hostility and I was quite sure that blood would be spilled, but it was avoided. The left us with what I can only see as a warning and that they know who we are.

“The future seems to be wrong, they are too clumsy to be a threat to us”

My first thoughts are that they may be part of the cult, but that does not seem right. If they were then they would have attacked us. They must be a part of something bigger that know about us and the only conclusion would be that they are from Ravenbreach.

Also the Uthgardt barbarians that was out side the library was all killed, most likely by them. If they could kill that many then killing us would not have been a problem.


Tomorrow we will set out from Waterdeep, we arrived here yesterday from Red larch to get food and to find a pearl so Ekaros before continue our way home. But I don't know who got the bright idea but I'm going to blame Fix. Now everyone except me want's to go back to the kobold lair and clean it out. It is a waste of time in my opinion.


We cleaned out the lair, or should I say we killed one kobold sorcerer. Everyone else was already dead, killed by some magical ritual. Most likely the sorcerers work. The only thing we or should I say I got from this shit was to be possessed by some more the ancient shadow called Sloth. It seem to be familjar with Holashner and much older then it.

So now I have a pact with and great evil old one. I have a creature called Sloth inside me that can read my mind and most likely control me at will. I look like a freak when I touch water. A elder vampires cult want to sacrifice me, or better make me a vampire so I can suffer some more.

Further it seems like the trust Ekaros had for me are slowly fading since the creature entered me. If I have to face the world alone so be it, I will not die nor will I give in, I will survive what ever it takes.


I wish I could say I'm glad to be finally home. But the first thing Ekaros does is to inform both Marcus and Laurent about what has happened to me. I'm fine with Marcus knowing as he may know what to do about my situation. I'm not fine with Laurent knowing what have happened to me, because now will everyone know about it. Sure he is working for us but that doesn't make it okey for him to know this about me. It seems like Ekaros don't trust me anymore.

Sloth have given me some useful information. The creature we ran into at our trip up to Luskan, was a shadow creature, but had a familiar smell of one of Sloths siblings. Marcus also smells vaguely of its siblings and it also seems that I have meet one of Sloths siblings and it's host.

I need to sleep on this.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Now we know more about Vizerius than we did before. To me he doesn't seem like a vampire anymore rather he is closer to being a demi-god. The knowledge we have should not be shared and if we are captured it may be better to end our own life then to let others know what we know.

We will have a small feast tomorrow so we may get to know those Laurent has employed a little better.


How can Ekaros be so intelligent and so stupid at the same time. He wants me to make a pact with Sloth to save his family with out even trying to save them himself. Does he not understand what it will cost me? Did he not listen to what Firebeard said? How dumb can he be? I will not make a pact with another creature ever again, no matter the cost. Rather I will see to it that no one else can make the same mistake that I have done. Sure your family may be important for you but you want me to sacrifice myself for them with out trying to save them first? I hope that you will wake up with a clear head.

Stupid Ekaros.

We visited Firebeard, the citys most distinguished wizard. Or rather we went there but Ekaros was the only one to talk to him. It seems like he know quite a lot about Sloth. But he can't tell us much because he ain't allowed to talk about it. If we want all information from him then we will need to convince Gordan the wizard at the city council. That will probably not go well as Firebeard and Gordan doesn't seem to like each other.

Everything took a really bad turn when we dropped by Ekaros family on our way home. It doesn't take to long before we figure out that they have been kidnapped and for Ekaros to simply lose his mind and act more like Fix that Fix. I can't understand how he can be so stupid. We informed the city guard and went home.

The feast was successful but this bad day didn't seem to end. After all employees had left a shadow appeared and delivered a dead Trask to us with a note stating that:

“I know you know, I have your family they are fine and will continue to be fine until you work against me” - LD

This made Ekaros direct a bargain to Sloth about saving his family. Ignoring the fact that I will affect me. I will not allow him to make the pact, never.

Good night.


I'm starting to think it is best that I leave. I made a horrible mistake. I was not able to stand my ground, I could not allow Ekaros to throw his life a way. His stupid family is safe and they can celebrate that as much as they want. The pact was made, Sloth used my body to save them and to kill Liam Darkthorn in exchange for that Ekaros and therefore I need to bring one more of these creature to Ravenbreach. So soon there will be three of them here. One has possessed me, the one living in Liam has made a new home in Fix. I don't know which one has made Fix it's home but it is not good. If this goes on all of us will have a creature inside us, I can not allow that to happen. We must make sure that all seven of these creatures does not have an opportunity to meet up. I need to something about it but first I need to destroy the magical tome we found as it contains information on how to make a pact with dark creatures. That tome is to dangerous to exist.

