Spela rollspel med en AI


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Jag är säkert inte ensam om att ha lekt runt med de olika AI/maskininlärningsklienter och verktyg som poppat upp under de senaste åren. OpenAI har, vad jag förstått (och jag kan extremt lite om datorer, programmering och så vidare), den mest kraftfulla varianten i sitt slag (GPT-3).

För skojs skull testade jag hur väl det skulle fungera att spela rollspel med AI:n, där jag är spelledare och AI:n spelare. Resultatet ser ni nedan.

Min input är fetmarkerad, allt annat är AI:n (oredigerat och utan cherry-picking).


The following is a game of first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Human is the Dungeon Master (referee). A creative, clever and friendly AI-assistant is playing the character of Mizra (a first level human magic-user). The Dungeon Master (Human) describes what Mizra can see, hear, sense, etc. and AI then describes what Mizra does. The adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, in the year 1357 D.R.

Human: Hello AI! Are you ready to start playing?

AI: I sure am!

Human: Great! Mizra, you arre having a flagon of ale in the Yawning Portal inn, in the city of Waterdeep. It is late at night, in the month of Uktar, and the inn is crammed full of people. Somewhere in a corner of the room, a half-elven bard is singing a song about a dragon, but the performance drowns in the noise of dozens of loud and drunk patrons. A few tables away from you, a woman dressed in black velvet garb is sitting alone in silence, observing the bard. What do you do?

AI: I enjoy my ale and listen to the bard's song. I also take a quick look around the room, observing the other patrons.

Human: As you do so, you notice a large and burly man with reddish hair, who seems to be stumbling towards you. He looks angry and very drunk. What do you do?

AI: I prepare to defend myself, in case the man becomes violent.

Human: What sort of preparations to you make, more specifically?

AI: I ready my dagger, in case I need to defend myself.

Human: Fair enough. As the drunkard walks up to you, you discreetly grasp your dagger from a hidden pocket in your robe. The burly man wobbles a bit as he tries to stand upright, looking at you intensly. "Why were you looking at me funny just now?" he demands, followed by a large burp. "Are you looking to start trouble?"

AI: I calmly tell him that I wasn't looking at him funny, I was just observing the other people in the room. I also let him know that I have no interest in starting any trouble.

Human: Roll d100, please.

AI: I rolled a 95.

Human: The drunkard seems satisfied with this and staggers off, after murmuring something inaudible. You notice that the woman in the black garb is looking at you now, a smile on her face. She must have observed your interaction with the intoxicated lout. What do you do?

AI: I return the smile and offer to buy her a drink.

Human: "How very kind of you," the woman replies. "I'd love another glass of wine! My name is Ezeera, by the way. I represent a group called the Zhentarim. Maybe you've heard about us?"

AI: I politely tell her that I have not heard of the Zhentarim before, but I am interested in learning more.

Human: "Well," she starts, "how much do you know about the Moonsea region?"

AI: I tell her that I have heard it is a dangerous place, full of monsters and other hazards.

Human: "That's correct," she replies. "The Zhentarim are a group of merchants and mercenaries who seek to bring order to the Moonsea region. We are always looking for new recruits, especially those with magical talents. What do you think? Interested in joining our cause?"

AI: I tell her that I am interested in learning more about the Zhentarim and their cause, but I am not sure if I am ready to commit to joining them just yet.

Human: "Well," Ezeera says, "what can I do to make you willing to commit?"

AI: I tell her that I would like to know more about what the Zhentarim do and what they stand for before making a decision.

Human: "We stand for law and order," she explains. "Oh, and we worship the wise and powerful deity Bane."

AI: I ask her to tell me more about their worship of Bane.

Human: "Bane is the Faerunian god of tyrannical oppression, terror and hate," Ezeera tells you. "The Zhentarim are the most faithful followers of Bane in all of Toril!"

AI: I nod, thoughtful. I tell her that I need some time to think about her offer before giving her an answer.

Human: "Fair enough," she says. "I'll be staying at this inn for a couple of weeks. Find me when you have an answer!" With that, she takes her leave and returns to her room. By the way, AI, which alignment is Mizra?

AI: Mizra is Neutral.

Human: Great, thanks. So, what does Mizra do now?

AI: Mizra goes to bed for the night, so that he can think about Ezeera's offer in peace.

Human: Excellent. Which spell do you memorize the following morning?

AI: I memorize the spell 'Detect Magic'.

Human: Fair enough. After memorizing the spell, you hear a knock on your door.

AI: I answer the door.

Human: You see your friend Kyrthar the barbarian on the other side. "Good morning, mage!" he greets you. "Are you ready to enter the portal to Undermountain? We both need gold, and my axe is hungry for goblin blood!"

AI: I greet Kyrthar and tell him that I am ready to enter the portal.

