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  1. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Promotion] Indiegogo: RPG artwork for your game designs

    nly 13 hours left until the campaign closes and you can get these at the listed price! Check 'em out here.
  2. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Promotion] Indiegogo: RPG artwork for your game designs

    Been a while, sorry for the English but I don't trust my Swedish enough for ''business.'' My old thread has died out so I figured I'd start over. I'm currently doing a crowdfunding campaign where I'm selling/licensing art for tabletop game designers and authors. There's some pretty good deals...
  3. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Kutulu] Omslagsbrief och val av illustratör

    Ville bara säga tack för all snälla ord! Omslaget som jag såg på Facebook sidan ser skitbra ut.
  4. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Ravenkult - Illustration Services

    Currently running a sale. Code KULT30 gets you 30% off of anything in the store, including sale items. A few more new covers too.
  5. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Rotsystem] - Illustrationstråden

    I'd be down for doing some more art, if you want to spread the styles around even more.
  6. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Ravenkult - Illustration Services

    Hey there! It's been years since my original thread and seeing as I just finished work on 2 Swedish RPGs, I thought I might as well make a new thread and see if anyone else needs my services. I'm George and I'm an illustrator. I've worked for Evil Hat Games, Pelgrane Press, Galileo Games...
  7. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Rotsystem] - Funderingar inför crowdfunding

    Completely forgot to send the full resolution one, sent you the A4 at 300DPI. All my work is done at that size. I could probably blow it up a bit more, but yeah, you'll definitely get some blurriness. I've done it before though, like with Don't Walk in Winter Wood and it worked pretty well for...
  8. ravenkult

    Nekromanti [Rotsystem] - Slutjustering av logotyp

    Asymmetrisk 1 ser ut som USB symbolen.
  9. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Don't Walk in Winter Wood Kickstarter

    I like print myself, which is why I can appreciate cheap pdfs. I've often not bought a pdf or pdf+print bundle because the pdf was like 10$ or 20$.
  10. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Don't Walk in Winter Wood Kickstarter

    I don't know how you feel aboud pdfs, but yeah, the pdf is basically worth the same as a beer. I think it's a good price point.
  11. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Don't Walk in Winter Wood Kickstarter

    I'm doing the art, yes. It's very much like the Village, I'd say. Also Sleepy Hollow and generally creepy rural stuff. As far as the goal, yeah, it was put low because it's a really small game and Clint wanted to be sure he could fund the print run. Extra money means extra stuff though! A new...
  12. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Don't Walk in Winter Wood Kickstarter

    There's a kickstarter up for the re-release of Don't Walk in Winter Wood by Clint Krause. ''Don't Walk in Winter Wood is a storytelling game of folkloric fear. Players take on the roles of hapless villagers who must enter a legend-haunted forest and uncover its sinister secrets. The game uses...
  13. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Luleå!

    bumping this
  14. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Konventsrapport från Nordnordosts knytkonvent VI

    I missed Wilper's While the world Ends, so that sucked. I did play Fiasco in the afternoon though and some appropriately horrible things happened during the game. Fiasco really does bring the worst out of everyone. Today I stumbled through a one-shot of Apocalypse World that was very ill...
  15. ravenkult

    Nekromanti Luleå!

    So I just moved to Luleå. Who will play games with me, preferably in English?