Last edited:


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
This morning the citizens of Ravenbreach awoke to the sound of a huge horn, even we could hear it in our manor. It took me a short while to figure out the nature of the horn, Liam Darkthorns death by my hands. Everyone in the city are none the wiser about what happened and I hope it stay so.

Bellamy, Fix and Ekaros went into town and when they came back Bellamy informed me that every man, women and child in the Darkthorn manor was slaughtered. I hope Ekaros is happy with this out come after all you don’t make a deal with an ancient creature and get out on top. It will be fun to see Ekaros in pain when he try to stall his end of the barging, to bring one more of the siblings to Ravenbreach. I asked Sloth why it killed everyone and the answer was simple, “Leaving no witnesses”.

What I heard from Bellamy it seems like Marcus visited us to ask if we know anything about what had happened in the city. It seems like he believed Bellamy when he told him that we didn’t know. But I’m worried about others finding out what really happened. Bellamy is to honest for his own good, Fix says whatever comes to his mind, Ekaros may be the only one able to keep quiet but at the same time it is his fault for this situation. If they find out about me I may drag him down with me after all he used me as a tool and I can’t see any reason to let him get away with it if I’m going down.

After we had a short meeting about what our next move should be, which was pointless in my opinion as nothing changed from how it was before the meeting. In short the meeting concluded with, Ekaros shall read books not connected to anything useful for us now and then go to the mage tower in Ravenbreach.

I will spend the rest of the day trying to solve Thamior notes so we may find something new about the cult.


I didn’t get any further with the notes as I was disturbed quite shortly after I began by Bellamy. Lisa, our recently employed chef was missing after she went to the forest to gather mushroom and herbs. She had been kidnapped by a group of orcs and after a short battle the orcs where no more and we nearly lost her because of Ekaros foolishness of setting fire to the tents in the orc camp with his magic. Lucky for her she came out nearly unscratched, from what I could tell the orcs had not had their way whit her yet and the only wounds she seemed to have was from Ekaros fire. I gave her a healing potion, hopefully it will prevent the worst scarring.

I talked to Laurent about employing someone to keep an eye on the surrounding area so we know if there is any problem that we need to deal with.


I saw the void sea again today, it seems so calm but I know if I’m not careful I will drown in it and never surface again. My whole body hurts and most of the claw wounds on my arms are heal but may leave some scares. Thankfully my armor took most of the hits after I lost consciousness. I need to come up with a good way to show my gratitude to Bellamy as he helped me get home and made sure I got into bed.

Because of yesterday’s event with Lisa gone missing the four of us scouted out the terrain surrounding the manor. Where we found some tracks odd traces after a monster. We tracked it for a time and this time they found us before we could find them. I’m not sure what kind of monster it was but I know it looks like an ape with four arms and it hits both hard and fast.

Sloth has not made any sound since after the ape knocked me out cold. It may have taken precautions and changed body in case I would have died. So the question is who has been possessed by it.


I talked to the others and learned from Fix, or rather from the creature possessing him named Greed that sloth is still inside me. That’s good better that I have to deal with him then the others. I’m worried about Fix being possessed by greed. Fix haven’t realized that he can talk to Greed inside his mind and are saying everything out loud, that’s good. With that I may gain some insight into what Greed wants from Fix.

The others have left the manor to send of Ekaros family to somewhere else with help of Firebeard. I wonder what deal Ekaros has made this time to send his family away. My guess is that the deal he made is something that will involve all of us and not just him. I hope he choose to go with them so I can be rid of him. I feel sic just seeing him.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Ekaros informed me that the group that we meet in the library seem to have figure out that we lied to them. And after I pushed him about how they could have found out about it, I learned that he had talked to Firebeard about the crystals. And because Firebeard are distrusted by Gorudan Icebead, the mage representative in the city counsel. Because of the misstrust between them, Firebeard are more or less being constant monitored. So now we know that those people that where in the library where sent by Gorudan and they are now targeting us. All of it is Ekaros fault for talking to people about everything.

We have also employed an Elf with name Faeleth to help us keeping an eye on the surrounding. To avoid further troubles, like what happened to Lisa.


We are leaving tomorrow to hunt down some cultists that have made some kind of base about a half days march from the manor. Fix went ahead to check out the surrounding where the cult was spotted by Faeleth.


Three more cultist are now dead at our hands. And we have learned that the cult have some kind of base in the woods close to Daggerford. Ekaros magic was some what successful in dragging information out of one of the cultists.