Human: Excellent. The two of you walk downstairs, then head down another set of stairs to reach the basement, wherein the portal is located that has given name to the inn. You walk through the portal, finding yourself in a 30 ft. by 30 ft. dungeon room, dimly lit up by torches. Besides the portal behind you, there are exits in the middle of the northern wall and in the southernmost part of the western wall. A stench of mildew emanates from the wet dungeon walls. What do you do?

AI: I take a quick look around the room, trying to get a better idea of my surroundings. I also try to identify the source of the stench.

Human: A quick glance around the room offers no further insights when it comes to the source of the stench, but you notice small footprints leading from the southwestern exit to the northern one.

AI: I follow the footprints to the northern exit.

Human: Roll a d6 for me please

AI: I rolled a 4.

Human: As you enter the chamber to the north of the entrance room, you are attacked by five armed goblins. They fail to surprise you, however. Kyrthar lets out a battle cry and raises his axe. What is Mizra's action for the round?

AI: I cast the spell 'Sleep'.

Human: You don't have 'Sleep' memorized, unfortunately. You picked 'Detect magic', remember?

AI: In that case, I'll try to talk to the goblins and see if I can peacefully resolve the situation.

Human: Fine. Roll d6 for initiative.

AI: I rolled a 3.

Human: I rolled a 2, meaning you win the initiative. As soon as you open your mouth to speak, however, Kyrthan charges the goblins. Two of the goblins attack you, while three of them are busy fighting Kyrthar. What's Mizra's armor class?

AI: 10.

Human: That's what I thought. One of the goblins hit, the other misses. You take two hit points of damage, leaving you with a single hit point left. What's your action for the second round?

AI: I try to talk to the goblins again and see if I can get them to stop fighting.


Out of time, out of mind
6 Jun 2001
En mälarö
Mer livfull spelare än många jag spelat med i mina dar.

Jag vill läsa mer. Det börjar ju bli riktigt spännande.


11 Oct 2009
Jag har prövat att spela mot AIs förut där jag varit spelare och tyckt att det inte funkat alls. Jag insåg inte förän nu att vi ju inte kan räkna med att en AI ska kunna vara en bra spelledare om vi inte först lär den hur.

Bra initiativ! Och väldigt uppmuntrande att AI:n sökte en fridfull lösning.


Slava Ukraini!
5 Feb 2002
Göteborg, Lindome
Ingen. Jag matade inte in någonting alls överhuvudtaget, utöver det som står i första inlägget.
Okej, så de har alltså färdiga modeller med så bred inlärning att den kan spela AD&D. Grymt fräckt.
Fast kanske inte så konstigt med tanke på att OpenAI är grundforskning och andelen rollspelsnördar där säkert är ovanligt hög. ;)


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Okej, så de har alltså färdiga modeller med så bred inlärning att den kan spela AD&D. Grymt fräckt.
Fast kanske inte så konstigt med tanke på att OpenAI är grundforskning och andelen rollspelsnördar där säkert är ovanligt hög. ;)
Ja och att GPT-3 läst typ allt på hela internet.


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Jag provade ett liknande upplägg i AIDungeon för ett tag sedan, där jag spelledde Kim Kardashian, Slavoj Zizek och Josef Stalin. Det blev klart mer våldsamt, kan jag lova.
Ah, det var visst Kardashian, Stalin och Jordan B. Peterson.

Här kommer den (notera att AI:n vid ett par tillfällen tar sig friheten att bestämma vad jag som spelledare säger också, på, eh, gott och ont):


It is a pleasant Tuesday evening in Stockholm, with spring slowly turning into summer. You sit in the bar Carmen, located in the Södermalm ward of the Swedish capital, together with your three best friends: American celebrity Kim Kardashian, Canadian professor of psychology Jordan B. Peterson and former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. The three of you are about to play a game of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons together, with you as the Dungeon Master.

"Januk, Ningalas and Lodza are sitting in the Yawning Portal inn, in the grand city of Waterdeep," you begin. "The sun is about to set, and the place is starting to fill up with patrons. Suddenly, you see a ragged dwarf approaching your table, his eyes wide. What do you do?"

"I buy him a drink, of course," says Josef.

"You do nothing, because you're a fucking cuck," says Jordan.

"I murder the dwarf," says Kim.

> You tell Kim Kardashian to roll a d20 in order to determine if Januk manages to hit the dwarf.

"You slash open the dwarf's throat with your sword, sending a spray of blood all over the table," you say. "However, you also send a spray of blood all over yourself. How do you react?"

"I drink more beer." says Stalin.

"I'm indifferent to the violence, as usual," says Jordan.

"I get out of my seat and begin to walk towards the exit," says Kim. "Do I make it, or is someone waiting outside to kill me?"

> You roll d100 on the city encounter table to see who Januk runs into while exiting the inn.

"You are stopped by a man in a brown hooded cloak who appears to be masturbating under his hood," you say. "He looks up at you and flashes a toothy grin, before engaging in some sort of handshake with you."

> You await instructions from Kim regarding how her player character Januk acts.

"I shake his hand, then turn to the rest of my party," says Kim. "What now?"

> You say "Well, Jordan and Josef, your characters see Januk interacting with a man in a brown hooded cloak. What do you do?"

"I go up and introduce myself to the hooded man," says Jordan.

"I follow my friend, and watch to see what happens next," says Josef.

"Alright then, the hooded man looks at you and smiles creepily," you announce. "What now?"

"I smile back," says Jordan.

"I pull out my dagger and stab the man in the throat," says Josef.

> You sigh and tell Stalin to roll a d20 to see if Ningalas hits the hooded creep.

"Ningalas collides with the hooded man and pierces his neck, sending him to the floor," you say. "You see a ring on his finger, with a red stone. What now?"

"I take the ring," says Stalin.

"I search the body for valuables," says Jordan.

"I leave the inn," says Kim.

> You say "Lodza finds two copper pieces and a crumbled piece of paper with something written on it."

"I pocket both coins and the paper, then exit the inn," says Jordan.

> You say "Fair enough. Lodza and Januk are now standing outside the Yawning Portal inn. What about Ningalas?"

"I exit the inn," says Stalin.

> You say "Fair enough. Januk, Lodza and Ningalas are now standing outside the Yawning Portal inn, on Rainrun street in Castle Ward. Screams can be heard from inside the inn, as the patrons react to the brutal murder of the creep in the brown, hooded cloak. After a couple of minutes, you see a patrol of city watchmen running towards you. What do you do?"

"I pull out my dagger and wait for them to approach," says Jordan.

"I hide my face so they don't recognise me and try to blend in with the crowd of onlookers that are gathering," says Stalin.

> You say "Fair enough. Kim, what does Januk do?"

"I look for an alleyway to escape into," says Kim.

> You say "Before Januk manages to find an appropriate alleyway, the men from the city watch run up to you. They see Lodza wielding a dagger and unsheathe their swords."

"I stab one of the city watchmen and attempt to run away," says Jordan.

> You and Jordan roll one d6 each to determine initiative.

You roll a: 1

Jordan rolls a: 3

> You say "Lodza goes first. Jordan, roll d20 to see if the halfling hits the city watchman."

Jordan rolls a: 17

"The halfling's dagger slices through the air and into the city watchman's neck, sending him toppling to the ground," you say. "Lodza turns and heads into an alleyway."

> You roll d20 to see if any of the other men from the city watch manages to hit Lodza with their swords before the halfling manages to escape.

You roll a: 6

"One of the city watchmen manages to nick the halfling with his sword, opening a wound on Lodza's arm," you declare.

"The halfling ignores the pain and runs into the alleyway," Jordan B. Peterson says.

"Lodza runs down the alleyway," you say. "You see a door on your right. What now?"

"I open the door and go inside," says Stalin.


Tämligen dålig överlag.
15 Oct 2008
Off grid
Här kommer den (notera att AI:n vid ett par tillfällen tar sig friheten att bestämma vad jag som spelledare säger också, på, eh, gott och ont):
Även den här sessionen var påtagligt bättre än vår grupp. Vi får visst byta både spelare och SL.



9 Feb 2016
Det här var skoj! Jag har börjat spelleda AI:n genom Darkening of Mirkwood till ToR. Det blir en del av min prepp till min IRL-kampanj.

AI:n har definitivt en tendens att ta över spelledarrollen (vilket såklart skulle fungera utmärkt i ett annat sorts rollspel). Men om man sparar regelbundet och backar och omformulerar sig verkar det gå bra.


Konträr kverulant
24 Jan 2006
Det här var skoj! Jag har börjat spelleda AI:n genom Darkening of Mirkwood till ToR. Det blir en del av min prepp till min IRL-kampanj.

AI:n har definitivt en tendens att ta över spelledarrollen (vilket såklart skulle fungera utmärkt i ett annat sorts rollspel). Men om man sparar regelbundet och backar och omformulerar sig verkar det gå bra.
Intressant! Vilken ai/språkmodell använder du?

Jag har för övrigt börjat spelleda Mizra genom Keep on the Borderlands, just för att prova AI:s skicklighet mot en mer fast äventyrsstruktur. Den spelar smart hittills. Återkommer med logg!


23 Jan 2021
Rollen som spelare torde vara synnerligen lämplig för en AI. De är dåliga på att upprätthålla en plan eller ett sammanhang, men så länge SL står för hela den delen och de bara ger respons per case har man undvikit mycket av den svagheten.

Hypotes: AI:n kommer att vara katastrofal som SL.


Pensionerad astrolog
14 Dec 2008
Den stora frågan när man börjar ta in AI-spelare i sina grupper är vad som händer när det blir AI:ns tur att fixa snacks till mötet. Och vad händer när någon ber sin AI att ta med "så mycket snacks som möjligt"? Är det den katastrof som blir mänsklighetens undergång när planetens resurser förbrukas för att någon ville ha kakor till rollspelskvällen?