There should be about 22 of them in their base, 4 of those are guards the others are most likely mages. The one he got his orders from where a person called Zerdeck, and the orders where simple summon dinosaurs and send them to kill us. In other words we are still a target for the cult.

We also know that the cult is recruiting people in an active way. As he mention that they found him and not the other way around. They also believe that if the free Vizerius they will be made vampires to serve at his side. They are fooling themselves. He would at most make them vampire spawns if they are lucky, more logical he would suck them dry.

What I learned from the fight was that fireballs have longer reach then I believed. The cult have the power to transform humanoids into dinosaurs if they have enough time to do their rituals. If there is a next time this happens we need to kill the casters before they complete the rituals. If didn't killed of one of the targets for the ritual none of us would have lived. Dinosaurs are terrifying monsters that could probably tear you apart as easy as you tear a piece of paper in two.

We burned everything and hopefully they stay dead for ever.

Tomorrow I will send Marcus a letter so he know that we have some more information about the cult.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
Much has happened since I was last able to write down my thoughts and a couple of weeks has gone by. Everything started the when we sat down and talk to Marcus about our next step against the cult when we heard a loud sound from the out side. We where under attack from a huge bone devil and a lot of smaller devils. I believe Ekaros called them spine devils. We fought and won but we lost Audhild, one of the guards we employed. After resting and making sure things was in order we set out the next day to see if we could track down the summoner of the devils.

This is where everything start to go south but we didn't know that then. We was not ready or prepare for what this hunt would send us down for path. We had some minor encounters while we where tracking the steps of the summoner. Except from Fix being Fix and doing things his own way he nearly got killed by a chimera one night.

The tracks lead us to the cults hideout, as we where not ready and to few in numbers we decided to travel back to Daggerford and make plans on how we should deal with them. I do like Bellamy but he can be so stupid, thanks to him talking loud and clear about the cult. One spy from the cult heard him and was able to warn the others that we know about them and their hideout.

Our choices where limited and none of the options where good. Either we attack them now before they have time to relocate or we return home and let them relocate and they still know where we are and can continue to attack us as they wish. So we attacked them and lost badly.

Fix and Bellamy went down, thanks to Sloth I could get Bellamy free but little did it matter as I was hunted down by a massive devil and captured.

I learned later that Bellamy and Ekaros returned to Daggerford, where Ekaros left Bellamy alone. Fix and I capture by the cult had the ugly pleasure to talk to Zerdeck the leader for the cult or rather the leader for this cell of the cult. He tells us that he now have Greed as Greed left Fix as Fix was not a good match for him. And that they can let us go if we also give them Sloth. We or rather I get some time to think about it. When Zerdeck comes back he has changed his mind, I guess he has talked to someone, probably my former mentor. And that they need me as a sacrifice to wake up Vezerius. As they no longer need Fix they leave him behind as they pack up and leave the hide out.

I took this opportunity to regain my and Sloths strength and a few days later Sloth would make a deal with an white haired, one eyed man and we where free, my guess teleported to where Bellamy and Fix where sleeping tied up in a a tree. I really don't know who's idea it was but it's not a good one. After waking them up we set of home.

Our road home was mostly trouble free, we encountered one cultist and a few undead minions and saved a cleric of Kellmvor that call herself Erin. To no ones surprise a insane fanatic and no matter how much I tried to drive her away she refuse to leave. She have mention some kind of vision and seems happy that the cult is marching our way. She is insane, can't she understand that following me only brings trouble. Hopefully today's event may help her understand the situation we are in and finally leaves before it is to late.

Back home part of Marcus family was waiting on Marcus, he was traveling with us from Daggerford, since he had been there with Roark to deliver the dead Audhils body to her family. All of them are hunters of Vezerius so we spend some time talking about new information and what to do. Marcus father leaves the room first to deliver news to an other group. After a while Hanna, Marcus sister discover her fathers horse a few hundred meters away from our walls. After en long search for him the only conclusion I could draw was that magic and probably Greed was involved in his disappearance. As we where standing a bit out side our walls a dark could rolled in from the east a darkened the whole sky over Ravenbreach as portals opened up over the city and rained down arrows large as tree trunks over the city, destroying it.

As we where watching the city being destroyed from afar, Fix arrived. It was hard to focus on what Fix said but the context of it is, Ekaros has abandon us and taken “his” part of the money. I hope never find peace in this or the next life and I hope all what he loves dies an horrible death in front of him.

When the attack on the city was over we all started to move to the city to see if we could do anything to help. The short of it was, no there was nothing we could do to help. My guess is that about 60% maybe as far as 75% of the cities population is dead and there is not much left of the city itself.

Worth of note is that Chrusk seemed possessed and attacked us together with some vampire spawns. I really don't want to believe that we was forced to kill him. What convinced me that he was not himself anymore was when he grown a huge claw shaped arm from where his arm once was and attacked us with it. I hope people will remember him as the captain of the guard and not the monster we had to kill.

We also spotted what we believe was the creator of the vampire spawns, a vampire hovering over the city moving east, unlucky for us he spotted us. We try to hide and believed we where safe. Later when we arrived home we foolhardy lower our guard and let the same vampire enter the house as Marcus. We could not kill him as he turned into mist and vanished into the night. We spoke of to much information before I notice that it was not Marcus. We can no longer stay here, we have to leave but I don't know where or how. I may need to kill myself so the cult can't sacrifice me to bring Vizerus back to life. If killing myself can stop it then I will gladly do it, I just need to find a way to destroy my soul before that so the cult can't use it.

I hope I can sleep tonight.


Detta är en sammanfattning av dryga 5 spelmöten. Min karaktär har inte haft möjligheten att skriva i sin dagbok trots tiden har gått, där av att det dröjt med uppdateringar.
Utöver det så har spelaren som spelat Ekaros lämnat gruppen och vi har fått in en ny spelare som spelar en Cleric vid namn Erin


Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
This will be the last night we will spend in the manor. We all have agreed that we are going to give it away to Laurent tomorrow, I have written a deed that I, Fix and Bellamy has signed. So tomorrow we are leaving, probably for Daggerford but we have not decided that yet.

I also took sometime to talk to Erin. She was not to fond of the idea of destroying souls and told me that she would destroy any information about it if there was any. So escaping the cult by destroying everything that is me seems right now impossible. I still think she is insane that she choose to follow us but after the talk I now understand her a little bit at least. And to be honestest whit myself if feel some what relieved after talking to her. She is a fanatic but compare to Fix and Bellamy she is easier to talk to about problems. Bellamy has a really good hearth but he is a simple man and I don't feel safe in letting Fix know to much about me. I would like to say that I can trust Fix in a way, compare to Ekaros Fix did not abandon us when everything went to hell. Both him and Bellamy stated to follow the tracks to save me. At least I want to think so.


I don't normally write here the first thing I do in the morning but this night was horrible and now my whole room is full of some black goo. I think Holashner and Sloth had some kind of battle during the night and used my body for it as my head hurts like some one would have dropped a rock on my head from the inside. It's not often but this morning I once more head the voice of Holashner in my head:

"And then there was one"

Followed by:

"The puppet master was weakened so I seized the opportunity to seal your mind!"

Time to get my things together, eat something and then we are off.


It took three days for us four to arrive in Daggerford. As normal when we pass through here we always take in at the Lady luck inn. Probably the last real bed I get to sleep in for a while.

The last three days can be summarized as we left the manor to Laurent, I also gave him 30 platinum to help out. Around dawn the next day three cockatrices attacked us and where easy slayed. Around afternoon the same day we meet a few centaurs that was hunting a group of goblins, to my surprise I noticed that Erin also can speak elvish and later when I had the opportunity I also learned that she also speaks dwarven and celestial.

I dread tomorrow as we have talk about the possibility to take a ship up to Waterdeep. I don't want to do it but as everything else around me is falling a part what does it matter any more? Hopefully there is no ship heading up to Waterdeeep.



Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
We are now in Waterdeep, Erin was able to get us some shelter at a local Kelemvor temple. Our plan for tomorrow is to find a good inn that we can use for base for the moment.

Since we left Daggerford our boat was attacked by Merrow's and if I'm to believe Erin followers of Demogordon, as they had his marking up on them. So far all our travels with boat except for one has brought us trouble in one way or another. I can only hope that we don't have to travel by boat for a long time.

We may have eaten our greatest meal ever earlier to day. I can't even remember when I had something this good to eat or drink. I don't think Bellamy and Fix could understand how great the food was. I'm nearly think that the food was nearly wasted to be consumed by our party of four. But I know now where I will go to celebrate when the cult is destroyed. I will be heading back to the Sapphire star inn.


Today we did not only find a place to stay, we also found a way to get hold on magic items and also to gain more experience as we will need it to defeat the cult. Our hunt for a good in finally led us to rumored Yawning portal and it's path to the undermountain. I had totally forgot that it excised but as we saw it I know that it was our way forward. There will be about a week before we are allowed to head down into the undermountain. So we will spend this week trying to sell some magic items we have acquired and also prepare us for our trip.


Tomorrow are the day that we will descend into the undermountain. I'm nervous, a bit excited and at the same time I feel relieved. For once in a very long time there will be no cult hunting me and we won't be safer in the undermountain but the feeling of they not knowing where we are relieving me from some stress. Erin has bought two diamonds I think so she will be able to revive us if we fall in battle. I'm quite glad that she is with us, sure she is weird, odd and a fanatic but I find that having her with us are comforting, maybe she could become a good friend some day in the future.

I will try to write every time we take a longer rest in the dungeon as I won't know how long I will survive down there. So if someone find this book it may help them to avoid the things we have encountered.


We are still on the first floor. I have scribbled down a rough map of our traveled path, I have also tried to mark out our path with chalk. We have been attacked a few times but the attackers has not been any threat toward us. We had a small encounter with some humans that had dressed up as vampires and when Erin heard from Fix that they had fangs not them nor us was ready for her attack. She really hates undeads, so those humans tried to fool the wrong group.

We also found a throne whose armrests turned into sneaks and attacked those that try to sit or touch the throne. Fix did so twice and if not for Erin he would been dead, dead to a stupid chair. When I think of it, it would have been a rather fitting death for him as his curiosity would have gotten the better of him. No one has seven lives not even cats.

We slayed something that I think was a flesh golem, at the same time some one probably a female run pasted us invisibly so we couldn't see them. So we know that some where out there is at least one humanoid that probably had control over the golem.

We also found some kind of fish monster turned to stone holding locked box with a dome above it containing acid. Fix really wanted the box regarding the risk that the acid would pour down on him the moment he took the box. Luck for him he had found a key earlier on that fitted the lock. The box contain a dried hearth, a magical dried hearth. I recommended Fix to not use it until we could identify it. Did he listen to me? No, he took some time before bed to attune to it.

It also seem that I'm the only one trying to keep us going in the same direction. As everyone keeps on running away to check things out. We are in a dungeon filled with monsters and traps, we need to stick together. Sure most of the things on this level seem to posse to threat against us, our dealings with the cult has after all made us stronger then before.

Time to get some sleep, I hope that the alarm spell won't go off.


Quick note, the cost of using the heart is your life. Fix died during the night in terrible pain. It seems like the heart swaps place with your own heart when you attune to it and because your body can't stand the sudden loss of your heart , you will die. I hope Fix has learned a lesson from this but most likely not. It infuriates me that he wasted our limited resources so early on and part of me wish Erin would just let him be dead. He may be stupid and uncontrollable but we still need his expertise.

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Den onde
Staff member
28 Mar 2004
We have killed, mapped our way forward and decided to return to the surface. My companion voiced their opinion on our progress, or rather slow progress down in the undermontain. They believe we that the risks down here ain't worth the reward. So we returned to the surface. I see this short adventure as a failure, we lost more then we gained. And now we don't know where to go next.

At least we found two useful things, one wand and one orb. Both are magical but I don't know yet what they do. I need to find a way to get my hands on a identify ritual. I also got a rough map over the areas we have explored below.


We talked to the bards at the College of new Olamn and the city seem to have a problem with a dragon. So we have now left the town together with three others, Harald, Jusuf and Gorald, to kill the dragon. I'm not sure if we will be able to do it. After all it is a dragon and according to legends a dragon can with out problems destroy whole towns with their fire. So I'm afraid that the seven of us are now walking towards our doom.

Gorald is the leader for this mission. He is the one that tried to get a group together to kill the dragon. He may be brave and strong but he is also a simpleton believing in glory and fame. Typical barbarians.


On our way up the mountain we spotted a wyvern and some harpies but fortunately we didn't have to fight any of them. We also encountered some halfdragons that was guarding the path. As our interest conflicted there was no peaceful way to handle it. Everyone except Harald walked away from the fight wounded as Harald died. We hide his body as we will be collecting it on our way back, if we survive.

Gorald believe that our fight with the dragon will be before sunset. So this is most likely my last entry into this book. I didn't have much faith in us killing the dragon before we set out to do it and I have even less faith after the fight with the halfdragons. If we had so much trouble with them I have a hard time seeing us win over a dragon. It has not been a year since I fled from my home town and I have seen and experience much since then. I have gained knowledge from beyond this world and even seen the void sea in my dreams, I have owned a manor and faced and monsters I only read about in dusty old tomes, I have also seen a city destroyed right in front of my eyes and felt the feeling of helplessness as you just stand there and can do nothing against it. But despite that I have survived and struggled on down a road that will lead me to an early death. This fight will probably be my last, in this life.

It's time to go.
